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An Urban Garden Handbook: -For the Aquarian Age
An Urban Garden Handbook: -For the Aquarian Age
An Urban Garden Handbook: -For the Aquarian Age
Ebook272 pages3 hours

An Urban Garden Handbook: -For the Aquarian Age

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The book tells:
How to build low cost, quality weed free soil for the garden
How to increase garden output through patch gardening techniques
How to change garden environments to improve plant performance
How to expand the garden for use in all three seasons
How to extend the garden height to increase production per square foot
How to use magnets to improve crop performance
How to use color to improve crop performance
How to use Yantras to improve crop performance
How to use prayers to improve crop performance
How to obtain Deva and nature spirit assistance to balance soil nutrients
How to use sound frequencies to improve crop performance
How to use music to improve crop performance
How to build insect eating bird houses to minimize insect problems
Quest For The Light
Knocking At The Gate
Aloha, Aquarius-Welcome To The Age of Enlightenment
How to Design, Build and Use A Subtle-energy Grow Frame
How to Design, Build and Use A Subtle-energy Light Garden
Spiritual Gardening At Its Best- a Quest for The Navoti Spirit
Holistic Gardening- A Scientific Approach for Gardening With Love
The Volks Garten- A Handbook For Gardening With Subtle-energies
How to Design, Build and Use A Subtle-energy Pyramid Intensive Garden
How to Design, Build and Use A Subtle-energy Phased Array Pyramid Intensive Garden
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 2, 2012
An Urban Garden Handbook: -For the Aquarian Age

Don Elwood

or 25 years the author, an industrial engineer, researched various garden designs, techniques and strategies for obtaining the most food for the least cost, energy and garden space.

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    An Urban Garden Handbook - Don Elwood

    Copyright © 2012 Don Elwood

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-5437-2 (sc)

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    Section I-Introduction To Gardening-Past, Present and Future

    Section I-Chapter 1. Obtaining the Most Produce for the Least Energy, Cost and Work Involved.

    Section I-Chapter 2. Information, Tools and Supplies for An Aquarian Age Gardener

    Appendix I.A-Iroquois Method For Corn, Beans, Squash

    Appendix I.B-Reiki Prayers, Enhanced With Manna.

    Appendix I.C-Criteria For The Family Garden

    Appendix I.D-Sources

    Appendix I.E-pH Preference Lists

    Appendix I.F-Effects Of Magnets On Plants.

    Appendix I.G-Spacing Matrices.

    Section II-Introduction-Growing More Vegetables Per Square Foot.

    Section II-Chapter 1. Traditional Summer Patches

    Section II-Chapter 2. Early And Late Season Patch Configurations

    Section III-Introduction-Question and Answer Time

    Section III-Chapter 1. What Beneficial Subtle-energies Can Be Easily Applied To Garden Water?

    Section III-Chapter 2. What Should Be Done To Prevent Rampant Weed Growth?

    Section III-Chapter 3. How To Preplan Access Paths?

    Section III-Chapter 4. What Should Be Grown?

    Section III-Chapter 5. How to Build Nutritious Soils For Plants?

    Section III-Chapter 6. How Should Patch Lanes Be Oriented?

    Section III-Chapter 7. What To Do About Water Costs?

    Section III-Chapter 8. How To Optimize Future Corn Production Rates.

    Appendix III.A-Hortopitta-Pie of Assorted Greens

    Appendix III.B-Precise Use Of A Pendulum

    Section IV-Introdcution-Making Good Soil Cake.

    Section IV-Chapter 1. How To Build And Maintain Quality Soil Lanes Over Clay Soil.

    Section IV-Chapter 2. Doing It

    Section V-Introduction-Gardening Techniques and Strategies

    Section V-Chapter 1. Extending The Seasons

    Section V-Chapter 2. Extending Garden Height

    Appendix V.A-Birdhouse Specifications For Insect Eating Birds.

    Section VI-Introduction-Planning And Implementing

    The Garden Plan

    Section VI-Chapter 1. Planning An Urban Garden

    Section VI-Chapter 2. Sequential Crop Rotation To Maximize Production Per Square Foot.

    Section VI-Chapter 3. Gardening Techniques For Use In The Home

    Appendix VI.A-Seed Company Addresses


    I give grateful thanks to the following for the assistance they gave in the preparation of this book.

    Paul Blaikloc for editing.

    Verity Barber for internet gardening data used herein.

    Rod Gambon for photo and illustration conversion and website presentation services.

    Grandin Garden Center of Roanoke, VA, for organic gardening information including how to build quality organic soils over tar or a clay soil base.

    Lynn Donihe for sharing her Hortopitta-Pie of Assorted Greens recipe for this book.

    Copyrighted, © Don Elwood, December 9, 2006. All rights reserved.

    Published by: The Foundation for the Betterment Of Mankind, Roanoke, Virginia

    All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publisher.

    For additional copies go to website:


    I am a professional aerospace engineer that was on the team that sent man safely to the moon and back. I regard the earth as a large space craft on which we travel through the galaxy. Although I have a BS Degree in Industrial Mechanical Engineering, and a MBA Degree, I am also an Ordained Melchizedek Priest, a certified Angelic Reiki 3 Master and a Planetoid healing practitioner. For 17 years, in between engineering assignments, I have been experimenting with applying subtle-energies to plants and altering their environments.

    I studied various synergistic and symbiotic gardening techniques and started to consolidate my research findings into the last few books I wrote. In this book I am presenting concepts I intend to use in my own future gardens and which I recommend other urban gardeners use.

    My latest books listed on my internet site (i.e., are:

    —The Volks Garten-A Handbook For Gardening With Subtle-energies. If you wish to learn the results of 17 years of research into the effects of subtle-energies and environmental changes on plants (e.g., prayers, Yantras, magnets, quartz crystals, sound frequencies, music, bird songs, soil antennas, pyramid trellises, and other environmental changes) read The Volks Garten-A Handbook For Gardening With Subtle-energies

    How To Design, Build, and Use A Subtle-energy, Phased Array, Pyramid Intensive Garden. If you wish to learn how to design, build and use some highly productive subtle-energy designs and techniques in your garden read How To Design, Build, and Use A Subtle-energy, Phased Array, Pyramid Intensive Garden.

    —Answers to Cancer And Other Diseases-For Everyone, Especially Women. If you wish to protect your home and garden from noxic energy veins that are extremely harmful to your health, the health and well being of your family and your plants, then read: Answers To Cancer and Other Diseases-For Everyone, Especially Women (e.g., In Europe they know that some cancers and other diseases can be caused by noxic energy veins that form over underground streams. Unfortunately, they don’t know how to block these energy veins from the home or garden areas. This book tells how.)

    Aloha, Aquarius-Welcome To The Age of Enlightenment. One of my latest books that Aquarian Age gardeners may be interested in is entitled, Aloha, Aquarius-Welcome To The Age of Enlightenment. It is in paperback, but not yet converted for website distribution. It covers ways for increasing prayer intensity. (e.g., how to accumulate and send manna, how to construct Atlantian prayer amplifiers, how to build and use magnetic medicine wheels and wands that increase prayer intensity, how to call upon Gods helpers (i.e., the Devas and nature spirits) for help with gardening tasks (such as fertilization, soil balancing, and identifying best placement for plants in the garden area). If you are open minded about such subjects, consider buying this book.


    The author is an aerospace engineer, not a farmer or agricultural specialist. Various experiments with plants were performed and recorded in an engineering notebook, and some of the more promising data, procedures and techniques were then presented in this book. An engineering notebook is much like a diary in that it includes the ideas and innermost thoughts of the engineer recording the data, so that promising trends can be identified for further development and experimentation. Some portions of this book also takes this approach to encourage readers to brainstorm on their own when some technique or idea appeals to them.

    Some of the information and data being shared, therefore, is on the personal level of a diary of the experimenter. It is hoped that the information being shared will reduce unnecessary hunger as we now transition into the Age of Aquarius.

    The data presented herein justifies further research into the effects of subtle-energies on plants throughout their life cycle. Such studies will take many years of experimentation and data collection. If sufficient interest is shown, a separate newsletter may eventually be initiated to share the findings of interested garden enthusiasts.


    I hereby dedicate this book to my fellow aerospace engineers who sent man safely to the moon and back. They’ll recall the college professors who envied us for living during such opportune times, for it would be our generation who would close solar-energy-technology gaps to free us from the burden of utility bills. We would build aqueducts to channel water from the great lakes to drought-prone areas of the country to facilitate agriculture; and we would develop ocean farming equipment for a self sustaining mariculture industry to replace the fish to extinction practices of past centuries. This pleased us.

    Unfortunately, utility companies weren’t interested in funding projects which removed customers from the grid. Great Lakes politicians weren’t interested in sending their water elsewhere; and fisherman weren’t interested in fish farming while they could still beat competition to the wild fish that were still left. This left us with the arms and aerospace industries.

    Unfortunately for us and our fellow man, these companies insisted that we sign agreements to give up all rights to inventions while employed by them. Therefore, since 1940 America’s creative abilities have been muzzled! Only weapons of war, space vehicles and computers received the creative thrust of the greatest increase in engineering talent since the Piscean Age began. It is only now, after the second aerospace depression in as many decades, that engineers are finally free from this bondage.

    During the 50-year period since World War II, new products that should have been developed for the benefit of mankind were not. We now have an opportunity to fill this void. I suggest to my aerospace engineering associates that a trip to the museum is in order. Pre-1940 systems are now museum pieces. Many older designs can be easily modified or redesigned with relatively little effort with the modern technology which only we possess.

    More millionaires were made in the 1929 depression than at any other time in American history because the 10 percent who were responsible for 90 percent of what got done finally got paid for doing it. They hustled, took some risks and benefited from their intelligence and tenacity.

    We are now entering the Age of Aquarius, the age of a thousand years of peace. Now is indeed a time of opportunity for us, for we are finally free to do something that will leave the world a better place than it would have been if we had not come this way. It is time to convert swords into plowshares, but who will design the implements of peace, if it is not us.

    Section I-Introduction To Gardening-Past, Present and Future

    This section presents comparisons of Native American, modern commercial and urban gardening methods, techniques and strategies. Chart I.1 below presents differences in gardening methods of the past with current day garden possibilities as we now enter the Aquarian Age.

    Prior to colonization, Native Americans were the best gardeners of the world. Most of the vegetables we currently consume were discovered by the Europeans as they colonized North and South America. Although Native Americans had only a few tools made from wood, stone and sea shells they survived quite nicely. They did so by using methods, techniques and strategies that did not require modern day tools, commercial fertilizers or pesticides.

    Prior to WWII American farmers worked spring, summer and fall to plant, tend, harvest and preserve their crops, and then rested through the winter months. After WWII, commercial enterprises provided low cost food and Americans moved to the cities. By the year 2000, Americans were working all year long in factories across America. It’s as the bible says–in the end times (of the Piscean Age) mankind will work one day for one days food supply!

    Commercial fertilizers were developed to encourage rapid growth of plants but, unfortunately, they haven’t returned nutrients to the soil removed by the plants grown during the past 50 years. Worse than that, commercially grown crops are routinely sprayed with toxic pesticides and harvested early in order to minimize spoilage as they are transported to our grocery stores. Early harvests again reduced the nutrients that are in the pesticide laden produce we now consume. Americans no longer obtain sufficient nutrients from the food being sold in our grocery stores and we therefore consume more food in the attempt. As a result, Americans are becoming more obese and sickly.

    Over and above this, world oil and coal supplies are dwindling. Fossil energy costs are driving up the costs for growing and transporting commercial food products across the nation. Food costs are skyrocketing, and urban American families are now beginning to make gardens in their back yard. This book presents an urban gardening handbook for growing high quality food for the least cost, energy, and work as we transition into the Age of Aquarius. It includes gardening methods, strategies and techniques of:

    the American Indians (See table below and Appendix I.A-Iroquois Method for Corn, Beans, Squash)

    Indian methods as modified by the use of modern day tools, and the use of subtle-energies and environmental changes for improving plant production for the least cost, energy and work as learned at the Foundation for the Betterment of Mankind (FBM) over the past 17 years of experimentation.

    Chart I.1

    This section presents some of the results of 17 years of experiments that were conducted at the FBM. It summarizes many of the results that were obtained and provides the basis the increases in germination, growth and production rates that are referenced in following sections of this book.

    Section I-Chapter 1. Obtaining the Most Produce for the Least Energy, Cost and Work

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