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I have used the starting letter of the magazine name to represent it on this page.

However, I have made it more quirky by duplicating it on top. This could be seen as my magazine logo.

The title of the page, contents, is in capital, bold writing. It is divided onto 3 line to make it more unique and make the magazine slightly abstract.

The features of my magazine are listed down the right hand side of my page. I have done it like this to make it look for formal to appeal to my target audience.

The main image on my contents page is very large and dominating. This will make the contents page a lot more eye-catching and attention-drawing.

The second image is a lot smaller and not so eye-catching. However, it links to one of the page numbers details in the lower left hand corner of the page.

The background of my contents page will probably be a white colour or the original background of my main image.

The page numbers are necessary on the contents page of a magazine as it shows the reader where things are in the magazine.

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