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Compare and contrast the segregation of the Jews in World War II Europe with that of African Americans in the United States. a. Trace the history of the word ghetto. b. What are the similarities and differences between the ghettos the Nazis created for the Jew and ghettos in the United States? 2. Compare and contrast the Nuremberg Laws and the Jim Crow Laws. 3. Compare and contrast the use of slave labor by the Nazis and by slave owners in the South. a. What were the economic motives behind the use of slaves? b. Did the Nazis have other motives besides economic ones in their use of Jews as slave laborers? 4. Compare and contrast the racial theories that have been advanced about Jews and African Americans. a. How did the Nazis and slave owners use these racial theories to support their policies towards Jews and African Americans? 5. Compare and contrast the resistance of the Jews during World War II and African Americans to their enslavement. a. Research the Nat Turner rebellion. b. Research the rebellions in concentration camps such as Treblinka and the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. 6. Compare and contrast the resistance movements of outsiders who helped Jews and African Americans escape. a. Research the Underground Railroad b. What would have happened to Miep and her family if they had been discovered?

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