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09100032 IV /7 STBA


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb, Good morning ladies and gentlemen ! In this occasion i would like to give speech about Sumedang puseur budaya sunda. Ladies and gentlemen, In 2009, Sumedang was given a big task to be proved by us. It is the slogan of Sumedang as puseur budaya sunda. It means that sumedang become the cultures centre in sunda. Ladies and gentlemen, Sumedang has many cultures. They are kuda lumping, tarawangsa, and etc. But actually, they are not work properly enough because of many reasons. First, a lack of supporting phisically and morally from Sumedang district. Second, a lack of people conciousness about the culture itself. Ladies and gentlemen,

Sumedang is our place, Sumedang is our home, and Sumedang is a part of our life. But what we have given to sumedang? Ladies and gentlemen, Lets make the words of slogan Sumedang Puseur Budaya Sunda happen. We can do that by paying atttention to the small thing around us. Ladies and gentlemen, Lets make the change for our place from now on. Thank you. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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