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Structura si formatul fisierului CP v.

Formatul fisierului CP Fisierul CP este format din 9 componente:

Componenta FileDescription Componenta Land Componenta Address Componenta Parcel Componenta Building Componenta BuildingCommonParts Componenta Points Componenta Person Componenta Deed

Structura componentelor fisierului CP

Structura componentei FileDescription
Name FileID FileName FileVersion OperationType LicensedName LicensedNumber Type Integer String String String String String Size (bytes) Description 4 Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Unique ID File name Version of file Cadastral Operation Type Surveyor Name License Number of surveyor

Structura componentei Land

Name LandID PaperCadNo PaperLandBookNo TopoNo AddressID MeasuredArea ParcelLegalArea IsNew FileID BuildingLegalArea Type Integer String String String Integer Double Double Byte Integer Double 1 4 Size (bytes) Description 4 Variable Variable Variable 4 Unique ID Paper Cadastral Number Paper Landbook Number Topo Number Unique ID of address Measured area of Land Parcel Legal Area New or existing land Unique ID of file Legal area of Building

Structura componentei Address

Name AddressID SIRSUP SIRUTA Intravilan DistrictType DistrictName StreetType StreetName PostalNumber Block Type Integer Long Long Byte String String String String String String Size (bytes) Description 4 8 8 1 Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Unique ID Administrativeunit SIRSUP Locality SIRUTA Intravilan/Extravilan District type District name Street Type Street Name PostalNumber Block Number

Name Entry Floor ApNo ZipCode Description Section

Type String String String String String String

Size (bytes) Description Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Entry Floor Number Apartment Number ZipCode Address Description Section

Structura componentei Parcel

Name ParcelID LandID Number MeasuredArea UseCategory Intravilan TaxValue TitleNo LandPlotNo ParcelNo Notes TopoNo Type Integer Integer Integer String String Byte Double String String String String String Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Size (bytes) Description 4 4 4 Variable Variable 1 Unique ID Unique ID of Land The number of parcel inside Land Measured area of parcel Use category of parcel Intravilan/Extravilan of Parcel Tax Value of Parcel Number of Title of ownership Landplot Number (tarla number from the title) Parcel Number (parcel number from the title) Notes

Structura componentei Building

Name BuildingID LandID AddressID BuildNo MeasuredArea TotalArea BuildingDestination LevelsNo IUNo TaxValue Notes IsLegal Type Integer Integer Integer Integer Double Double String Integer Integer Double String Byte Variable Variable 4 4 Size (bytes) Description 4 4 4 4 Unique ID Unique ID of Land Unique ID of address The number of building inside parcel Measured area of building Total area Destination category of building Levels number (numar nivele constructie) Individual units number (numar UI constructie) Tax Value of building Notes Has or not building permission (legal documents)

LegalArea TopoNo

Double String Variable

Legal Area of building

Structura componentei BuildingCommonParts

Name BuildingID COMMONPARTTYPE Type Integer String Variable Size (bytes) Description 4 Unique ID Unique ID of building Common Part Type

BuildingCommonPartsID Integer

Structura componentei IU
Name IUID BuildingID Identifier Section ApNo Entry MeasuredArea TotalArea Type Integer Integer Integer String String String Double Double Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable 4 Variable Size (bytes) Description 4 4 4 Variable Variable Variable Unique ID Unique ID of Building IU cadastral identifier Tronson number Apartament number Entry number Measured area of UI Total area Land Indivision Area Common Parts Area Notes Floor number Land Division Type Common Parts Type Old IU number in case of Reapartamentare, Deslipire/Alipire UI Topo Number


COMMONPARTSTYPE String OldIU TopoNo Integer String

Structura componentei Points

Name PointID ImmovableID Type Integer Integer Size (bytes) Description 4 4 Unique ID Unique ID of immovable (land)

BuildingID No X Y

Integer String Double Double

4 Variable 8 8

Unique ID of building Point number X coordinate Y coordinate

Structura componentei Person

Name PersonID AddressID FirstName IsPhysical LastName IDCODE PreviousLastName FatherInitial IDCARDTYPE IDCARDSERIALNO IDCARDNUMBER Notes Phone Email FileID Type Integer Integer String Byte String String String String String String String String String String Integer Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable 4 Size (bytes) Description 4 4 Variable Unique ID Unique ID of address Firstname Is Physical person or legal Lastname IDCODE Previous Last Name Father Initial Citizenship Country IDCARD Type IDCARD Serial number IDCARD Number Notes Phone number Email address Unique ID of File


Structura componentei Deed

Name DeedID DeedNumber DeedDate DeedType Authority FileID

Type Integer String Date String String Integer

Size (bytes) Description 4 Variable Variable Variable 4 Unique ID Deed Number Deed Date Deed Type Authority that issued the deed Unique ID of File

Pasii de scriere a unui fisier CP in format XML

1. Se scrie componenta FileDescription (structura contine detalii referitoare la fisier, vezi Capitol I.A) 2. Se scrie componenta Land (structura contine detalii referitoare la Teren, vezi Capitol I.A) 3. Se scrie componenta Address referitoare la teren (structura contine detalii referitoare la adresa Terenului, vezi Capitol I.A) 4. Se scrie componenta Parcel (structura contine detalii referitoare la parcele, vezi Capitol I.A) 5. Se scrie componenta Points referitoare la teren (structura contine detalii referitoare la punctele pe conturul entitatii teren, vezi Capitol I.A) 6. Se scrie componenta Building (structura contine detalii referitoare la constructii, vezi Capitol I.A) 7. Se scrie componenta BuildingCommonParts (structura contine detalii referitoare la partile de uz comun in cadrul unei constructii, vezi Capitol I.A) 8. Se scrie componenta Address referitoare la constructii (structura contine detalii referitoare la adresa constructiilor, vezi Capitol I.A) 9. Se scrie componenta Points referitoare la constructii (structura contine detalii referitoare la punctele pe conturul entitatii constructie, vezi Capitol I.A) 10. Se scrie Componenta Person (structura contine detalii referitoare la persoanele care au legatura cu imobilul in cauza, vezi Capitol I.A) 11. Se scrie componenta Address referitoare la Persoane (structura contine detalii referitoare la adresa persoanelor, vezi Capitol I.A) 12. Se scrie Componenta Deed (structura contine detalii referitoare la documentele si actele legale care au legatura cu imobilul in cauza, vezi Capitol I.A)

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