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Learn Swedish II - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (Swedish - English)
Learn Swedish II - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (Swedish - English)
Learn Swedish II - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (Swedish - English)
Ebook85 pages1 hour

Learn Swedish II - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (Swedish - English)

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About this ebook

New Stories - Optimised Translations!

Learning Swedish II with parallel text is the most rewarding and effective method to learn a language. Existing vocabulary is refreshed, while new vocabulary is instantly put into practice. The Swedish grammar easily sinks in through our cleverly written and well formatted stories. Designed for the eReader and eReader Apps - each sentence has been translated line by line making it easy to follow. No need to look-up new words!

Recommended for beginners-, intermediate level learners of Swedish and as a refreshers course. It is so easy and enjoyable even daring beginners with no prior knowledge can start learning. While we feel anyone at any level can work with these stories, a basic understanding of Swedish would be recommended to achieve the maximum learning effect and pleasure.

Our easy short stories contain European culture and characters. The stories have been written to keep the readers attention and are fun to read for you to learn through your motivation. For a more challenging and difficult read which has a much less literal translation, search for our other “Learn Swedish - Parallel Text” book.

Release dateMar 2, 2015
Learn Swedish II - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (Swedish - English)

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    Learn Swedish II - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (Swedish - English) - Polyglot Planet Publishing

    Learn Swedish II

    Parallel Text

    Easy Stories

    Swedish - English

    Copyright © 2015

    Polyglot Planet Publishing

    © Polyglot Planet

    About this Book

    New Stories - Optimised Translations!

    Learning Swedish II with parallel text is the most rewarding and effective method to learn a language. Existing vocabulary is refreshed, while new vocabulary is instantly put into practice. The Swedish grammar easily sinks in through our cleverly written and well formatted stories. Each sentence has been translated line by line making it easy to follow. No need to look-up new words!

    Recommended for beginners-, intermediate level learners of Swedish and as a refreshers course. It is so easy and enjoyable even daring beginners with no prior knowledge can start learning. While we feel anyone at any level can work with these stories, a basic understanding of Swedish would be recommended to achieve the maximum learning effect and pleasure.

    Our easy short stories contain European culture and characters. The stories have been written to keep the readers attention and are fun to read for you to learn through your motivation.

    This book is part of the Learn Swedish - Parallel Text Series:

    Learn Swedish - Parallel Text

    Easy Stories

    Learn Swedish II

    Parallel Text - Easy Stories

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    Other similar books we recommend are from the publisher Bilinguals:

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    Min Erasmusvistelse i Tyskland

    My Erasmus in Germany

    Tycker du om att resa?

    Do you like travelling?

    Tycker du om att studera?

    Do you like studying?

    I Spanien - och generellt sett i hela Europa, kan du kombinera dessa två saker: med ett Erasmusstipendium.

    In Spain - generally speaking, in all of Europe - you can combine the two things: with an Erasmus scholarship.

    Vet du vad det är?

    Do you know what it is?

    Stipendier från Erasmus utdelas av Europa, Europeiska Unionen, till studenter från alla länder.

    Erasmus scholarships are awarded by Europe, the European Union, to students from all countries.

    Stipendierna ger dig en universitetsplats på ett annat europeiskt universitet samt ett sparsamt månadsbidrag, så att du kan studera i ett annat land, en slags mobilitetsstöd.

    These scholarships give you a university place in another European university and a small monthly grant so that you can study in another country, a mobility aid.

    Dessutom kan varje land betala mer eller mindre stöd till sina elever, det beror på varje specifikt lands möjligheter.

    Moreover, each country can pay more or less aids to its students, it depends on each state's possibilities.

    Och dessa länder hjälper ofta elever.

    And the target countries often help the students, too.

    Trots detta stöd, så är ofta Erasmusstipendier inte tillräckliga för att leva på medan man studerar.

    Despite these aids, Erasmus grants are often not sufficient to live while you study.

    Det är mycket dyrt att bo i en stor europeisk stad som Barcelona, Paris eller Berlin.

    It's very expensive to live in a big European city like Barcelona, Paris or Berlin.

    Studenter brukar få ekonomiskt stöd från sina föräldrar för att kunna göra denna erfarenhet.

    Students usually get financial support from their parents in order to be able to live this experience.

    Några, som jag, arbetar under sin Erasmus vistelse.

    Some, like me, work during the Erasmus stay.

    Att få ett Erasmusstipendium är mycket svårt.

    Getting an Erasmus scholarship is very hard.

    Det finns massor av studenter som vill delta i Erasmusprogrammet men bara ett fåtal platser.

    There are lots of students who would like to take part in the Erasmus programme, and only a few places.

    Man måste utföra en lång, betungande ansökningsprocess med språkprov och massor av pappersarbete.

    You have to carry out a lengthy, ponderous application process, with language tests and lots of paperwork.

    Men om du gör det, precis som jag gjorde, kommer det att bli en oförglömlig upplevelse.

    But if you make it, just like me, it will be an unforgettable experience.

    Mitt namn är Ramon och jag är tjugosex år gammal.

    My name is Ramon and I'm twenty-six years old.

    Jag avslutar mina medicinstudier inom kort.

    I'm finishing my medicine studies soon.

    Jag hoppas att jag kommer att bli en bra läkare snart.

    I hope I will be a good doctor soon.

    Det är min passion.

    It's my passion.

    Jag skulle vilja att hjälpa patienter och bota dem.

    I would like to help patients and to heal them.

    En läkares uppgift är mycket viktig.

    A doctor's task is very important.

    Tack vare oss finns det sjukhus och läkarmottagningar.

    Hospitals and doctor's surgeries exist thanks to us.

    Att arbeta på sjukhus är ganska svårt, både för läkare och sjuksköterskor.

    Working in hospitals is quite hard, both for doctors and nurses.

    Förra året hade jag chansen att få ett Erasmusstipendium.

    Last year I had the chance to take part in an Erasmus scholarship.

    Först ville jag åka till Frankrike.

    At first I wanted to

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