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Jude Nestiutul
Jude Nestiutul
Jude Nestiutul
Ebook540 pages14 hours

Jude Nestiutul

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Tanarul Jude - personajul principal al cartii, ucenic zidar, aspira sa devina carturar. Sue, casatorita cu un invatator, urmand sa devina ea insasi invatatoare, isi da seama ca adevarata ei pereche este Jude, la randul lui barbatul unei alte femei. Dincolo de aceasta poveste relativ banala, Thomas Hardy construieste personaje tulburatoare, invinse de fatalitatea conventiilor epocii, dar mai ales sufocate de incapacitatea propriului spirit de a suporta pana la capat implicatiile unei libertati abia intrezarite, insa dorite cu disperare. La aparitie (1896), romanul a fost considerat o pledoarie pentru divort si criticat atat de vehement, incat autorul, ultimul mare prozator al epocii victoriene, a incetat sa mai scrie romane.

PublisherAldo Press
Release dateSep 12, 2012
Jude Nestiutul

Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy was born in Dorset in 1840, the eldest of four children. At the age of sixteen he became an apprentice architect. With remarkable self discipline he developed his classical education by studying between the hours of four and eight in the morning. With encouragement from Horace Moule of Queens' College Cambridge, he began to write fiction. His first published novel was Desperate Remedies in 1871. Thus began a series of increasingly dark novels all set within the rural landscape of his native Dorset, called Wessex in the novels. Such was the success of his early novels, including A Pair of Blue Eyes (1873) and Far From the Madding Crowd (1874), that he gave up his work as an architect to concentrate on his writing. However he had difficulty in getting Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1889) published and was forced to make changes in order for it to be judged suitable for family readers. This coupled with the stormy reaction to the negative tone of Jude the Obscure (1894) prompted Hardy to abandon novel writing altogether. He concentrated mainly on poetry in his latter years. He died in January 1928 and was buried in Westminster Abbey; but his heart, in a separate casket, was buried in Stinsford, Dorset.

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