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0- Silence Emerging. Poor.

Below Standard
Student uses a speaking voice

1- Soft Applause Novice. Ok.

Basic Musicianship

2- Loud Applause Proficient. Good.

3- Standing Ovation Advanced. Excellent. Exceeding Standard.

Student sings perfectly in tune with an excellent tone quality. Student plays all notes perfectly using excellent playing technique. Student performs all of the pattern correctly, fluently,and with a steady beat.

Approaching Standard.
Student sings some of the melody in tune. Students plays some of the notes correctly. Cannot demonstrate proper technique. Students performs some of the pattern correctly. Steady beat is not evident. Student has some trouble

Meeting Standard.
Student sings mostly in tune with a good tone quality. Students plays most notes correctly using good playing technique. Student performs most of the pattern correctly and usually keeps a steady beat.

Sing Play Instruments Perform Rhythm Compose and Improvise Analyze and Evaluate

or sings more than 50% of the pitches incorrectly. Students struggles to play correctly or demonstrate proper playing technique. Student cannot perform pattern without help from the teacher. Student cannot compose or amount of help from the teacher. Student is unable to evaluate from the teacher.

Given a framework, student can Student is able to write or music without assistance from the teacher. Student evaluates music without prompting from the with excellent evidence using excellent music vocabulary. Student makes connections to other subjects, history, or culture without prompting from the teacher and can support their reasoning.

improvise music without a large composing or improvising music, and compose or improvise music and improvise creative pieces of needs some help from the teacher. perform it correctly. Students is able to evaluate music, Students accuately evaluates music after prompting or with good evidence using good music vocabulary. Student makes connections to other subjects, history, or culture with prompting from the teacher and can support their reasoning. support for the evaluation or uses improper music vocabulary. Student is unable to make Student makes makes connections to other subjects, history, or culture, but has difficulty supporting their reasoning.

music with a help and prompting but cannot provide evidence or

questioning. Supports evaluation teacher. Supports evaluation


connections to other subjects, history, or culture.

0 - Beginning "Shows an emerging awareness of concepts and skills. A student earning a the grade level standards. The student demonstrates an inconsistent understanding and application of knowledge. teachers and parents."

1 - Developing "Progressing toward basic understanding of grade level concepts and skills with '1' has not yet met the standards but is progressing toward ahcieving skills and learning grade level concepts. Moderate support from is needed. A '1' indicates ongoing growth."

2 - Achieving "Demonstrating grade level expectations for concepts a '2' demonstrates understanding of grade level skills and concepts and requires minimal supoprt. A '2' throughout the school year indicates strong, excellent work at grade level. The '2' mark is the GOAL for the grade level and should be celebrated."

3 - Exceeds Standards "Exceeds grade level expectations by applying and with independence. A student earining a '3' independently uses and applies knowledge in ways that demonstrate higher level thinking skills. Typically, VERY FEW students perform at this level."

and skills. A student earning utilizing concepts and skills

'0' is currently not meeting assistance. A student earning a

Intervention is needed from teachers, parents, and/or peers


1-Soft Applause

2-Loud Applause

*Quality work is not evident. *Approaching quality work. *Your work is below the expectations. *You are inconsistent and unable to apply what you've learned in music. *You are working towards meeting the expectations. *You needed help to apply what you've learned in music.

*Meeting quality work. *You did exactly what was expected. *You were thoughtful and applied what you've learned in music.

3-Standing Ovation

*Exceeding quality work. *You went above and beyond the expectations. *You applied your music learning by using high levels of thinking and creativity.

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