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Demons of Democracy
Demons of Democracy
Demons of Democracy
Ebook256 pages4 hours

Demons of Democracy

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Demons of Democracy describes the Orwellian nightmare America has experienced through the vices of lawyers and politicians. Tyranny has never been so close to this nation until the populace empowered a few to stifle and suffocate our rights as citizens. Mainly in the judicial arena democracy has moved on. Presently enumerated rights have little consequence within a subculture of a rogue legal profession which has placed itself above the rest. Laws are subverted for agendas that redefine who we are as a nation. Judges legislate from the bench as exemplified by Obamacare and current immigration dynamics. The Constitution is used as a doormat instead of a road map that functioned one time as the ultimate legal advisor to this nation. Demons of Democracy uncovers who has stepped over the line to assail our very right to exist. Mark Davis, the author, displays how a dysfunctional government went the wrong way.

PublisherMark Davis
Release dateSep 19, 2016
Demons of Democracy

Mark Davis

Mark Davis is a former White House speechwriter and a senior director of the Washington-based White House Writers Group, where he has consulted with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), as well as with some of the nation's leading telecommunications, information technology and defense-aerospace companies. He is a frequent lecturer, writer and blogger on politics, technology, and the future.

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Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Has a lot of typos. Has a very biased tone. Though there is some merit to the author's ideas, they are not backed up in any way and nothing is cited.

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Demons of Democracy - Mark Davis



mark Davis

Published by Healthnets

Copyright © 2010 Mark Davis

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1453670726

ISBN-13: 9781453670729

LCCN: 2010905687

With deepest gratitude,

this book is dedicated to the military,

police and intelligence community,

who are the real sentinels of our democracy

and Constitution.

Table of contents



Chapter One THE SYSTEM 1


Chapter three JUNK SCIENCE 29








Chapter ten PRO SE 129

Chapter eLeVen IMMUNITY 143



Chapter FOUrteen THE BILLABLE HOUR 183





the system


An Orwellian nightmare is encroaching on every American institution of thought and function casting a wide shadow stifling everything in its path. Freedoms once taken for granted are now receiving a Machiavellian overhaul. As you slept your inalienable rights embedded in citizenship became null and void. Welcome to the all powerful state where you remain in good standing as long as you swear allegiance to the central power structure. When researching this book it became evident that the word democracy had very little conceptual meaning in the context of our daily lives. Representative government may have worked in 1790 but in 2010, 535 people do not represent the sense and sentiments of 310,000,000 citizens. Instead the elected vote their conscience not yours. The evolution away from democratic principles started early in the twentieth century accelerating to its present feverish pitch. Fueled by a desire for control, not fairness, the sentinels empowered with authority have created a stringent regulatory structure to confound the best minds. Who are these vermin, they are none other than lawyers, legislators and those involved in our failing judicial system.

Deception is the new truth confronting our freedoms with a tinge of media hypocrisy thrown in. Individualism is giving way to group think with legal taskmasters holding the reins. Those we have entrusted to bring order to our society have overstepped their bounds abandoning Constitutional structure for an amorphous terrain that has yet to be fully defined. Demons of Democracy’s original premise was to uncover the deviances in a select population of professional con artists, commonly known as lawyers. As research progressed it, was obvious that the inclusion of legislators and judicial officers was a must in order to tell the entire tale of the legal profession’s destructive influences on all aspects of our society. Demons of Democracy takes the reader on a virtual ride through the complex legal chicanery that deficits your wallet in order to fatten theirs.

Many people quietly contributed to this book. Its no small feat taking on the legal profession but with the help of many in their various silent modes, this work came to fruition. Those unnamed stewards of this book condemn the profession, not for having a million rotten apples (only tens of thousands) but for the lackadaisical methodology in the oversight of its members. From the histrionics of judicial officers to the sexploitation by legislators Demons discusses the panorama of misdeeds and manipulations of a once honorable profession. Some of the examples presented are very disturbing and not for the weak of heart or mind. Cruelty, injustice and malfeasance occur on a scale I would have never believed in a so called democracy. Yet the facts are irrefutable and here for you to judge for yourself.

Few have dared to step on the toes of a profession that has entrenched itself in all aspects of society. This book not only uncovers the gross incompetence of many who wear the cloaks of justice but it also explains the profound reasons why you should approach them with trepidation. Resolution of the problems presented comes in a form that reinvigorates Constitutional principles and simultaneously suggests new structure and oversight of those who mock this great document. A plethora of evidence presently exists that proves an intricate agenda is in play to drive Americans towards a darkness in which they may not be able to extricate themselves. Those who have not been mesmerized nor deluded by these false guardians of democracy’s gates will come to understand through this book that too much power has been embedded in too few.


America is on a collision course with history. Democracy may be in its agonal stages and we are living through the final episode of a story that took more than 200 years to write. Our founders could never have envisioned a future with more constraints than those we cast off on the way to independence. While we slept a new aristocracy arose to usurp the reins of power from the rest of us. Without a shot fired or a weapon brandished, a coup d e-tat quietly occurred. Through legislative mandate and judicial process, the legal profession slithered its way into every aspect of human endeavor and function. No segment of society has been left untouched by its unseen but ever present hands. Unchecked, these sentinels of justice have woven complexity into all legal processes requiring the utilization of lawyers to unravel a maze of rules and regulatory structures that they themselves have written. When our former monarch was given his walking papers via the Declaration of Independence, the newly emerging society needed a legal structure to lead it away from the tyranny it had recently cast off. The few who had the patent on brilliance during those chaotic times forged a unique document that threw off the elitism of the past concentrating on individual rights. This was unheard of in a time when kings and princes dictated policy. The Constitution was a bold step that institutionalized the Independence Doctrine that set us free. For more than two centuries it has weathered direct assault, but the erosive effects of time have not blemished its content or weakened its foundation. Challenge after challenge by those who pretended to be its guardians have not put a dent in it until now. The fabric of this document is presently being rewoven to suit the needs of the legions of miscreants with law degrees whose only aim is to use it as a doormat instead of a road map. Late in the twentieth century this once conceived egalitarian society has veered away from its future towards an undefined darkness not even its perpetrators could delimit. America is at war with its own identity, and the unique freedoms bestowed on it by history are being vanquished by soldiers dressed in suits.

Unique to the American experiment was a government that derived its power from the people. John Locke, a radical thinker during the seventeenth century, influenced those minds who were to become the founders of this nation. His concepts of equal rights and certain natural rights were the antithesis of European rationale of his time. Thomas Jefferson embedded Locke’s theses throughout the Declaration we have come to know that led the country away from the encumbrances of continental shackles. Two centuries and a million politicians later, democracy has moved away from its promised freedoms to subjugation by a litigious bureaucracy whose threads of control touch each person reading these words. Institutions anchored in common sense have given way to the proclivity of irrational thinking. Right and wrong as the basis for all known judicial systems has been redefined for expedience and spin. Laws which once served as the road map away from anarchy now stifle human progress and function. Truth is no longer the fulcrum by which justice is meted out. Who can outmaneuver who is the satirical tragedy now playing in your local courthouse. Americans have been deceived by the illusion that justice can only be achieved by $400 per hour litigators. An unsuspecting public has never considered that lawyers are not the answer to the evils that embrass the new millennia but are the tools that have fostered much of the misery society finds at its doorstep. Every legislative mandate that has come down from Mount Olympus has been tinkered with by and for the legal profession. Warriors cannot make war without the advice and consent of the legal fraternity. Border agents fear judicial reprisals by the very people they are empowered to detain. First amendment freedoms now come with a warning read the small print. Healthcare hammered by frivolous lawsuits has seen costs head through the stratosphere, causing our best and brightest to seek alternate careers. Manufacturing enterprises fleeced by shakedown artists have moved to shores with few laws and fewer lawyers. Private property isn’t so private anymore. America is being constrained by deceptive and sometimes delusional thinking from the top in which more laws, government and lawyers are the paths the founders contemplated to preserve our future. Our liberties are being smothered by a deluge of irrationality from a litigious army one million strong unimpeded by a government that only benefits from their actions. Constitutional dementiahas emerged from the abyss of these depraved minds as a symptom of a much deeper problem in America. Those who pray at the pulpit of democracy have witnessed a redefinition of the values that made us strong to a society that subsidizes inertia, laziness and irrelevance. Our country is at war with itself and requires no external invader to bring it down. The seeds of social decay have been planted, fertilized and are growing rapidly on every street in the United States. The tillers of these gardens are The Demons of Democracy whose voracious appetites will consume everything in their paths until America is a mere echo of its founders’ voices.

chapter one


A professor of medicine needed some brains to complete a study so he went to the brain store closest to his lab. Upon entering the store he told the clerk he needed some professional brains to complete his study. The clerk took the professor over to the professional brains section. Each bottle was labeled with a price. Engineer brains were $10 an ounce, computer programmers $15 per ounce and lawyers brains were $1,000 per ounce. Curious the professor asked the clerk why lawyers brains are so expensive. The clerk responded, do you know how many lawyers it takes to get one ounce of brains?

Criminalization of normal human behavior has been the substance of novels for decades. Unfortunately, the convergence of fiction and reality is rapidly occurring. A system of laws whose one time function was to protect the innocent and pursue the guilty has evolved away from its initial reason for being. Democracies always start off with the noblest of intentions. Brilliant men and women come together to establish order and methodologies to run a nation. Sadly, America’s founders could not predict circumstances that would unfold in the latter part of the twentieth century. Its legal system would turn towards the dark side. Law schools, which were once the bastion of elite minds now entertain admitting anyone who can pay their five figure tuitions. These former political science majors will move into an arena where they can have maximum control of a subjugated populace, the government. Unleashed from the chains of legal academia they are free to input their irrelevancies into legislative intent. Once these litigious weapons are in place, they can offer their services to help unravel the very intricate laws they put in force. The irony of the system is not only do lawyers make the laws, rules and regulations that govern every facet of life, they also provide the judgments when a person runs afoul of them. This shell game continues unimpeded, and the only winners are those who claim to serve us.

To understand the metastatic nature of this problem one only needs to drive down Main Street USA to see the shingles of these Good Samaritans blowing in the wrong direction. The lawyer, attorney or esquire ( a name derived from nobler times) may start off with the best intentions when he first crosses the threshhold from normal mortal to law student. A challenging series of courses are presented to the prospective lawyer who is expected to complete his studies in three years if he is committed to a full-time curriculum, which seems an eternity for those studying part-time. Within the coursework every conceivable legal doctrine, theory, perspective and the ability to structure thoughts into a coherent argument is taught. The young legal mind is ripe and impassioned to collect as much knowledge as it can contain to help the down and out with a mind’s eye towards improving the human condition. Unfortunately, these words apply to very few who finally move on from student to practitioner. A metamorphosis occurs within these walls of higher learning which would defeat the most principled of those contained within them. Few escape the indoctrination taught to perpetuate a system that has been failing for decades. Law schools have become overpopulated with betas and gammas of society and unfortunately the academic demagogues take full advantage of these weaker minds. The self serving nature of the newly birthed attorney becomes apparent as he begins his/her ignoble trek towards fame and fortune.

The lawsuit, that lotto ticket to widen the wallets of a profession that has soaked this nation for tens of billions of dollars in the last half century, is the tool by which lawyers misdeeds are put into effect. To understand how this instrument of deceit works, it would be advantageous for the reader to have a knowledge of the intricacies of this process.

The journey to the lawsuit starts with the injured party. Most of these injuries exist in the mind’s eye of those titled victim and not in the reality in which the rest of us live. Once the injured party perceives that he can obtain a windfall from the perpetrator of the injury, the game is afoot. The first step for these victims is to find a willing member of the bar to represent them. One million strong is the number of lawyers presently available to take the case. You will have no problem finding many ravenous litigators ready to take on the task of victimizing the perpetrator of the act. Your local phonebook is fraught with pictures of these suited individuals ready to take the case. Look very closely and you may see the blood on their fangs from their last kill. Perusing the pages of this yellow tome you finally settle on someone who claims to be an expert in every field of human endeavor and you figure how can I lose. You call the number that is written in letters so large it could be read from a block down the street. A voice with an official sounding inflection answers. This is the law offices of whoever, how may I direct your call (one office, several rooms hence law offices)? You state that you have been a victim of your own stupidity and would like to recover as much money as you can. The disembodied voice on the other end states that lawyer so and so is in a meeting but will call you later. In reality, he/she is standing right next to this voice but does not want to seem too eager to discuss your misfortune. A short time later you receive that all important call which you think will change your life. The voice on the other end states, Will you please hold on for lawyer so and so!The eternal pause gives way to an authoritative voice stating My administrative assistant states you have been victimized by your own stupidity. Can you please give me more information as he wipes the drawl from his lips. You smile thinking your a new lotto winner. You explain after skidding on a wet floor during a visit to your favorite warehouse store you noted extreme pain in areas we can’t discuss in this tome. During your description of the incident you quietly omitted that at least a dozen signs indicated the floor was wet. You also fail to mention that you are accident prone and have injured others areas of your back in prior attempts at extortion. On the other end of the phone, the silence is now deafening. Within seconds the legal meister states your case is solid. He questions how dare the store put a floor where you walk. The nerve of them to warn you with signs that the floor is wet. The legal advocate notes, not only do you have a case, but by the time he finishes with them you will garner enough money for the next three generations of your family. This is the key point when the case is accepted. The disembodied voice invites you to his/her legal offices for further consultation.

A few days later you arrive at a small, well appointed office not too far from the courthouse that will eventually decide your fate. The secretary is trained not to acknowledge you too quickly as she puts away her nail file. One must always give the presentation that the office appears busy. May I help you?she blurts out after you have been standing before her for what feels like an eternity. Yes, I have a 3:00 P.M. appointment with attorney so and so. She looks down at her schedule which is blocked from your view. You are his/her only appointment that day. She acknowledges you are scheduled visit for 3:00 P.M. and notes he/she is on the phone and will be with you shortly. In reality, the attorney is in the next room figuring out the best way to maximize profits in your case.

You are ushered into a small office with leather chairs and told to sit down. The attorney appears from an adjacent room, walks over and shakes your hand as he eyes every inch of your person. He states before starting we need to discuss payment options. Your new counselor begins to rattle off how expensive it will be to bring this case to fruition; expert witnesses, investigators, mountains of paperwork etc. He notes his hourly rate is a number with many zeros after it. Upon hearing this, you don’t know whether to faint, vomit or walkout. He immediately sees your consternation and resorts to plan B learnt in that special course in law school called Fleecing the Client 101. He mentions he can also work on a contingency fee basis where he takes one third of any settlement. The lawyer sees the relief in your face as he exhorts his payment scheme. He does note that you will have to pay out of pocket for any photocopying, filing fees and incidentals. You consider this proposal, how much could photocopying and incidentals cost? Little does the unsuspecting client realize that copying costs range from 75 cents to 1 dollar a sheet, and incidentals or creative billing can cost more than the billable hour. The Representation Contract is finalized as though your soul was at stake.

With minor variations, this scenario is played out thousands of times per month. What the attorney is selling is his/her ability to twist the English language to your advantage.The reality is he/she is befouling the nineth commandment, thou shall not bear false witness to thy neighbor. Being a good lawyer means being a good liar for the client. It is taught in the first year of law school fabricating evidence 101. In the lawyer’s mind it is no lie to keep the truth to yourself. Meaning that the attorney in the above case left out two important statements while he/ she was prostituting himself. The first is that his ploy to resolve your case would be to write a few intimidating letters to your intended target, in this case the warehouse store where the incident occurred. Within these letters, he would emphasize the enormous amount of pain you suffer whenever you breathe, move or talk, all in the hope that the store will make an offer to settle. The second thought witheld from you is his courtroom abilities are not up to par. Most of these would be Perry Masons have very little ability when it comes to presentations before a judge, so settlement would be in yours and his best interest. Many would-be attorneys had they not received that golden passport into law school would

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