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number rules 1> 2^(20 ) always has last two digits as 76 2^(20 + 10) always has last two

digits as 24 2> Any no written 6 times is divisible by 3,7,11,13,37 and the no itself Therefor 111111 will be divisible by 3,7,11,13, 37 and 1 3> any digit repeated 3 times is divisible by 3*37

5> 6>

a^6 - 1 is divisible by 7, where a and 7 are coprime. (Fermat;s theorem) Sum of square of 12 consecutive odd numbers is S = 48 + 572


Square numbers are always of the form 3n or 3n+1


2^20n has last four digit as c9376 //imp 2^(20 ) always has last two digits as 76 //imp 2^(20 + 10) always has last two digits as 24 //imp

10> When a three digit number has last two digits 24 and 74 , then their cube a lways ends in 24 11> The remainder we get when we divide the sum of the digits by 9 is the same as the remainder when we divide the number by 9 12> In how many ways can a number be written as a sum of numbers, where n is greater than 1? no of ways= (no of odd factors -1) e.g. n = 1000 1000= 2^3* 5^3 no of ways= (no of odd factors -1)= (3+1)-1= 3 13> The number of ways in which N can be written as sum of n consecutive positi ve even integers is B', where B' = {no of odd factors of (N/2)} - 1 So, for odd N it will be zero. 14> the number of ways in which N can be written as sum of n consecutive positi ve odd integers is B'', where B" = {number of ways in which N can be written as product of two factors} - 1 .. n consecutive natural


Odd perfect squares are always of form 8 + 1


1^ + 2^ + 3^ ...+ n^ is divisible by n(n+1)/2 when

is odd

...... (When N is odd) B" = {number of ways in which (N/4) can be written as product of two factors} 1 ........ (When N is a multiple of 4)

15> -> For a quadratic equation of the form ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d, Sum of the roots is -b/a Sum of the roots ta en 2 at a time is c/a Product of the roots is -d/a 16> The digit sum of perfect squares are always 1,4,7 or 9. for eg:25^2=625=6+2+5=13 13=1+3=4/9=4

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