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January 2013 Dear Parents, We have just started an exciting study in Readers Workshop!

Students have chosen an author to study for the next two three weeks. Due to our author study, you will not see guided reading bags coming home. Students will be meeting with their author groups and completing an author study packet during Readers Workshop time. The children will be reading many books by one particular author, while learning about the author. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to begin to do what readers do we find authors that we enjoy and look for more books by the same author. Please question your child about his/her author. Additionally, if you go to the public library please encourage your child to check out books by his/her author to read at home. If you are a reader yourself and are fond of a particular author, discuss that with your child. Show him/her your favorite books by your favorite author. We model to students our passion for reading, hoping they can experience the same passion for reading. Thank you for helping me to encourage a love of reading in your children! Ms. Eckardt

Your childs author: ________________________

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