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Skill Descriptor JA
Looking closely at works of art, objects for drawing, or the environment in relationship to art concepts and assigned projects Begins to consider and combine shapes to make more complex shapes Identifies and interprets simple compositions both visually and verbally Begins to be aware of scale and placement Begins to notice differences in various media and their qualities Begins to absorb, interpret, and apply information from the lesson Tells stories and makes personal connections to understandings of the real world

Demonstrates how basic shapes combine to make more complex forms Identifies and interprets simple and more complex parts within compositions Compares size and placement Distinguishes between media and begins to make note of the distinctive qualities of the materials used Absorbs, interprets, and applies information from the lesson Begins to connect art with other subjects inside and outside of the classroom

Begins to analyze and combine basic shapes within a complex form Begins to see how the elements within an artwork combine to work as a whole Begins to apply size and position in spatial ways Sees differences in media and their qualities Absorbs, interprets, and applies information from the lesson

Analyzes and combines basic shapes to make more complex forms Discusses and interprets images, forms, and their compositions Applies size and position in spatial ways Sees differences in media and their qualities Absorbs, interprets, and applies information from lessons

M1/ M2
Connects the art of drawing with seeing in observing objects in space Discusses and Interprets images, forms, and their compositions Composes space and objects from different viewpoints Begins to choose and use media intentionally Attends to and understands a demonstrated process or the application of a specific technique Discusses and considers art in relation to contexts presented

Develops more refined skills in hand-eye coordination in observational objects in space Analyzes and Interprets art Applies structured means for representing space and making 3D forms Selects and uses media intentionally Attends to and understands a demonstrated process or the application of a specific technique

Shows facility and some accuracy in observing and presenting contour, volume, and layered forms Supports personal interpretations with observations and contextual knowledge Uses structured means expressively for representing space and making 3D forms Observes qualities and chooses media with expression Uses past techniques learned with new techniques



Recognizing connections between personal, cultural and interdisciplinary contexts

Connects art and other subjects inside and outside of the classroom

Connects art with other subjects inside and outside the classroom

Discusses and considers art concepts in relation to contexts presented

Discusses and considers art concepts in relation to contexts presented

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ

2 Skill Descriptor JA
Imagining ideas and solutions to project guidelines during the creative process Begins to explore a variety of ways to express ideas Works with invention and takes imaginative and healthy risks

Begins to explore ideas in different contexts Begins to problem solve Begins to make plans and set short term goals

Begins to explore ideas in different contexts Considers a variety of approaches to problem solving Becomes more independent while working through ideas

Explores ideas in different contexts Begins to problem solve Creates a plan for a project

Explores ideas in different contexts through the sketchbook Solves problems thoughtfully Arrives at more than one solution and develops a plan

Uses sketchbook effectively for brainstorming and idea development Shows successful solutions to presented problems in design of project Arrives at more than one solution and develops a plan

Uses thumbnail and working drawings to develop ideas Shows successful solutions to presented problems in design of project Arrives at more than one solution and develops a plan



Exploring possibilities in media, techniques, and composition

Explores opportunities in various media

Explores media and experiments with formats in free and intentional ways

Explores media and experiments with formats in free and intentional ways

Explores media, techniques and/or composition in free or intentional ways

Uses media, techniques, and/or composition to express specific ideas or solutions

Shows improvement in technical and conceptual skills through exercises and projects

Shows improvement in technical and conceptual skills through exercises and projects

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ

3 Skill Descriptor JA
Understanding unit concepts through projects, exercises, and assessments Begins to explore with intent and create with invention Begins to understand that art is developed through a series of steps

Applies inventive solutions when creating artwork and solving technical problems Understands that work develops over time, and works with care and patience

Applies inventive solutions when creating artwork and solving technical problems Develops artwork with an understanding that several steps may be necessary to achieve an effect Applies media and methods presented in the lesson, often improvising with deliberate action

Applies inventive solutions to assignments and in solving technical problems Organizes an art creation using a sequential procedure

M1/ M2
Resolves technical problems with some assistance Organizes an art creation using a sequential procedure

Resolves technical problems that arise by applying concepts independently Organizes an art creation using a sequential procedure

Resolves technical problems that arise by applying concepts independently Organizes an art creation using a sequential procedure



Applying demonstrated media and techniques with imagination and intention

Applies media and methods presented in the lesson

Applies media and methods presented in the lesson, sometimes improvising

Thoughtfully applies media and techniques using methods demonstrated

Selects and applies media and techniques using methods demonstrated

Applies media and techniques using methods demonstrated with his/her own approach

Applies media and techniques using methods demonstrated with his own approach

Revising and presenting thoughtful and completed artwork

Understands that artwork can be changed again and again Works thoughtfully to the best of ability Shows attachment to the work

Open to revising work Works to the best of ability Shows attachment to the work

Open to revising work Works to the best of ability Shows attachment to the work

Understands that artwork can be changed and transformed Works to the best of ability Shows attachment to work

Revises and refines a project to completion guidelines Works to the best of ability Shows attachment to work

Revises and refines a project to completion Works to the best of ability Shows attachment to work

Revises and refines a project to completion Works to the best of ability Shows attachment to work

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ

Skill Descriptor
Participating in formal and informal oral and drama activities, both individual and group; being attentive to and respectful of other speakers in smallgroup and wholeclass discussions and presentations JA Listens and responds in classroom situations with adults and peers Communicates ideas clearly J1 Listens actively and responds appropriately in the classroom with adults and peers Communicates ideas clearly, using relevant details Recognizes that speech style changes in different situations J2 Listens actively and responds appropriately in the classroom Communicat es ideas clearly, using relevant details and appropriate vocabulary Adjusts tone and expression to fit formal and informal situations J3 Listens actively and responds appropriately in both group and individual classroom exchanges Communicates ideas clearly and purposefully Adjusts tone and expression to fit the situation based on an awareness of context J4 Listens actively and responds appropriately in formal and informal exchanges Communicate ideas clearly and purposefully, adapting to the needs of the listener Monitors tone and expression to fit the situation based on an awareness of context and purpose M1 Listens actively and responds appropriately Speaks clearly and purposefully to express ideas Has a sense of audience Uses a style, projection, and register generally appropriate to the situation M2 Listens actively and responds appropriately Speaks clearly, purposefully, and effectively to express ideas Has a sense of audience Uses a style, projection, and register generally appropriate to the situation M3 Listens actively and responds appropriately Speaks clearly, accurately, and fluently to express ideas Has a sense of audience Uses a style, projection, and register appropriate to the situation M4 Listens actively and purposefully Synthesizes and evaluates what is heard and responds appropriately Speaks clearly, accurately, and fluently Has a clear sense of audience Uses a style and register appropriate to the situation Shows some flair in delivery T1 Listens actively and purposefully Synthesizes and evaluates what is heard and responds appropriately Speaks fluently and convincingly Has a clear sense of audience Uses a style and register appropriate to the situation Shows flair in delivery T2 Listens actively and purposefully Synthesizes and evaluates what is heard and responds appropriately Speaks precisely, articulately, and convincingly Has a sophisticated sense of audience Uses a style and register appropriate to the situation Shows flair in delivery

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ



Skill Descriptor
Reading individually chosen texts for personal interest and pleasure; interpreting assigned works from different genres by authors from various time periods and places Reads aloud with guidance Develops phonetic strategies to decode text Uses picture cues to understand text

Reads aloud with growing confidence and fluency Uses an increasing range of context or picture cues to decode text Uses some strategies to construct meaning from text

Reads aloud for pleasure and information with increasing confidence, fluency, and expression Reads an increasing range of text forms with greater length, challenge, and understanding Makes some inferences about what is read

Reads aloud with increasing fluency and expression Reads silently for pleasure and information Reads fiction and nonfiction texts with comprehension of facts and key ideas Makes inferences about and connections to what is read

Reads aloud with accuracy, fluency, and expression Reads silently for pleasure and information Chooses appropriate reading material for a variety of purposes Reads fiction and nonfiction texts with comprehension of main ideas and supporting details Makes inferences about and connections to what is read

Reads texts silently and aloud with comprehension at the literal and factual levels Offers a personal response to and interpretation of literature

Reads a variety of texts silently and aloud with comprehension at the literal and factual levels Offers a personal response to and interpretation of literature

Reads texts in various genres with sound comprehension at the literal and factual levels Shows developing awareness of the elements of literary interpretation Offers a personal response to literature

Reads texts in various genres with increasing understanding and insight Shows awareness of the elements of literary interpretation Offers a personal response to literature

Reads texts in the four genres with understanding and insight Shows an understanding of the elements of literary interpretation Offers a critical and personal response to literature

Reads texts in the four genres with sophisticated understanding and insight Shows a sound grasp of the elements of literary interpretation Offers a critical and personal response to literature


Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


Skill Descriptor
Writing creative, personal, and analytic pieces about literature and life experiences JA Forms letters in printing using the prescribed handwriting program Applies phonetic knowledge to write words and express ideas Demonstrates an awareness of simple sentence structure Constructs simple statements and questions J1 Uses correct letter formation when writing independently Applies knowledge of phonetics and basic spelling patterns in independent writing Uses upper case letters for names and sentence beginnings and periods at the end of sentences Writes to communicate ideas using simple sentences Writes a range of assignments with guidance J2 Writes letters and words appropriately based on size and position to the writing baseline Uses conventional spelling for high frequency words and spelling list words Uses correct capitalization and ends sentences with correct punctuation Organizes ideas to create a coherent written piece Writes an increasing range of assignments with guidance J3 Presents neat and legible handwriting, using joined letters accurately Applies basic grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules to writing fairly consistently Expresses and organizes ideas clearly to create a coherent piece of writing Writes for different purposes J4 Presents neat and legible handwriting in print and cursive Applies grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules to writing fairly consistently Expresses ideas clearly in an organized, coherent piece of writing Writes in a variety of forms for different purposes and audiences M1 Writes creative, personal, and basic analytic assignments that are interesting to read, somewhat developed, and fairly orderly Applies grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules to writing fairly consistently M2 Writes creative, personal, and analytic assignments that are interesting to read, well developed, and generally orderly Applies grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules to writing fairly consistently M3 Writes creative, personal, and analytic assignments that are interesting to read, somewhat varied in form, and generally orderly in structure Develops ideas more clearly Applies grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules to writing more consistently M4 Writes creative, personal, and analytic assignments that are satisfying to read and somewhat varied in form Develops ideas clearly and logically Experiments with style Applies grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules to writing more consistently T1 Writes creative, personal, and analytic assignments that are satisfying to read, varied in form, and somewhat complex in structure Develops ideas clearly and logically Experiments with style Applies the conventions of written English consistently T2 Writes creative and analytic assignments that are engaging to read, varied in form, and fairly complex in structure Develops specific ideas clearly, logically, and effectively Shows an increasing command of stylistic techniques Applies the conventions of written English accurately and consistently


Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


Skill Descriptor
JA Follows instructions carefully Listens respectfully to the teacher and to classmates, and responds appropriately J1 Follows instructions carefully Listens respectfully to the teacher and to classmates, and responds appropriately J2 Follows instructions carefully Listens respectfully to the teacher and to classmates, and responds appropriately J3 Follows instructions carefully Listens respectfully to the teacher and to classmates, and responds appropriately J4 Follows instructions carefully Listens respectfully to the teacher and to classmates, and responds appropriately M1 Follows instructions carefully Listens respectfully to the teacher and to classmates, and responds appropriately M2 Follows instructions carefully Listens respectfully to the teacher and to classmates, and responds appropriately M3 Follows instructions carefully Listens respectfully to the teacher and to classmates, and responds appropriately M4 Follows instructions carefully Listens respectfully to the teacher and to classmates, and responds appropriately T1 Follows instructions carefully Listens respectfully to the teacher and to classmates, and responds appropriately T2 Follows instructions carefully Listens respectfully to the teacher and to classmates, and responds appropriately



Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


Uses English in social settings Uses English for academic purposes Participates in class discussions Speaks with clear pronunciation Applies grammar and sentence structure rules

Uses English in social settings Uses English for academic purposes Participates in class discussions Speaks with clear pronunciation Applies grammar and sentence structure rules

Uses English in social settings Uses English for academic purposes Participates in class discussions Speaks with clear pronunciation Applies grammar and sentence structure rules

Uses English in social settings Uses English for academic purposes Participates in class discussions Speaks with clear pronunciation Applies grammar and sentence structure rules

Uses English in social settings Uses English for academic purposes Participates in class discussions Speaks with clear pronunciation Applies grammar and sentence structure rules

Uses English in social settings Uses English for academic purposes Participates in class discussions Speaks with clear pronunciation Applies grammar and sentence structure rules

Uses English in social settings Uses English for academic purposes Participates in class discussions Speaks with clear pronunciation Applies grammar and sentence structure rules

Uses English in social settings Uses English for academic purposes Participates in class discussions Speaks with clear pronunciation Applies grammar and sentence structure rules

Uses English in social settings Uses English for academic purposes Participates in class discussions Speaks with clear pronunciation Applies grammar and sentence structure rules

Uses English in social settings Uses English for academic purposes Participates in class discussions Speaks with clear pronunciation Applies grammar and sentence structure rules

Uses English in social settings Uses English for academic purposes Participates in class discussions Speaks with clear pronunciation Applies grammar and sentence structure rules


JA Recognizes meaningful words Applies (phonics) skills taught Reads and listens to different text forms Understands that written print conveys a message Comprehends text Make inferences and draws conclusions J1 Recognizes meaningful words Applies (phonics) skills taught Reads and listens to different text forms Understands that written print conveys a message Comprehends text Makes inferences and draws conclusions J2 Recognizes meaningful words Applies (phonics) skills taught Reads and listens to different text forms Understands that written print conveys a message Comprehend s text Makes inferences and draws conclusions Reads aloud with correct pronunciation J3 Recognizes meaningful words Applies (phonics) skills taught Reads and listens to different text forms Understands that written print conveys a message Comprehends text Makes inferences and draws conclusions Reads aloud with correct pronunciation J4 Recognizes meaningful words Applies (phonics) skills taught Reads and listens to different text forms Understands that written print conveys a message Comprehends text Makes inferences and draws conclusions Reads aloud with correct pronunciation M1 Reads aloud with correct pronunciation Reads and comprehends academic content from various sources Reads with insight, makes inferences, and draws conclusions Recognizes and understands varied genres and literary devices Reads with fluency approaching grade level needs M2 Reads aloud with correct pronunciation Reads and comprehends academic content from various sources Reads with insight, makes inferences, and draws conclusions Recognizes and understand varied genres and literary devices Reads with fluency approaching grade level needs M3 Reads aloud with correct pronunciation Reads and comprehends academic content from various sources Reads with insight, makes inferences, and draws conclusions Recognizes and understands varied genres and literary devices Reads with fluency approaching grade level needs M4 Reads aloud with correct pronunciation Reads and comprehends academic content from various sources Reads with insight, makes inferences, and draws conclusions Recognizes and understands varied genres and literary devices Reads with fluency approaching grade level needs T1 Reads aloud with correct pronunciation Reads and comprehends academic content from various sources Reads with insight, makes inferences, and draws conclusions Recognizes and understands varied genres and literary devices Reads with fluency approaching grade level needs T2 Reads aloud with correct pronunciation Reads and comprehends academic content from various sources Reads with insight, makes inferences, and draws conclusions Recognizes and understands varied genres and literary devices Reads with fluency approaching grade level needs

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ



9 Skill Descriptor
Writes in English for academic purposes Recognizes different forms of writing Writes a range of assignments for different purposes and audiences Applies grammar and sentence structure rules Uses proper mechanics (punctuation, capitalization) Applies spelling rules Varies vocabulary according to assignment Organizes paragraphs logically Proofreads, edits, and rewrites Presents neat and legible work

Writes in English for academic purposes Recognizes different forms of writing Writes a range of assignments for different purposes and audiences Applies grammar and sentence structure rules Uses proper mechanics (punctuation, capitalization) Applies spelling rules Varies vocabulary according to assignment Organizes paragraphs logically Proofreads, edits, and rewrites Presents neat and legible work

Writes in English for academic purposes Recognizes different forms of writing Writes a range of assignments for different purposes and audiences Applies grammar and sentence structure rules Uses proper mechanics (punctuation, capitalization) Applies spelling rules Varies vocabulary according to assignment Organizes paragraphs logically Proofreads, edits, and rewrites Presents neat and legible work

Writes in English for academic purposes Recognizes different forms of writing Writes a range of assignments for different purposes and audiences Applies grammar and sentence structure rules Uses proper mechanics (punctuation, capitalization) Applies spelling rules Varies vocabulary according to assignment Organizes paragraphs logically Proofreads, edits, and rewrites Presents neat and legible work

Writes in English for academic purposes Recognizes different forms of writing Writes a range of assignments for different purposes and audiences Applies grammar and sentence structure rules Uses proper mechanics (punctuation, capitalization) Applies spelling rules Varies vocabulary according to assignment Organizes paragraphs logically Proofreads, edits, and rewrites Presents neat and legible work

Writes in English for academic purposes Recognizes different forms of writing Writes a range of assignments for different purposes and audiences Applies grammar and sentence structure rules Uses proper mechanics (punctuation, capitalization) Applies spelling rules Varies vocabulary according to assignment Organizes paragraphs logically Proofreads, edits, and rewrites Presents neat and legible work

Writes in English for academic purposes Recognizes different forms of writing Writes a range of assignments for different purposes and audiences Applies grammar and sentence structure rules Uses proper mechanics (punctuation, capitalization) Applies spelling rules Varies vocabulary according to assignment Organizes paragraphs logically Proofreads, edits, and rewrites Presents neat and legible work

Writes in English for academic purposes Recognizes different forms of writing Writes a range of assignments for different purposes and audiences Applies grammar and sentence structure rules Uses proper mechanics (punctuation, capitalization) Applies spelling rules Varies vocabulary according to assignment Organizes paragraphs logically Proofreads, edits, and rewrites Presents neat and legible work

Writes in English for academic purposes Recognizes different forms of writing Writes a range of assignments for different purposes and audiences Applies grammar and sentence structure rules Uses proper mechanics (punctuation, capitalization) Applies spelling rules Varies vocabulary according to assignment Organizes paragraphs logically Proofreads, edits, and rewrites Presents neat and legible work

Writes in English for academic purposes Recognizes different forms of writing Writes a range of assignments for different purposes and audiences Applies grammar and sentence structure rules Uses proper mechanics (punctuation, capitalization) Applies spelling rules Varies vocabulary according to assignment Organizes paragraphs logically Proofreads, edits, and rewrites Presents neat and legible work

T2 Writes in English for academic purposes Recognizes different forms of writing Writes a range of assignments for different purposes and audiences Applies grammar and sentence structure rules Uses proper mechanics (punctuation, capitalization) Applies spelling rules Varies vocabulary according to assignment Organizes paragraphs logically Proofreads, edits, and rewrites Presents neat and legible work

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ



10 Skill Descriptor
Identifying, selecting, and ordering what is relevant as evidence from a range of sources and materials Makes observations and relates facts to units of study Uses vocabulary related to time: before, after; yesterday, today, tomorrow; past, present and future

Makes appropriate observations and connections to personal experience Recognizes that things change over time

Finds information for a specific purpose Identifies how things change over time Collects relevant facts with guidance

Finds information from a variety of sources for a specific purpose Recognizes continuity and change and sequence events over time Recognizes different kinds of historical evidence

Finds information and recognizes what is relevant to a given topic Distinguishes between primary and secondary sources

Finds information from different sources relevant to a particular topic Evaluates primary and secondary sources as evidence

Develops a clear, focused research question and finds relevant sources Evaluates primary and secondary sources as evidence



Recognizing, connecting, interpreting and evaluating. Drawing conclusions and/or problem solving to demonstrate understanding of a topic or question


Identifies relevant ideas Identifies same and different Recognizes that change occurs

Identifies relevant information Describes similarities and differences Generates ideas about change

Identifies key ideas Compares and distinguishes between fact and opinion Describes why things change

Identifies relevant concepts Compares different kinds of sources and points of view Identifies cause and effect Develops relevant generalizations Proposes solutions based on evidence

Compares and contrasts different kinds of sources and points of view Makes interpretations and inferences based on cause and effect

Compares and contrasts different sources and identifies/recognizes perspectives Makes interpretations and inferences based on cause and effect Draws conclusions/proposes solutions based on specific evidence

Recognizes, applies, and connects relevant concepts Recognizes perspective and bias Explains cause(s) and effect(s) Makes interpretations based on a variety of sources

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ



Creating, speaking, using media, and writing for a specific purpose

Presents relevant information and understandings in a meaningful way: drawings, simple oral reports or sentence descriptions

Presents relevant information and understandings in a coherent and meaningful way: drawings, graphic organizers, and simple reports oral and written

Presents relevant information and understandings in a coherent and meaningful way: diagrams/chart s, paragraphs, and simple presentations and reports

Presents relevant information and understandings in a coherent and meaningful way: diagrams/charts, paragraphs, reports spoken and written, first person narratives, electronic media, and debate Identifies relevant sources

Demonstrates relevant knowledge and understandings in a coherent and meaningful way: diagrams/charts, paragraphs, reports spoken and written, first person narratives, video and other electronic media, and debate Uses simple referencing conventions to identify sources

Demonstrates relevant information and understanding in a coherent and meaningful way: diagrams/charts, paragraphs, research reports spoken and written, first person narratives, video and other electronic media , debate, and essay form Uses simple referencing conventions to identify sources and develop a bibliography

Demonstrates relevant information and understanding in coherent and meaningful ways Uses standard referencing conventions, including citations and bibliography

Demonstrating the ability to grasp concepts and explain them verbally, pictorially or in written form Demonstrates learned concepts orally, pictorially or in written form Illustrates simple pattern rules and number-symbol relationships
Demonstrates learned concepts orally, pictorially or numerically Recognizes and applies basic mathematical symbols Applies concepts orally, pictorially or numerically Recognizes and applies basic mathematical symbols Explains concepts in various ways Applies concepts and uses them in real life situations Recognizes and use mathematical symbols, conventions, and rules Explains and applies concepts numerically Applies concepts and incorporates them into previous learning Applies mathematical symbols, conventions, definitions, and rules Explains, applies, and extends concepts Grasps and applies new concepts Recalls definitions and rules Demonstrates or explains a concept verbally and in written form Grasps and applies new concepts Recalls definitions and rules Demonstrates or explains a concept verbally and in written form Grasps and applies new concepts Recalls definitions and rules Demonstrates or explains a concept verbally and in written form Grasps and applies new concepts Recalls definitions and rules Demonstrates or explains a concept verbally and in written form Grasps and applies new concepts Recalls definitions and rules Demonstrate or explains a concept verbally and in written form Grasps and applies new concepts Recalls definitions and rules Demonstrates or explains a concept verbally and in written form

Skill Descriptor
Computing fluently and demonstrating an understanding of both the meaning of operations and the relationships among operations Composes and decomposes numbers concretely Adds whole numbers concretely Subtracts whole numbers concretely



Composes and decomposes numbers Makes reasonable estimates and adds and subtracts accurately using physical models and non-standard and standard algorithms Demonstrates the relationship between addition and subtraction

Composes and decomposes numbers Makes reasonable estimates and calculates accurately using physical models and standard and non-standard algorithms Demonstrates the relationship between addition and subtraction Demonstrates the relationship between addition and multiplication

Composes and decomposes numbers Makes reasonable estimates and calculates accurately using mental math, other strategies, and non-standard and standard algorithms Demonstrates the relationship between inverse operations, addition (repeated addition) and subtraction and division (repeated subtraction)

Composes and decomposes numbers Makes reasonable estimates and calculates accurately using mental math, other strategies, and algorithms Demonstrates the relationship between operations, including number properties

Calculates accurately, selecting mental methods or calculating devices as appropriate Shows flexibility while manipulating numbers, algebraic expressions, equations, and applying routine algorithms

Calculates accurately, selecting mental methods or calculating devices as appropriate Shows flexibility while manipulating numbers, algebraic expressions, equations, and applying routine algorithms

Calculates accurately, selecting mental methods or calculating devices as appropriate Shows flexibility while manipulating numbers, algebraic expressions, equations, and applying routine algorithms

Calculates accurately, selecting mental methods or calculating devices as appropriate Shows flexibility while manipulating numbers, algebraic expressions, equations, and applying routine algorithms

Calculates accurately, selecting mental methods or calculating devices as appropriate Shows flexibility while manipulating numbers, algebraic expressions, equations, and applying routine algorithms

Calculates accurately, selecting mental methods or calculating devices as appropriate Shows flexibility while manipulating numbers, algebraic expressions, equations, and applying routine algorithms

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ



Communicating the process of finding solutions effectively, discussing results mathematically, and using available technology as appropriate to present mathematical skills and concepts Explains solution orally or with pictures Uses appropriate math vocabulary Records mathematical tasks using appropriate objects, pictures or numbers Explains solution with words, pictures or numbers Uses appropriate math vocabulary Records mathematical tasks using appropriate objects, pictures or numbers Explains solutions with words, pictures or numbers Uses appropriate math vocabulary Records mathematical tasks using numbers in different ways Explains mathematical thinking and solutions with numbers or appropriate mathematical representations and vocabulary Creates accurate diagrams, graphs, and other mathematical representations Records mathematical tasks clearly in notebooks and/or other formats Explains mathematical thinking and solutions in both oral and written forms Creates accurate diagrams, graphs, and other mathematical representations Records mathematical tasks clearly and comprehensivel y in notebooks and/or other formats Communicates findings effectively Engages in mathematical discussion of results Makes accurate diagrams, graphs, and constructions Communicates findings effectively Engages in mathematical discussion of results Makes accurate diagrams, graphs, and constructions Communicates findings effectively Engages in mathematical discussion of results Makes accurate diagrams, graphs, and constructions Communicate findings effectively Engages in mathematical discussion of results Makes accurate diagrams, graphs, and constructions Communicates findings effectively Engages in mathematical discussion of results Makes accurate diagrams, graphs, and constructions Communicates findings effectively Engages in mathematical discussion of results Makes accurate diagrams, graphs, and constructions

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


13 Skill Descriptor
JA Building new mathematical knowledge through reasoning, problem solving, and proofs. reflecting on the process of problem solving; understanding how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another in contexts outside of mathematics Applies previous learning to current math topics and assignments Connects math skills and concepts to other areas (counting, graphs, etc.) J1 Applies previous learning to current math topics and assignments Applies more than one strategy to solve problems Connects math skills and concepts to other areas (e.g., graphs, time, ordinal and cardinal numbers, etc.) J2 Applies previous learning to current math topics and assignment s Uses a variety of strategies to solve problems Recognize s and connects math skills and concepts to other areas (e.g., graphs, time, ordinal and cardinal numbers, etc.) J3 Applies previous learning to current math topics and assignments Demonstrates flexible thinking and uses a variety of strategies to solve problems Transfers math skills and concepts to other areas as appropriate (e.g., measurement in science, graphing in humanities, etc.) J4 Recognizes and makes connections between different mathematical topics or contexts Demonstrates flexible thinking and uses a variety of strategies to solve problems and validate results Transfers math skills and concepts to other areas as appropriate (measurement in science, graphing in humanities, etc.) M1 Shows clarity of thinking in the solution of a problem Analyzes characteristics and properties of two- and threedimensional geometric shapes and develops arguments about geometric relationships Reflects on process and validates results Makes connections between mathematics and real life situations M2 Shows clarity of thinking in the solution of a problem Analyzes characteristics and properties of two- and threedimensional geometric shapes and develops arguments about geometric relationships Reflects on process and validates results Makes connections between mathematics and real life situations M3 Shows clarity of thinking in the solution of a problem Analyzes characteristics and properties of two- and threedimensional geometric shapes and develops arguments about geometric relationships Reflects on process and validates results Makes connections between mathematics and real life situations M4 Shows clarity of thinking in the solution of a problem Analyzes characteristics and properties of two- and threedimensional geometric shapes and develops arguments about geometric relationships Reflects on process and validates results Make connections between mathematics and real life situations T1 Shows clarity of thinking in the solution of a problem Analyzes characteristics and properties of two- and threedimensional geometric shapes and develops arguments about geometric relationships Reflects on process and validates results Makes connections between mathematics and real life situations T2 Shows clarity of thinking in the solution of a problem Analyzes characteristics and properties of twoand threedimensional geometric shapes and develops arguments about geometric relationships Reflects on process and validates results Makes connections between mathematics and real life situations

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ




Skill Descriptor
Understanding and processing spoken communications in the following forms: situational dialogs, classroom directions, teachercreated materials, advertisements, and other students communications Engaging in face to face communications to: apply learned structures, introduce people/ideas, present or request information, discuss in groups, exchange opinions, debate issues

GERMAN and ITALIAN M3 through T2

JA J1 J2 J3 J4 M1/M2 M3/M4
Follows directions/instructions Recognizes phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to: personal and family information, shopping, and school environment Identifies the main point in short, clear messages and announcements

Understands factual direct information related to school, leisure, and travel Understands short narrations Identifies the principal element in the news on TV or the Internet



Communicates in a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics Expresses agreement or disagreement and gives opinions simply Copes with some situations encountered in everyday life, e.g., ordering food, providing personal data, making simple purchases Reads short, simple texts to find specific information in everyday materials Recognizes the different types of everyday writings (brochures, notes, catalogues) Grasps facts described in simple informative articles

Tells what a person has said Gives opinions and expresses feelings Conducts a prepared interview Starts, pursues, and ends a guided conversation

Comprehending and reacting to texts on a variety of topics: to recognize intent, style, voice, and technique

Identifies the conclusions of an argumentative text Understands the main points of articles and reports on current issues Understands descriptions of events, expressions of feelings, and wishes

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


Communicating effectively in age appropriate writing tasks, paying attention to vocabulary choice, grammatical structures, style, and technique

Writes short teacher-guided descriptions Writes texts with simple connectors Writes personal letters Paraphrases short written texts

Writes personal and/or formal letters Describes in detail experiences, feelings, and events related to familiar topics Explains the advantages/disadvantages of different options Writes about problems and provides simple solutions

15 Skill Descriptor ARABIC, CHINESE, JAPANESE and RUSSIAN M3 through T2

JA J1 J2 J3 J4 M1/M2 M3
Recognizes the sound system of the target language Follows directions and instructions. Understands phrases with the highest frequency vocabulary related to familiar topics Identifies the main point in short, clear, simple messages

Follows directions and instructions Understands phrases with the highest frequency vocabulary related to: personal and family information, shopping, and school life Identifies the main point in short, clear, simple messages Exchanges information on familiar topics Gives simple reasons for agreement or disagreement Manages some situations encountered while travelling

T1 Follows in outline simple talks on familiar topics Identifies contents when related to topics studied Follows generally the main points in a discussion with friends (formal register) Understands and (discusses) short simple narratives

T2 Understands factual information about common everyday topics Identifies general messages and some details Understands the main points of news bulletins and other simply recorded material

Understanding and processing spoken communications in the following forms: situational dialogs, classroom directions, teachercreated materials, advertisements, and other students communications



Engaging in face to face communications to: apply learned structures, introduce people/ideas, present or request information, discuss in groups, exchange opinions, debate issues

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


Reproduces the sound patterns or system of the target language. Communicates in simple and routine tasks Expresses agreement or disagreement Manages some situations encountered while travelling

Expresses and respond to feelings such as surprise, happiness, sadness, interest, and indifference Maintains a simple conversation on a given topic Gives a presentation on a familiar topic Speaks clearly on familiar matters with repetition and reformulation

Gives short basic descriptions of events and activities Gives opinions and reactions to simple problems Uses simple phrases to ask for/provide information Responds to common aspects of everyday living related to home, school, meal taking, and leisure activities Narrates a simple story related to personal experiences

16 Skill Descriptor ARABIC, CHINESE, JAPANESE and RUSSIAN M3 through T2

JA J1 J2 J3

Students are able to:

J4 M1/M2 M3
Identifies and understands the writing system of the target language in short familiar texts Finds specific information in short texts of everyday materials Recognizes learned common vocabulary words and expressions in teacher-created materials Picks out facts described in simple informative materials

Identifies and understands the writing system of the target language in short familiar texts Finds specific information in short texts of everyday materials Recognizes learned common vocabulary words and expressions in teachercreated materials Picks out facts described in simple informative materials

Understands clearly written, straightforward instructions Understands relevant information in everyday material, such as letters, emails, and brochures Understands short, simple texts on familiar matters which consist of high frequency vocabulary

Reads correspondence and readily grasps the essential meaning Gathers information from different parts of a text to fulfill a specific task Analyzes texts in order to locate desired information Identifies the main conclusions in texts Reads factual texts on subjects related to interests and personal experiences Compares and contrasts the description of events, feelings, letters, and articles Gives opinions about accumulated factual information on familiar matters Collates and summarizes short pieces of information from several sources Writes comparative and descriptive essays Writes movie, book, and article reviews Creates and presents news reports


Comprehending and reacting to texts on a variety of topics: to recognize intent, style, voice, and technique.


Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


Communicating effectively in age appropriate writing tasks, paying attention to vocabulary choice, grammatical structures, style, and technique

Uses the writing system of the target language to accurately produce all writing tasks Writes short personal notes Uses keyboard skills in the target language

Uses the writing system of the target language to accurately produce all writing tasks Writes short simple sentences and teacher-guided descriptions Writes texts using simple connectors Writes short personal letters Restates short written texts

Writes simple personal letters, blogs/diaries, emails, and instructions Writes and responds to short, simple formulaic notes and messages Writes connected texts on a range of familiar topics


Skill Descriptor


Discriminates target language sounds and intonation Understands target vocabulary Understands very basic class instructions Understands very basic questions asked carefully and slowly


Understands target vocabulary Understands simple class instructions Understands simple questions on familiar topics Follows short and carefully articulated speech

Understands target vocabulary Understands questions on familiar topics Understands simple speech on familiar topics

Understands target vocabulary Understands questions on familiar topics Understands simple speech on familiar topics

Understands limited vocabulary related to immediate surroundings Follows basic directions and instructions Understands basic questions

Follows directions and instructions Understands phrases and the most commonly used vocabulary in context Identifies the main point in short, clear messages and announcements

Understands factual, direct information related to school, leisure, and travel Understands narrations Identifies the principal element in the news on TV or the Internet

Understanding and processing spoken communications in the following forms: situational dialogs, classroom directions, teachercreated materials, advertisements, and other students communications

Discriminates target language sounds and intonation Understands target vocabulary Understands basic class instruction Understands basic questions



Engaging in face to face communications to: apply learned structures, introduce people/ideas, present or request information, discuss in groups, exchange opinions, debate issues


Reproduces target language words accurately Replies to simple and direct questions in single words Takes part in classroom activities (singing songs)

Reproduces target language words accurately Replies to simple and direct questions in partial sentences Takes part in classroom activities (singing songs)

Speaks with accurate pronunciation Replies to simple and direct questions in complete sentences Asks simple questions in different class situations

Speaks with accurate pronunciation Speaks with accurate grammar Speaks on familiar topics with teachers guidance

Speaks with accurate grammar Speaks on familiar topics Uses the target language as a tool of communication in class

Describes or presents people and uses basic salutations Describes places, things, and everyday routine activities Lists likes and/or dislikes Asks and answers questions related to self, family, school and environment. Discusses plans for the near future

Communicates routine tasks in a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics Expresses agreement or disagreement and gives opinions Simulates real life situations encountered while travelling

Tells what a person has said Gives opinions and expresses feelings Conducts a prepared interview Starts, pursues, and ends a guided conversation

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ

Recognizes familiar words Reads simple sentences aloud with teachers guidance Demonstrates comprehensio n Recognizes familiar words and sentences Read short texts aloud with growing confidence Demonstrates comprehensio n Spells correctly in target vocabulary Applies grammar rules in drill exercises Writes sentences accurately with teachers guidance Organizes sentences logically Reads fluidly on familiar topics Demonstrates comprehensio n Understands personal notes and letters Follows rules and directions in list form Recognizes and understands information in brochures, advertisements, and schedules Finds specific information in everyday materials Recognizes common forms of writing (brochures, notes, catalogues) Extracts facts found in varied informative texts/articles Identifies the conclusions of an argumentative text Understands the main points of articles and reports on current issues Understands descriptions of events, feelings, and wishes Understands all type of everyday writings (brochures, notes, letters, catalogues)


Comprehending and reacting to texts on a variety of topics: to recognize intent, style, voice, and technique

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


Communicating effectively in age appropriate writing tasks, paying attention to vocabulary choice, grammatical structures, style, and technique

Spells correctly in target vocabulary Applies grammar rules in drill exercises Writes short paragraphs accurately

Drafts basic personal notes Writes sentences on everyday aspects of the environment Writes teacher-guided descriptions of personal experiences

Writes teacher-guided descriptions Uses connectors in drafting texts Drafts personal letters Paraphrases written texts

Writes personal and/or formal letters for various purposes and situations Describes in detail experiences, feelings, and events related to familiar topics Explains in writing the advantages/disadvantages of different options

19 Skill Descriptor
Developing a vocabulary to describe musical elements and making aesthetic inferences about style, time, and place Describes sounds: high/low, fast/slow, smooth/jerky Uses imagination to create scenarios through music

Describes music using a comparable: higher/lower, faster/slower, louder/softer Listens and responds to masterworks and music of many cultures (draw, move, write stories)

Describes music using simple terminology of dynamics, tempo and melodic range Listens to and compare musical elements in music from specific musical cultures (instrumentatio n, vocal styles) Uses musical imagination to shape class/group performances

Identifies simple forms when presented aurally (ABA, variation, verse and refrain) Notices and describes meter, tempo, instruments, and dynamic changes using musical terminology Identifies characteristic qualities in music from different cultures and traditions Uses knowledge and musical imagination to shape and improve group performances

Identifies timbre of orchestral instruments and voice types Understands basic principles of sound production Describes qualities of excellence in professional performances (live or recorded)

Develops simple rubrics to assess their own and other performances Identifies melodic, rhythmic, and pulse in musical extracts Describes musical features using simple terminology

Compares and evaluates different performances (solo and group) Describes musical features of pulse, rhythm, and structural elements Compares and contrasts elements of musical style

T1/T2 Develops independent criteria to evaluate performances (live and recorded) Recognizes and describes specific musical genres and cultures Understands context and function in a variety of repertoire


Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


20 Skill Descriptor
(Written and aural perception) Understanding music notation, symbols and terminology, fluency in musical language, written and aural Uses icons to represent melody and beat Echoes sung phrases, call and response

Uses icons and stick notation for note values Uses solfege to represent melodic patterns (so-mi-la) Uses rhythm sounds to describe long and short note values Uses manipulatives to represent melody, rhythm, and structure Echoes sung phrases, clapped rhythms, and call and response Improvises simple answers to sung phrases

Recognizes and notates intervals of second and third using solfege Understands and uses rhythmic stick notation Recognizes basic score indications (m,p, accents, da capo, double bar) Begins staff placement with moveable do Recognizes and notates do and la pentatonic scales

Recognizes and notates melodic and rhythmic patterns using solfege, stick, and staff notation Uses treble clef and alphabet names (absolute pitches) Locates important indications in notated music (octavi, recorder pieces) Recognizes and notates pentatonic and diatonic scales Imitates longer melodic and rhythmic patterns Improvises question and answer within style and range

Imitates melodies and rhythm patterns Sight-reads simple melodies and rhythmic patterns Follows line or part in a musical score Identifies pulse and meter in simple time

Reads melodies and rhythm patterns with increasing accuracy Echoes and notates longer melodic and rhythmic patterns Identifies and defines symbols and terms presented in repertoire Identifies pulse and meter in simple and compound time

Identifies dynamics, articulations, tempo, and expression markings present in the repertoire Sight reads melodies and rhythms of increasing complexity Echoes and notates melodic and rhythmic patterns in a variety of keys and meters

T1/T2 Reads and interprets notation, expressive indications, and articulations with fluency Recognizes more complex notation, key signatures, and compound and mixed meters Recognizes key stylistic elements in standard western and non-western repertoire from the written score

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ



21 Skill Descriptor
Experiencing music through singing, playing instruments, moving, creating, and developing ensemble skills; experiencing different ways to use voice (chant, sing, whisper) Experiences different ways to use voice (chant, sing, whisper) Uses the body to respond to music Improvises sounds and movements in storytelling Begins to sing/move in a group

Uses voice expressively (sing, chant, whisper) Responds to music with free movement, reflecting dynamics, tempo, and mood Begins to maintain steady pulse while moving, singing, and chanting Responds to teachers musical directions Sings and dances in a group in music of different cultures

Sings with increasing accuracy Develops independence in part work Performs folk songs, dances, and singing games from different cultures Creates soundscapes for folk tales Begins to develop ensemble skills (listen and respond to others)

Sings with increasing expression and control Sings canons, folk songs, and art songs Performs folk dances and choreographed dances from different regions and cultures Plays Orff bar and percussion instruments Plays folk tunes and composed pieces on recorder

Demonstrates fundamentals of tone production Develops healthy playing/singing position and posture Plays/sings together with others while following a conductor

Establishes a weekly lesson and practice routine Develops individual technique through scales, solo, and ensemble repertoire Rehearses and performs with attention to conductors verbal and non-verbal directions Maintains independence in group playing Participates in performances

Develops increasing dexterity and technical security through scales, solo, and ensemble repertoire Performs with greater range of expression and style (blend, articulation, dynamics, phrasing) Collaborates with flexibility and independence in the ensemble Anticipates and follows conductors cues Contributes actively in rehearsal activities leading toward performance

T1/T2 Performs with technical competence and musical expression appropriate to repertoire Maintains lessons and practice routine; prepares repertoire for rehearsal Balances individual and group needs by observing appropriate rehearsal behaviors (punctuality, preparedness with materials) Collaborates productively at all rehearsals and dress rehearsals leading to performance


Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


22 Skill Descriptor JA J1 J2
Applies tactical strategies appropriately, demonstrating an understanding of the components of a variety of physical activities (activity appreciation and performance Performs movements demonstrating awareness of the basic requirements of the skills for each activity Applies movement concepts to a variety of physical activities (stability, locomotion, manipulation, body awareness, and effort awareness) Performs movements demonstrating awareness of the basic requirements of the skills Applies movement concepts to a variety of physical activities (stability, locomotion, manipulation, body awareness, and effort awareness) Performs movements demonstrating awareness of the basic requirements of the skills for each activity Applies movement concepts to a variety of physical activities (stability, locomotion, manipulation, body awareness, and effort awareness)

Applies tactical strategies appropriately, demonstrating an understanding of the components of a variety of physical activities (activity appreciation, application of skills, and performance)

Applies tactical strategies appropriately, demonstrating an understanding of the components of a variety of physical activities (activity appreciation, application of skills, and performance)

Applies tactical strategies appropriately, demonstrating an understanding of the components of a variety of physical activities Uses tactical strategies in order to enhance the ability to participate successfully in specific activities (activity appreciation, tactical awareness, decision making, application of skills, and performance)

Applies tactical strategies appropriately, demonstrating an understanding of the components of a variety of physical activities Uses tactical strategies in order to enhance the ability to participate successfully in specific activities (activity appreciation, tactical awareness, decision making, application of skills, and performance)


Developing physical literacy and tactical awareness through the application of movement concepts and movement

Developing the movement competence needed to participate in physical activities

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


Performs movements demonstrating awareness of the basic requirements of the skills for each activity Applies movement concepts as appropriate, to a variety of physical activities (stability, locomotion, manipulation, body awareness, effort awareness, and spatial awareness)


Performs movements demonstrating awareness of the basic requirements of the skills for each activity Applies movement concepts as appropriate, to a variety of physical activities (stability, locomotion, manipulation, body awareness, effort awareness, spatial awareness, and relationships)

Performs movements demonstrating awareness of the requirements of the skills for each activity Applies movement concepts as appropriate, to a variety of physical activities (stability, locomotion, manipulation, body awareness, effort awareness, spatial awareness, and relationships)

Performs movement skills, demonstrating personal competence in applying movement skills and principles Applies movement concepts as appropriate, to a variety of physical activities (stability, locomotion, manipulation, body awareness, effort awareness, spatial awareness, and relationships)

Developing the skills and knowledge needed to participate regularly and safely in physical activity, while enjoying being physically active and learning how to develop and enhance their own personal fitness Participates actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities Demonstrates an understanding of the value of regular physical activity in daily life Participates actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities Demonstrates an understanding of the value of regular physical activity in daily life Participates actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities Demonstrates an understanding of the value of regular physical activity in daily life Participates actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities Demonstrates an understanding of factors that encourage lifelong participation in physical activity Participates actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities Demonstrates an understanding of factors that encourage lifelong participation in physical activity Participates actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities Demonstrates an understanding of how personal motivational factors can be used to encourage participation in physical activity Participates actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities Demonstrates an understanding of how personal motivational factors can be used to encourage participation in physical activity Identifies factors that affect choices of activities with potential for lifelong participation and enjoyment


Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ

24 Skill Descriptor JA
Formulating questions, developing scientific models, making testable predictions based on those models, and designing experiments to test those predictions Analyzing data or information to identify patterns and relationships; drawing and justifying conclusions; evaluating the effectiveness of experimental methods and the validity of data obtained Using modes (such as spoken, written, graphic, mathematical, and media-based) and formats (reports, essays, and presentations) to communicate ideas, understandings, procedures, and findings

Formulates questions Makes predictions Follows experimental procedures

Formulates questions Makes predictions Follows experimental procedures

Formulates questions Identifies variables Makes testable predictions Designs experimental procedures

Formulates questions Develops scientific models Identifies variables (independent, dependent, controlled) Makes testable predictions Designs experimental procedures (including selecting appropriate instruments and equipment, and specifying number of trials) Classifies objects/processes by shared properties Interprets data to identify relationships Draws conclusions that a scientific model is or is not supported, based on the agreement between predictions and experimental data.

Explains the relationship between theory and the purpose of any given experiment Records quantitative and qualitative experimental data accurately Identifies requirements and limitations in an experiment


Formulates questions Makes predictions



Classifies objects/processes by shared properties

Classifies objects/processes by shared properties Draws conclusions from experimental data

Classifies objects/processes by shared properties Interprets data to identify relationships Draws conclusions based on the agreement between predictions and experimental data.

Classifies objects/processes by shared properties Interprets data to identify relationships Draws conclusions based on the agreement between predictions and experimental data

Solves problems (mathematical and conceptual) Interprets data which has been collected, processed and presented in different formats (tables, graphs) Justifies the validity of a conclusion in an experiment

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


Communicates ideas and observations in speech and diagrams(drawings) Uses basic scientific language in communicating ideas

Communicates ideas and observations in speech, diagrams (drawings), and writing Uses scientific language correctly Employs counting to communicate experimental findings

Communicates ideas, understandings, procedures, and findings in written, graphic (drawings), and spoken modes Uses scientific language correctly Constructs bar and line graphs by hand

Communicates ideas, understandings, procedures, and findings in written, spoken, and media-based modes Uses scientific language correctly Constructs graphs (bar and line) by hand and/or with computer software

Communicates ideas, understandings, procedures, and findings in written, spoken, and media-based modes, including written formal lab reports Uses scientific language correctly Constructs tables and graphs (bar and line) by hand and/or with computer software

Communicates ideas, understandings, and findings in written, spoken, and media-based modes Uses scientific language correctly, including representing quantities and relationships in mathematical form Constructs tables and graphs (bar and line) by hand and/or with computer software

25 Skill Descriptor
Identifying a topic; creating a research question; gathering (locating and accessing) appropriate information in different formats; organizing (analysis, synthesis, creating new knowledge); recording and presenting Structuring a research essay in a proper, standardized format Articulates a topic of interest Identifies some parts of a book

Seeks information on a topic Uses recommended relevant sources Finds information with guidance Identifies parts of a book

Formulates questions related to research as guided by the teacher Chooses relevant sources Finds information using keywords Identifies and records basic parts of a bibliographic citation

Defines a basic research question Chooses the most appropriate sources Chooses key words for searching Identifies and records some parts of a bibliographic citation

Creates an open ended research question with guidance Chooses the most appropriate sources Determines the best key words for searching Creates a formatted bibliography

Creates a research question Chooses the most authoritative sources Creates an extensive formatted bibliography Examines findings and formulates conclusions Presents findings in an academic format



Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


Examines findings and formulates conclusions Presents findings in an academic MLA formatted essay

26 Skill Descriptor JA-J1 J2

Builds and programs simple robots Collaborates with peers on team-based projects Uses web resources for gathering information (text, image, and sound) to then manipulate for individual projects Demonstrates positive, social, ethical, and safe behaviors when using technologies and understands consequences of misuse

Uses programming language developed for young students Selects appropriate tools for specific tasks independently Differentiates between appropriate and inappropriate behavior online Selects appropriate software or applications for specific tasks

Uses models and simulations to explore systems Designs, builds, and programs simple robots Shows respect for the work of others Understands and learns how to avoid plagiarism Identifies and defines authentic problems and questions for investigation

Uses technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions Uses software to develop understanding of problem solving Locates and uses learning resources Discusses the guidelines for proper respect of copyright and ethical use of materials Demonstrates a basic understanding of online safety and of the responsibilities associated with using online tools Discusses basic issues related to responsible use of technology

Uses the appropriate tools to locate, evaluate, and use learning resources Selects and uses software for problem solving Employs technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world Demonstrates proper respect for copyright and ethical guidelines Demonstrates an understanding of the responsibilities associated with using online tools, becoming a member of social networking sites, cyber-bullying, and netiquette Models ethical behavior related to security, privacy, passwords, and personal information Demonstrates understanding of advantages and disadvantages of technology in daily life

Writes simple programs in a structured language such as HTML, JavaScript or Java Compares, evaluates, and contrasts sources of electronic information Locates, evaluates, and uses learning resources independently Makes interpretations and inferences from a range of electronic sources Demonstrates proper respect for copyright and ethical guidelines

Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ




Demonstrating the ability to find, evaluate and use information responsibly; problem solving

Uses simple robotics pieces to build objects Works collaboratively and cooperatively with others when using technology in classrooms Exhibits a positive attitude toward using technology Finds appropriate applications for specific tasks



Descriptor JA/J1
Designing, developing, and presenting original work Recognizes keys on keyboard; types numbers and simple words Uses applications for specific tasks Creates original work as a means of personal expression

Writes paragraphs with complete sentences and appropriate punctuation by manipulating text, font, and size Locates and organizes media from a variety of sources

Manipulates text, graphics, and layout Uses new and creative technologies as required to support classroom content

Works with layers of images and text Uses a variety of media to express and illustrate creatively Creates animations, interactive stories, and games

Uses a word processor to create, edit, and format documents and check spelling Creates digital presentations using multiple technology tools and programs Uses multiple Web 2.0 tools Creates a spreadsheet and graph to depict information gathered Creates basic graphics using layers and basic graphics tools

Uses a word processor to create, edit, and format documents by using advanced commands and shortcuts Evaluates which technology tools are most appropriate for specific digital presentations and confidently creates those presentations Evaluates and uses multiple Web 2.0 tools Creates a spreadsheet and graph using basic formulas to depict information gathered

Uses a word processor to create and format complex documents Uses a spreadsheet for gathering of information, evaluating information using formulae, and creating charts and graphs Selects and uses multi-media tools and applications for creation and presentation of digital content Composes and analyzes layered sounds and images in order to understand a critical and creative process


Using and troubleshooting various technology tools


Subject Skills/June 14, 2012 - Draft MLJ


Uses technology tools appropriately and with respect Communicates about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminology

Uses appropriate terminology Connects to the server Opens, edits, and saves projects to appropriate locations

Uses search options for folders, files, and software Uses peripherals and connections Moves between two or more open programs

Troubleshoots basic technical difficulties Recognizes different file formats and software or applications Describes software and hardware problems

Demonstrates a basic understanding of terminology in discussing technology hardware and software Demonstrates basic troubleshooting of systems and applications Organizes and manages files on computers, external drives, and servers Uses both Windows and Mac operating systems at a basic level


Demonstrates an intermediate understanding of terminology in discussing technology hardware and software Demonstrates troubleshooting of systems and applications Organizes and manages files on computers, external drives, and servers in a proficient manner Uses both Windows and Mac operating systems proficiently

Demonstrates mastery of terminology in discussing technology hardware and software Makes effective use of file systems and storage media to organize files Troubleshoots systems and applications independently Transfers current knowledge to learning of new technologies

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