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My Half, The Woman
My Half, The Woman
My Half, The Woman
Ebook131 pages2 hours

My Half, The Woman

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I was chased by what Napoleon said at a certain moment: “All women are tramps except my sister and my mother, but let’s not forget they are women, too!”
I have had a real esteem for Napoleon, for a man who has become emperor from nobody, although I haven’t understood how he could lose a battle as the one from Waterloo. Everything of what he had spoken in his memories sounded real to me, only with this statement I had a doubt and I didn’t know why.
My study upon woman has lasted my entire life. Why has it lasted so long? It has lasted because the relation with woman starts with my mother, then with my sister, with my grandmother, with my colleagues, with my educators, with the first girl I liked, with my primary school teacher, with my first lover, with the first woman with whom I made love, with my wives, with my children’s mothers, with my girls, with my lady patients, with my lady doctors colleagues..., my lady students, my lovers etc.
In this way I have come to have a lot of information of which I haven’t been aware of and after this information has been written on the paper I have come to the conclusion that I needed more days of conference to end everything I knew.
It is certain that in the end I have succeeded what I have wanted: to close the circle, to speak about the forth power of Heaven – the Human Being – and to demonstrate the relation between Woman and the Human Being. I needed this in my evolution but especially I needed this in helping the others. It has to be understood that if what I have done, to keep the conference by myself, would have been a selfish thing and God wouldn’t have allowed me this. The simple fact that all were people who dealt with spirituality and who could think against certifies this thing.

Release dateApr 5, 2017
My Half, The Woman

Ovidiu Dragos Argesanu

M-am nascut pe data de 8 dec 1968 la Belgrad, in Serbia. Tatal meu era diplomat si fusese detasat cu familia la ambasada romana din orasul meu natal. Mama a fost economist iar tatal spion, asa ca am mostenit dorinta de a afla de la unul si inclinatia spre stiintele exacte de la celalalt.Nu am avut tangente in copilarie cu biserica, nici cu paranormalul, singura mea experienta ezoterica fiind descantecul pe fire de par de lup facut de o bunica prin alianta cu ocazia unei sperireturi cauzate de pasirea peste un sarpe.Primii ani de liceu i-am facut la Liceul de matematica si fizica nr.4 de pe platforma de fizica atomica de la Magurele. Ultimii la Liceul Matei Basarab din Bucuresti, tot sectia de matematica fizica.Am intrat la facultatea de constructii din Timisoara, unde am facut primii doi ani.In studentie am continuat calea artelor martiale. La inceput judo, apoi karate shotokan, jet kune do, wu shu, box.Am inceput sa studiez Biblia multumita unui pastor penticostal si am mers impreuna cu alti studenti crestini la adunarile baptiste sau adventiste.Am decoperit medicina in 1989, cand am avut ocazia sa paticip la cursurile Facultatii de Medicina din Timisoara. Am renuntat la constructii si am inceput Facultatea de Medicina Athenaeum din Bucuresti. Studiile medicale le-am terminat la Facultatea de Medicina Vasile Goldis din Arad.In timpul perioadei ca student medicinist din Bucuresti, impreuna cu un grup de studenti din asociata studentilor crestini din Timisoara am ajuns la parintele Argatu de la manastirea Cernica. Era recunoscut ca exorcist. Marturisesc, nu vazusem niciodata o exorcizare, nici macar in filme la acea data, asa ca am crezut sincer ca este un teatru ieftin. Experientele traite in acea perioada se regasesc in romanul "Devenirea", aparut in anul 2000.Timp de 5 ani am mers regulat in preajma parintelui Argatu, pana am inteles ce se intampla si mi-am luat cunostintele necesare exorcizarilor.Dupa facultate am facut psihoterapie-psihanaliza, ca sa inteleg punctul de vedere al medicinii alopate asupra bolii psihice. Apoi am descoperit diferite forme de terapie si cai spirituale, cum ar fi Reiki, Karuna Reiki si alte sisteme. Am urmat cursuri de radiestezie si de chi kung, pentru a-mi imbunatati perceptia despre lume si viata."Atacul PSI", a doua dintre cartile mele, am inceput prin a o scrie ca si lucrare de doctorat. Din pacate sau mai degraba din fericire, profesorul care mi-o acceptase dupa un timp, m-a anuntat ca nu ma mai poate coordona in acest demers al meu, intrucat titlul lucrarii mele sperie.Atunci am decis sa o public. Am semnat contractul cu o renumita editura din tara, care insa mi-a publicat-o dupa un an si jumatate.Dupa aparitia cartii, care se ocupa mult de magie, de efectul ei asupra oamenilor, din punct de vedere stiintific, psihic, medical si spiritual, am inceput sa fiu cautat de tot mai multi oameni. Drept urmare, experienta mea s-a imbunatatit. Concluziile desprinse din relatiile cu pacientii le-am publicat, in continuare, in "Arta Razboiului PSI" si "Arta Razboiului PSI – Protectia".De fapt, fiecare carte este o consecinta fireasca a studiilor mele in ceea ce priveste contactul cu oamenii, problemele lor, boala, magia si viata. Fiecare carte reprezinta o etapa din viata mea, crezul meu la acel moment, intrebarile si raspunsurile mele.Daca cred ca merita citite cartile mele? Categoric da. De catre cine? De catre oricine este preocupat sa inteleaga ca este ceva dincolo, ce este dincolo, pentru ca pana la urma pasii mei in lumea spiritului sunt pasii fiecarui om. Si fiecare isi va ragasi din trairile lui in cartile mele.

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    My Half, The Woman - Ovidiu Dragos Argesanu


    Welcome. I know that you impatiently wait to talk about 2012. Till then I need some explanations which should justify my assertions about this year. I need a preparation, to climb some stairs together.

    What I will approach today is a special theme. I start from an e-mail received from a lady who asked me: Why three men are supposed to talk about women? I haven’t answered to this e-mail because I have considered that this is a very beautiful question for the beginning. First three men because it is natural someone would come and look from outside. You cannot ever study anything, neither a person, nor anybody else than at least yourself inside. And then, speaking about women generally, someone different from outside should study you. And we are different.

    At a certain moment one of my masters told: Well, but three misogynist men? None of us is misogynist, not even me anymore.

    I have wondered why I have been allowed this and I think this was allowed because I have been one of the greatest accusers of woman. And then without wanting this, because life and especially God doesn’t sleep, I had to reconsider my attitude.

    In other words, this is a kind of exam for me. And if so far I have kept my exams in the world or outside, this is the first exam which I keep through the worlds and you will see why. I have had the chance to receive recognition of people and of the world beyond. I have no intention to scare people with great words. But they have never been united and I think both you and me needed this and not only.

    The exorcist’s exam is held in front of heaven and hell, then in front of people. Only later public exorcisms are done and you receive your fellows’ recognition.

    I will start from simple things you initially perceive with no connection with the title of the today conference. I have had a girl friend who at a certain moment invited me to walk through a cemetery and brought me to a chapel and she told me to keep in my mind that chapel forever. I’m not interested in places, spaces, cemeteries. But what that chapel had special was the fact that it was settled towards the four cardinal points and at each corner had one of the four evangelists. This remained in my memory. My girl friend told me about Iulia Hasdeu, about her death and her relation with her father beyond death. She made me to get used with death, with the connection between worlds. She used to tell me about getting outside your body, the possibility of communication with the ones from beyond. When she died I was already prepared. It wasn’t easy, but she opened the gate towards the spiritual world, and I let it open. And Daniela guided me as she knew and could. I remember that it was The Ghost with Patrick Swayze and I was speaking on the phone and she explained to me that it is possible to interact with the dead people’s spirits. After her death the only thing I did was to experience. And I was allowed to experience all the crazy things! Thanks God!

    One day, going to the Liturgy, and because for me the Liturgy is beautiful, but sometimes too long, I was looking on the walls, as a real man, and looking on the walls, at a certain moment, at the arcades of the cupola, I saw the four evangelists and I remembered that episode. I refer to the old church Saint George. The four evangelists had the four faces, the four powers of Heaven, meaning the Eagle, the Taurus, the Lion and the Human Being. And as I was standing over there and I was thinking because they were exactly under the cupola where the Light comes from, I realized that the four powers are the ones which guard the Path towards God. Maybe you will ask yourself what is the connection with our theme.

    For me the three powers belong to the past, meaning the Eagle, the Taurus and the Lion. And I had a problem which I couldn’t understand: How is the man a power who guards the Heaven? Why the human being? You will remind this beginning because this will be the end. What is the connection between the human being and the powers of Heaven?

    Far from me the thought that I will completely clarify the mystery of woman, I don’t pretend this either and I don’t think this is possible. What interests me is to bring a few arguments which should place the woman in her right position. I do this for you, and also for me, because I was good in tormenting the woman. Let’s say I haven’t been a good boy in all my lives, neither in this one. I think this regaining of the woman’s place must be done according to God, according to the world, with the man and first with herself. And I read a message to you: What’s so marvelous in being a woman, because I feel sick for the sex I belong to….sickness and I don’t know if it is because I haven’t succeeded to be with anyone, but obviously I feel sick. I don’t see any advantage in being a woman, but on the contrary, a great deal of things which limit us. You give birth to children, you must have freedom. I don’t mention the problem of keeping the house and all the others. You only have to find an ox to make you a housewife and so on. Well, these are the schemes of life. I think that being a woman is just karma and that’s all. Shall I say that these are more fortunate, feeling well and they can make love with whoever they want, how long they want, with whom they want,, when they want. For the rest, I myself I can hardly see an advantage and I think I have got ill because I don’t feel well regarding my own sexuality, of being a woman. I think it is not pleasant to be a woman on this planet.

    I want to say that this quotation is not from me. I start with this in order to make you understand that the woman who wrote to me this message is a person who, lets’ say, has an extraordinary access to the group subconscious and she expresses all the negative programs of woman regarding herself, not our projections, of misogynist men but your own thoughts!


    From the biblical point of view the idea that woman is created by God from Adam’s bone and that first He created Adam is as much as real. Materialization and dematerialization don’t represent something new for someone who knows that paranormal exists and things can be materialized and dematerialized. For a superior spiritual entity who wants to create a human being is an almost corny thing. I don’t support Bible and I don’t contradict it either. I will contradict many things from the biblical texts and you will see that as far as the existence on this planet is concerned, I repeat this was the beginning of the planet Earth. The God of the planet created Adam. He again, from Adam’s bone, created Eve. Let’s make a small difference. Why? Because I want to tell that there are nations, as Chinese, as Japanese, as white people who weren’t born on this planet. This planet has as an origin black people.

    To understand why I start from this is because from the Christian point of view there has existed a debate regarding the woman’s soul existence inside her. Do you know that a Synod has met for this? They have met to certify if the woman has a soul or not. It is certain that in the end they have come to the conclusion that it exists. Some of them have had a neutral position, others have been against, I don’t know which the score was. But it has been decided that woman has soul!

    The problem is very simple, because if you take a little from the infinite, even if it is a bone, it will have the characteristics of the Infinite. The moment that bone was taken from Adam (Adam had been created God- Human Being), and I want to tell you that it has been taken for real and this is an entire story from this point of view, that moment, in the structure of the human psychic there are all kinds of energies. The moment the woman has been created, the God of this planet has also created the woman from that bone, she had all the structures from Adam and even extra Yin energy, meaning the energy of the planet.


    I would like to say that I have been studying the human being for 20 years, in fact since I was born because I have been created in this way. I can’t keep myself from analyzing, even if I am en train de with no intention of making an analysis. I can’t change myself. And I can tell I have been studying the man since I was a kid, and I have had mother, sister, friends, lady colleagues, playmates, lovers, wives and lady patients. I can express an opinion. I have done an estimative calculation and I have passed over ten thousand patients, clients, as you like to say. For me they are not patients, they are human beings. It is a term. This means over 10 thousand women!

    Then I can say that the woman’s psychic is not different from the one of man. It has the same number of fields, the same number of chakras, it has soul, the respective meridians, a little bit different. I want to tell that the child in the intrauterine life has both sexes. And there is a moment when some of the sexual organs destroy themselves and others form.

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