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Eveniment . Complicitate occulta . Spusesem la polizie ca merg sa denunt la tribunal sechestrul la panoul publicitar si la volantini .

Am scris si incarcat pe site ca dimineata merg sa duc reclamatia la tribunal . Am ajuns . 11:32:58 18.05.2012 nr 234 , 109 clienti in coada . ????? La 12:30 inchide . Nu poti sa depui astazi . Probabil au facut anumea ? Pe 06.06 si 22.09.2011 erau doar vreo 8 clienti circa , inainte . Multi nu erau prezenti . Nu erau pe sala decat vreo 20 persoane . Unde ori fi ceilalti ? Cred ca au poza cu mine astia , si ? Din aceia care intrau nu cred ca aveau numar . Intra cand nu intra nimeni . 150 , 151 , ... la anumite numere nu intra nimeni . Pana la 179 daca au intrat vreo 10 numere . Restul nu erau . Nu stiu daca aveau numar toti sau au intrat ca si mine , spunand ca nu gasesc numarul . 177 nu intra nimeni . 178 nu intra nimeni . la 179 am intrat eu . Dupa vreo 3 minute ajunge o femeie cu doua carje paralizati . Eu am numarul 179 . Vroia sa ma dea de la ghiseu , dar tocmai era totul completat deja . Atunci , astia sau pregatit sa nu ma primeasca astazi ? Am inregistrat audio video toate 28 pagini din declaratie. Secretara imi spunea ca e doar o pagina , iar restul sunt pagine alaturate . I-am aratat , ca si pe pagina 28 era scris de mana ca mi-au sechestrat panoul , si e tot declaratie , nu pagine alaturate . Nr. Depunere 963352202 18.05.2012 Am denuntat din nou la tribunalul de Milano . Este bine ca toate popoarele vor observa miscarile la cheile Italia si Israel . Este bine ca copii vostri sa vada paranormal audio video inregistrat . Exemplu = acela care ia bagat microfonul in gat la acesti escroci care vor sa va faca un vitel miel sarpe vultur in locul la corpul infiniti sfera ! Vanatoarea la bancherii din Elvetia Vatican , impotriva mea . Travesti de schiopi , saraci , cersetori , cu mana in ghips , cu carje si carucioare paralizati , vor sa ma insele si sa ma ademeneasca . Asta e ultima forma a sarpelui profetic . Scris pe zid , si un clan de bancheri imbracati cu tricouri cu consiglii scrise . Cam asa piloteaza bestiile lui satan si diavol victimile lor pe scaunul mortii ! ( Cristos , Pietru , Paul , Hitler , Barac Obama , etc ) Ceia ce e in interiorul meu lea bagato in gura pentru un miliard de ani de zile !Traducere google . De ce nu reusiti sa ma pilotati pe scaunul mortii si vati pilotat chiar pe voi ? Event. Complicity Occulta. Had told the grinding that go to court to terminate the seizure to the panel and volantini. I wrote and uploaded the morning going to take your complaint to court. We arrived. 05/18/2012 11:32:58 No 234, 109 customers in the queue. ????? Closes at 12:30. You can not deposit today. Probably intentional. on 06.06 and 22.09.2011 were only about 8 clients about before. Many were not present. There were only about 20 per room. Where times have others? I think these guys have picture of me, and? For those who do not believe they had entered number. Come when no one enter. 150, 151, ... certain numbers do not enter one. Up to 179 if you have entered about 10 numbers. The rest were not. I do not know if all the numbers were entered or like me saying that I find the number. 177 not get one. 178 not get one. I've got to 179. After about three minutes a woman comes with two crutches paralyzed. I am number 179. I wanted to do to counter, but that everything was already completed. Prepare to not receive me today? We did film the 28-page statement. The secretary told me it's just one page and the rest are facing pages. We recorded audio video all 28 pages of statement. The secretary told me it's just one page and the rest are facing pages. I showed that on page 28 was written by hand that I have seized panel, and all statement is not facing pages. No. Deposit 963352202 18.05.2012 I again denounced the court of Milan. It is good that all people will see movements in Italy and Israel keys. It's good for your kids to see paranormal audio video recording. Example = one who put the microphone in the neck to these crooks who want to make a bull snake eagle lamb instead of the infinite body area! Vatican Swiss bankers hunt against me. Travesty of lame, poor, beggars, hand in a cast with crutches and wheelchairs paralyzed, will deceive me and lure me. This is the last form of serpent prophecy. Posted on the wall, and a clan of bankers dressed in shirts with written consigliere.

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