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LITERARY TERMS / DEVICES for ARCHETYPES in LITERATURE Students are responsible for knowing the following literary terms

/ devices for a quiz (next week), a major essay as well as the Final Exam. In addition, students must be able to identify and explain important literary terms found in the stories in which they lead discussion. Students should define these terms in ARCHETYPES notebook for easy reference throughout the school year. Allegory Irony (3 kinds) Symbol - Plot, Verbal, Dramatic Alliteration Theme Metaphor Allusion Tone Mood Antagonist Omniscient narrator Anthropomorphism Onomatopoeia Archetype Oxymoron Catharsis Paradox Climax Persona Conflict Personification Diction Plot Dynamic Character Point of View (1st & 3rd) Epiphany Protagonist Epithet Rising Action Falling Action Round Character Flashback Setting Foil Character Short Story structure Foreshadowing Simile Hyperbole Static Character Imagery Stock Character In Medias Res

Stream of Consciousness

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