More from Good Organic Gardening

Good Organic Gardening5 min read
Pollinate Or Perish!
Pollination is all the buzz, if you’ll excuse the pun, and that buzz is all about bees. Got fruit trees? Pollination is vital if you want to harvest a crop. While most flowers need pollination to develop fruit, many fruit trees make pollination far f
Good Organic Gardening2 min read
This Issue
Kicking a garden off from a completely blank canvas, as we currently are, is the golden opportunity to get it right. By that I mean plant a garden that will thrive in our temperate seaside climate, sandy soil and often dry conditions; one that will p
Good Organic Gardening2 min read
This Issue
We live in the large area that was declared the Red Zone when the varroa outbreak was first detected in the Port of Newcastle. Some of my friends had to kill their honeybees and have their hives stand empty. The authorities, meanwhile, euthanised lar
