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NAME:_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________1. These are materials made up of only one kind of atom. _____________________2. Materials that are made up of combination of different atoms. _____________________3. These are elements that occur in nature. _____________________4. Are artificially produced elements in a laboratory. _____________________5. These are compounds that contain Carbon. _____________________6. These are group of compounds that have a sour taste. _____________________7. These are group of compounds that have a bitter taste and have a slippery feel. _____________________8. This is the reaction between acids and bases upon mixing. _____________________9. This is the product of acid and base mixture _____________________10. This is the process of passing electric current to some substances in order to separate them from them chemical bonds. _____________________11. The number that tells how many atomic particles are present in a compound. _____________________12. This is the universal solvent. _____________________13. This is a type of solution with relatively more solutes. _____________________14. Acids turns Litmus Paper into What color? _____________________15. Bases turns Litmus paper into what color? 16 20. Solve the following: You have 1L or 1000ml of Coffee mix on hand, upon reading the label you found out that in this mixture there is only 425ml of water. Find: o A. The percentage of water mixed in the mixture ( 3 points) o B. the amount of mixed pure coffee. (2 points)

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