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Specific notes about the experiments are available from the links tab of the Unit 2 page

John Dalton 1808 England Described atoms as tiny particles that could not be divided. Thought each element was made of its own kind of atom.

John Dalton

J. J. Thomson 1897 England Thompson discovered that electrons were smaller particles of an atom and that they are negatively charged.

Ernest Rutherford 1911- England Isolated the positive particles in an atom. Decided that the atoms were mostly empty space, but had a dense core.

Ernest Rutherford

Niels Bohr 1913 England Proposed that electrons traveled in fixed paths around the nucleus. Scientists still use the Bohr model to show the number of electrons in each orbit around the nucleus.

the atom is made of three parts: - protons (positive charge), p+ - neutrons (no charge), nO - electrons (negative charge), ethese three parts are called subatomic particles

Nucleus is comprised of protons & neutrons mass of proton = mass of neutron = 1 amu

Electrons are in the electron orbitals mass of electron ~ 0 amu

Write number of protons and neutrons in the middle Put the electrons in energy levels drawn

= number of protons = number of electrons

adding or removing protons creates a different element

= atomic mass - atomic number

e- prefer to be in the lowest energy level available, called the ground state

If energy is added, e- can move up to a higher energy level, called the excited state

Energy must be absorbed or released by the atom in order to move e- between levels

e- move down when energy is released

e- move up when energy is added

Photon a discrete bundle of energy We see the energy of photons as colored light based on their wavelength and frequency



The energy difference between the atoms energy levels determine the color of the light


Higher energy is closer to the purple end of the spectrum

Released energy shows up as a colored line

Each element has a distinct set of photons that can be absorbed or released

Astronomers use these spectral lines to identify which elements are present in stars

We can see the most abundant photons by doing a flame test Metal salts burn a distinctive color

Colors are wavelengths of light. The measures of these wavelengths are frequencies called Nanometers (nm)

The longer wavelengths are associated with less amounts of energy ENERGY DEMO



Wavelength? High energy or Low Energy?


E=hF E=hc/

Getting wavelength using speed of light and frequency Energy using Plancks constant and frequency Energy using Plancks constant, speed of light, and wavelength

Average atomic mass

If you change the number of protons, you change the element. But elements can have different numbers of electrons and neutrons.
Ions of the same element have different electrons. Isotopes of the same element have different neutrons.

an isotope is an element with a different number of neutrons and a different mass. (neutrons = atomic mass atomic #)

The atomic mass of an element is calculated using the mass and relative abundance of each isotope.

atomic mass is calculated using the mass of each isotope times its relative abundance ex. Carbon (Atomic mass = 12.01)
98.93% of carbons have a mass of 12 amu 1.07% of carbon atoms have a mass of 13 amu

1. Convert % abundance to decimal form. (Move the decimal two places to the left.)

Li-6 0.075 Li-7 0.925

Multiply the decimal by its respective atomic mass


0.075x6.015 = 0.451
Li-7 0.925x7.016 = 6.490

Atomic mass of Li 0.451 + 6.490 = 6.491


Add the products.

In an isotope, which subatomic particle changes? Calculate the number of protons and neutrons in Sulfur-32 and in Sulfur-35.

Calculate the average atomic mass of an element with 3 isotopes:

Mass (amu) 20 24 25 Relative Abundance (%) 87.31 5.74 6.95

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