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Cedar Rapids Tool Shed

2004 CRCSD

Affinity Diagram
An affinity diagram is used to organize output from a brainstorming session. Affinity diagrams are useful with issues or problems that are complex or hard to understand. Can gather large amounts of information from a group in a short amount of time Gives each individual in a group the opportunity to give input Organizes information into categories that can be used with other tools



The issue or problem must be identified and agreed upon prior to using the tool Ideas should be recorded in a way that allows each idea to be easily moved around (sticky notes, index cards, etc.) A method of brainstorming must be decided on prior to using the tool

Constructing an Affinity Diagram

1. Select a facilitator. 2. State the issue. 3. Brainstorm and record the ideas. (Note: This can be done out loud by each member of the group and recorded by the facilitator OR silently by each member of the group with each individual recording their own ideas) 4. Write each single idea on a single sticky note, card, etc. 5. Silently, move the sticky notes into like groups. (Note: Do not try to force ideas into a category. Leave single ideas as a separate category OR create a miscellaneous category) 6. Name each category with a header note or card. 7. Discuss the categories.

Examples of an Affinity Diagram

1. Examples of Issues or Problems

a. What do you want to learn from this unit on bones in the human body? b. How can we make recess time more productive for students? c. What are the barriers to getting students to class on time? d. How can we better communicate with parents about rules on the bus? e. What are the barriers to serving lunch on time? f. What do we want to know about the Baldrige Criteria? g. What are the barriers to increasing the turnover time for requisitions?

2. Examples of brainstormed ideas on what do you want to learn from this unit on bones in the human body?
Names of all the bones Where each bone is in the body What the bones are called How many bones are there? Does milk help bones?

The bones in my legs

What makes bones break?

How do you keep bones strong?

Do adults have more bones than kids?

3. Examples of organization into like groups and adding a header for each category. Names Location Health
Names of all the bones Where each bone is in the body Does milk help bones?

What the bones are called

How many bones are there?

How do you keep bones strong?

The bones in my legs

Do adults have more bones than kids?

What makes bones break?

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