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Personal Theory Sherrita Hedgepeth (910) 232-3581 COUN 507-B03 Liberty University October 12, 2012


A biblically based theory of Christian counseling that integrates psychology, spirituality, and theology is very important to the model of counseling. The model must be flexible to address believer and non-believers. Counselors also use the model to gently get the nonbelievers to believe and build a personal relationship with God. The integration of theology and psychology is important to the theory developed; this will be accomplished with the use of secular peer reviewed science alongside biblical principles. The theory presented will be broken into four section, personality structure, motivation, development and worldview. This essay will conclude that providing a Biblical approach to counseling will allow for more people to believe and go down a path of hope while learning and believing in Jesus Christ.

PERSONAL Understanding Human Personality Personality The human body has its own specific purpose which is explained in the Living Bible (1 Corinthians). Each part of the body is dependent on another part of the body to function. If one part of the body is not working then the other parts of the body would not be able to function

either. If all parts of the body are working, then they will function in union and other parts of the body will run immaculately. The three concepts of psychology, spirituality, and theology do not completely examine the human body. These concepts together do help in determining a direction the person should focus towards. Each concept brings forth its own unique concept of personality. For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12 New American Standard). Personality is very complex and hard to determine as each individual is different. People change as they grow and their thought process changes as well which affects their personality Systems theory is a generic term for conceptualizing a group of related elements that interact as a whole entity (Gladding, 2007, p.244). Another theorist, Hawkins emphasizes the importance of multitasking considering insights from psychology, theology, spirituality, and other forces shaping a person. Motivation Many people can be affected by the negative results of sin. Sinful nature is also present in the core of personality (Hawkins, 2006). It is known or defined that sin is a representation of selfish behaviors and its mission to seek happiness. Backus and Chapain believe that a persons reactions and responsibilities help mold that individuals beliefs and behavior. They based that

PERSONAL principle they also theorized that mental illness and emotional turmoil is caused by misbelief (Backus & Chapain 2000, p 17). Currently it is viewed as common knowledge that the way we feel about ourselves will motivate us and our drive to succeed or overcome obstacles. The mind is the driving force behind rather or not a person will succeed or fail. It is also common place for people to beat

themselves up when things dont go right. Developing a faith and practice in the right ways to be successful can take a person a long way in life and aid them in their actions along the way. Human Development and Individual Differences According to Crabb (1977) the goal of Christian counseling is to promote maturity in Christ; then the level of maturity that each client has reached must be assessed. Possessing the right human development and individual differences are key factors in helping to determine if the efforts towards counseling are sufficient for the individual. Human development, spiritual growth, and psychological change are all contributing factors in the process of human development. These are the three key concepts in a persons development and each entity supports the other. Dr. Crabb (1997) describes personality transformation as a multilevel process, the Holy Spirit which reminds Christians of Gods word as it relates to their problem. The second step is to review the problem with Scripture in hand. There are two other levels that do not however influence the decisions of the Christian. Based on Crabbs theory a Christian beliefs seep down into his basic assumption system, slowly replacing the wrong beliefs he has held from childhood (Crabb, p. 108). Each individual is different and will have a different approach than others in identifying the true problem and working towards a solution. Modifying the processes and procedures in counseling is often required when working with different types of individuals who all have

PERSONAL different types of problems. There are some clients, according to Dr. Hawkins, who should be approached on a feeling level while others should be led spiritually. While other clients who

have cognitive based personalities are best dealt with by working on the thinking level and those suffering from physical disabilities are helped first by addressing their tangible needs (Hawkins, 2006). Where Problems Developed Health and Wellness The health of a client can consist of several parts to include the biological, psychological, relational, and spiritual components. Health is something that is acquired but can be lost as an individual goes through the journey of life. The individual has to have the desire and will to promote and search for a journey toward wellness. Dr. Wilson shares how health is maintaining forward motion toward positive personal change but how the process can be very messy in appearance but as long were shuffling or stumbling in a new healthier, more truthful direction, were making positive progress (Wilson, 2001, p.233). And this is how to maintain healthy progress towards personal change. Based on the work of Dr. McMinn (1996) there are three factors in determining health and they are accurate awareness of self, accurate awareness of needs, and involvement in health relationships. These three factors are very important in the counseling process for those seriously looking for help and change. Being aware of individuals needs and self is important. A person has to be able to recognize their own self issues before seeking or reaching out for help. There has to be awareness of ones actions and consequences of those actions. Most important being in a health relationship is important as well. People involved in an unhealthy relationship

PERSONAL tend to allow their thought process to be influenced with the negativity of the relationship causing a lot more harm than intended. The bible is where Sandra Wilson (2001) directs hurt people to fine their source of certainty. Based on the Christian principle that Jesus Christs love for you is unconditional, she uses biblical references in order to aid in development of a healthy self-image. One of the goals of Christian counseling is to get the clients to become more Christ-like and work on building a relationship with Jesus Christ. Psychological & Spiritual

Many people or theorists have their own explanation or reasoning of illness. It is thought that there are several factors that contribute to the beginnings of psychosis such as anxiety, sin, lust, neglect, or depression. There are many other illnesses as well. The inability to react to stress well can be genetic and cause generations and generations to see and go through similar illnesses. In Dr. Wilsons book (2001) HOPE chart which stands for Healing Overview and Progress Evaluation the chart is broken down to show that hurting people are taken through a process that points out the key issue to address, applies truth to it, the individual then makes new choices and then puts them into practice. Being aware of change and being able to know what steps are needed to make change can make the thought process for change a lot easier. Backus and Chapain (2000) found it important to point out how people cognitively misbelieve or may hold the incorrect thinking process about something because they are holding onto the incorrect thought around emotions and actions. People have choices and based on the choices that are made; those choices can positively or negatively affect a person. If an individual makes a choice to engage in sinful activities then that person had placed themself further away from God and others. According to Adams (1999) a person must regret the sin and issues in a

PERSONAL change of lifestyle (p.144), in order to remove the wall and in order to change their thinking, attitudes, and beliefs. Role of Integration and Multitasking Integration and multitasking are two essential components in counseling. Counselors need to be able to deal with different people in different types of groups. McMinn believes the most effective Christian counselors are able to process several ideas simultaneously (McMinn, 1996, p269). There is a tool that is important called the concept of using concentric circles.

With this method it allows the counselor to view the entire individual as a whole, but also allows the counselor to view in individual parts. Source Problems and Structure Effective Intervention Comprehensive theory There are several components and elements to the counseling theory. Counseling is the intervention and techniques used in uniquely in interrelationship between the client and the counselor. The goal is to promote change and growth in the individual. The person will need to want change prior to any counseling being successful. The counselor will contribute to the process of change during the condoling by enhancing his or her personal development. The idea is to aim to increase the level of awareness as well as the level of motivation so change. Self-disclosure is one intervention used in humanistic counseling, Beutler (1978) states that "the degree either of the experimenter or therapist self-disclosure precipitates a similar disclosure level in subjects and patients". Process and techniques Healing in the therapeutic process is accomplished by addressing any physical and spiritual issues causing a person to think unclearly. A person needs to be able to heal from the

PERSONAL thinks that cause them to think unclearly so the counselor can use their process and techniques and work toward change for the individual. Dr. Anderson believes that while addressing underlying causes of anxiety, a client should always have thorough medical examinations to rule out medical causes of their distressing symptoms (Anderson, 1999, p.73). A need to make sure the individual is healthy and does not have any mental issues is very important in this process. If spiritual involvement is suspected taking authority over the demonic realm may be indicated but should be addressed wisely and through much prayer (Mark 9:28-29). People have to keep in mind that the truth is an essential piece to this proves because if you are unable to accept or recognize the truth then the individuals thought process is still clogged causing her/him to think unclearly. A willingness to search for the truth and not blame

others for personal sin or other issues is a very important step as well. If the individual is unable to recognize and face the truth then the individual is unable to move forward with change processed. Individuals are not perfect but recognizing the truth and making good choices going forward would greatly help any person. The technique used is a cognitive-behavioral approach. There are many general techniques which help clients to engage in a comfortable and informative session versus feeling uncomfortable and not willing to open up. The comfortable setting allows the individual to ask open ended questions while the counselor is listening and evaluating the situation. Demonstration of effectiveness The misbelief theory and described by Backus and Chapains (2000) is an example of cognitive disputing technique where misbeliefs are located, removed, and replaced with the truth. This approach is limited for individuals who have tough disorders. If Dr. Adams (1986) confrontational approach is used by a counselor as a single technique then effectiveness may


decrease. The goal of counseling is to aid the client in developing cognition that must be healthy enough to process thinking patterns and make sound decisions at all times. Moving the client toward positive change involves several multiple in communication, understanding, and connection. Effectiveness may decrease when a counselor limits him or herself to just one technique such as Jay Adams (1986) confrontational approach. Therapeutic sessions will work better and effectiveness will manifest itself by overcoming barriers in order to continue a journey towards positive change. In McMinns (1996) triad, which includes sense of self, sense of need, and foremost. Success can come in many forms and shapes. In order for McMinns theory to successfully validate a positive change has taken place the client will report an improved sense of wellbeing, system relief, and improved overall functioning. Everyones goal of success is different and on different levels depending on the individual and his/her personal goals for change. Most counselor typically can gauge effectiveness of counseling by assessing their client and seeing if he/she is engaging themselves in healthy relationships and bringing awareness of self and needs. McMinns theory states, A more careful look suggests that spiritual and psychological health require a confident (but not inflated) sense of self, and awareness of human need, limitations, and confiding interpersonal relationships with God and others (p.59). True success is defined by progress and not by perfection. Worldview influence my Theory View of psychology, theology, and spirituality Whether or not people realize it or not everyone involved in the counseling process has or processes a worldview whether they realize it or not. These views affect the way the theory progresses and assist with future theories or models. A clear understanding of ones own

PERSONAL personal worldview is a very important element to being a good Christian counselor. The Biblical worldview sifts all information through the sieve of Gods Word. Since all issues are not addressed in Scripture, to sift means to see if the issue lines up with Gods Word (2001). This theory covers the Biblical worldview aspects in a number of ways. The theory is applicable to larger worldview in other ways such as not helping nonChristians. The person does not have to be a Christian to receive the counseling that he/she needs. The encourage non-believers to reach out to them for help. Once there is a relationship


built between the counselor and the individual, and then he/she may be open to learning the word of the bible and becoming a believer. The theory recognizes the complexity of its influences on ones life, but is a simple concept covering the concepts of health, truth, and choices leading to change. The theory also covers influences on personality and the fact that this influence is universal as well. Approach to integration Throughout this theory the integration of theology and secular psychology has been encouraged through this theory. The theory allows the Biblical worldview to emerge as dominant in order to resolve any conflicts between Scripture and psychology (Rice, 2006). Individuals working toward change need to have an open mind to the scriptures as there is guidance in each word. Counselors want the individual to be open minded to the word and living by the word even if he/she is not a believer. Supportive Scripture plays a vital role in the in the deep transformation through Jesus Christ and its pinnacle of positive change. Conclusion This theory is a very strong relative theory and focus on the growth on ones own change and perception in life. The combination of human behavior, psychology, theology and

PERSONAL spirituality provides and understanding of what makes and individual function and react. The integration of theology and psychology provide a strong foundation for discovering the truth in


clients and observing choices made by the clients. Through multitasking counselors can develop a comprehensive strategy and get a better view of both personalities issues. The desire to integrate begins in the heart of an evangelical Christian who decides they need a change in their life. Recognizing the truth and making the best choices is very important in this proves. Christ-centered counselors are equipped with the appropriate techniques and procedure to help a client target a positive change. It is important to understand all components of human personality which involves three disciplines so being able to multitask is vital to the clients growth and change. The integrated model if accepted will be a very resourceful tool in making a difference in peoples lives.

PERSONAL References Adams, J. (1986). How to help people change. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.


Backus, W., & Chapian M. (2000). Telling yourself the truth. Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers. Crabb, L. (1977). Effective Biblical Counseling. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Gladding, S. (2007). Group work: A counseling specialty (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall. Hart, A. (1999). The anxiety cure. Nashville, TN: Word Publishing. McMinn, M. (1996). Psychology, theology and spirituality in Christian counseling. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Rice, D. (Producer). (2006). Constructing a comprehensive theory of counseling [Motion picture]. (Available from Liberty University, 1971 University Boulevard, Lynchburg, VA 24502). Wilson, S. (2001). Hurt people hurt people: Hope and healing for yourself and your relationships. Grand Rapids, MI: Discovery House Publishers. Hawkins, R. (2006a). Hawkins' model for guiding the counseling process. Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University, Counseling Department.

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