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Term 4, Week 1


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ST. HILDAS SECONDARY SCHOOL Secondary Three Express Science (Chemistry) Quiz
Chapter 10 Acids & Bases

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (5 marks) 1 Which word describes the reaction between dilute nitric acid and potassium hydroxide? A B C D Electrolysis Decomposition Neutralization Precipitation ( 2 Sodium, aluminium and sulfur are in the same period of the Periodic Table. Which trend in types of oxide occurs across this period? Left Acidic Amphoteric Basic Basic Right Basic Acidic Amphoteric Acidic C)


Amphoteric Basic Acidic Amphoteric

( D ) A sample of polluted air was bubbled through water. The pH of the solution formed is less than 7. Which of the gas causes this? A B C D Ammonia Carbon monoxide Nitrogen Sulfur dioxide ( D )

Zinc oxide reacts with a) concentrated acids to form a salt and water. b) alkalis to form a salt and water What type of oxide is zinc oxide? A B C D Acidic Amphoteric Basic Neutral B )

( Which of the following produces an alkaline solution when dissolved in water? A B C D Carbon monoxide Lithium hydroxide Nitric oxide Sulfur dioxide (

B )

Section B: Structured Questions (5 marks) 1. Some reactions of dilute sulfuric acid are given in the flow chart below.
Mg (s) Gas A Dilute sulfuric acid CuCO3 (s) Gas B

NaOH (aq)

Bubbled through limewater White precipitate D

Products C

a) Name gas A and B respectively.

A: hydrogen gas / B: carbon dioxide

b) Write down the chemical formula of the products C H2O and Na2SO4 c) Write down the chemical name of salt D. calcium carbonate

d) Write down balanced equation for the reaction between dilute sulfuric acid and copper(II) carbonate. H2SO4 + CuCO3 CuSO4 + H2O + CO2 *** End of Paper ***

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