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Hgb 120 121 120 g/L
Hct 27.7 36 40-54%
MCV 84 84 80-94%
MCHC 36 33 32-37%
RBC 4.3 4.2 4.5-5.0 x 1012/L
WBC 13.3 14.9 5-10 x 109/L
Segmenters 82 73 40-75%
Lymphocytes 17 21 20-45%
Eosinophils 1 6 1-4%
Basophils -
Platelets normal Increased 140-440 x 109/L
RBC morphology normochromic normochromic
normocytic normocytic

The patient has a low hemoglobin, low hematocrit, low MCV but high MCHC, RBC is
slightly lower than normal. WBC is elevated due to the presence of bacterial pneumonia,
platelets are normal size and shape of red blood cells is normal as well. Same
interpretation on the 2nd test except for increased platelet count.

C. Coagulation Studies
Prothrombin Time 12.6
Control 12.0
INR 1.05
% Activity 93.5
Partial Thromboplastin 25.8
Control 30.0

Prothrombin time is normal. Partial thromboplastin Time is slightly delayed.

D. Arterial Blood Gases

pH 7.403 7.35-7.45
PCO2 31.5 35-45 mmHg
PO2 (arterial) 130 80-100 mmHg
O2 Saturation 99.1% 94-100%
HCO3 20.0 22-26 meq/L
Base Excess -5.2 +/-2
Total CO2 21.0
FiO2 2 LPM
PO2 (venous) 35.5
Temp 36.1 37 ˚ C
RR 36 12-20
Patient’s arterial PO2 is due to the respirator attached to the patient which 2L of O2 /min.
decrease in PCO2 indicates respiratory alkalosis while the decrease in HCO3 indicates
metabolic acidosis. pH level is normal but is slightly on the alkalinic side. Therefore, the
finding is: Fully compensated respiratory alkalosis without hypoxemia.

E. Lipids
Total Cholesterol 6.5 3.4-6.1 mmo1/L
HDL 1.5 0.6-2.1 mmo1/L
Triglyceride 1.4 Up to 2.4 mmo1/L
LDL 4.4 Up to 3.9 mmo1/L
Total Cholesterol/ HDL 4.3

Patient’s total cholesterol exceeded the normal value which may cause fatty build up if
not burned

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