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9. How successful was the New Deal in dealing with the problems of the Depression?

Thesis: New Deal was primarily effective because it addressed all of FDRs Three Rs: Relief, Recovery, and Reform. However, some setbacks Successes: Relief (short term help) Federal Relief Administration (FERA) established welfare system that provided government handouts Social Security Act set up payment plan for the old, handicapped, orphaned, etc. Unemployment o CCC gave jobs to young men o CWA provided temporary jobs o WPA provided jobs by investing in federal projects in infrastructure o TVA provided jobs by building dams, which then provided electricity to rural areas o Programs helped reduce unemployment from 25% to 15% Labor movement o Wagner Act gave unions the right to organize and collectively bargain o Fair Standards Labor Act set minimum wage, maximum working hours, and prohibited children under 16 from working Recovery (help get nation out of depression) FHA and HOLC provided low interest home loans so people could get loans AAA helped farmers with their loss of farm income by reducing production, thereby raising prices Reform (prevent another depression) o Glass-Steagall Act Set of the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC), which federally insured bank deposits up to $5000; restored trust in the banking system, helping banks to grow again; important because banks are pivotal components of the economy since they give loans to people, allowing them to invest in businesses o FERA o Social Security Act

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