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is a quick Farm Bill update followed by a few links with more information. As part of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 to avert the fiscal cliff, Congress passed a 9 month Farm Bill extension. This does negate previous Farm Bill efforts and does indicate that the new Congress will have to start the process of reauthorizing a new, full five-year farm bill from scratch. We've listed some general information about this extension below to give you an idea of what it all means and what to expect in the following months. Cuts Cuts funding for some organic, specialty crops, and small conservation programs (essentially, as there is no extension of funding for farmers markets, value-added agriculture, rural microenterprise assistance, beginning farmers, minority farmers, organic agriculture, renewable energy, and specialty crop and organic research.) Cuts subsidies for dairy farmers, which were added as drought protection last year (though milk prices have been protected) Cuts SNAP from $395 million to $285 million in FY 2013 Cuts SNAP-Ed by 1/3 or $110 million for FY 2013. Renewals and Additions Renews subsidies for grain, cotton, corn, and soy beans Delays the sequesters across-the-board cuts for two months (WIC and other discretionary programs) Continues funding for the Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program and the Community Food Projects Authorizes $79 million for SNAPs employment and training programs for FY 2013 Next Steps -Sequestration of discretionary programs to kick in on March 1st unless Congress takes action beforehand -In March, the Congressional Budget Office will issue a new farm bill budget baseline that will be the yardstick against which new farm bill proposals will be measured. It will very likely show higher crop insurance subsidy spending, slightly lower food stamp spending, and lower Conservation Reserve Program spending, all of which will be factored into preparations for a new bill. It is also unclear how much savings the Committees will have to achieve in the new farm bill. The Consquences of a Short Term Farm Bill Fix, NPR Interview with Vilsack includes call-ins from various farmers with questions and concerns. Highlights of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, FRAC FRAC offers a summary of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, highlighting cuts and renewals in the Farm Bill extension.

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