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Translation: Polar Bear and the Blood Ice-cream.

Polar bears are the world's largest land carnivores, with most adult males weighing 300–
600 kg (660–1320 lb); it is the hardest animal for the Eskimo to hunt them by force.

But, since the Eskimo know that Polar bears have a strong hobby… that Polar bears like the
taste of blood. So, the Eskimo set a trip to hunt the Polar bear with ease.

First, the Eskimo would go to hunt some seals (which is much easier to hunt). Then, they
would drain the blood of the seals into a bucket. Inside the bucket, they would hide a
double edge knife in the middle. When the blood is frozen, it would be poured out from the
bucket and just like a Blood Ice-cream. Finally, the Eskimo would place the Blood Ice-cream
at some hunting points.

The Polar bear would then able to smell the blood from miles away. When it reach the Ice-
cream, it would start to lick it and find that it taste GOOD. After some time, it tongue
started to get numb. And, when the Polar bear continue to lick the ice-cream, while the ice-
cream is getting smaller, it tongue would be cut by the knife. Since then, the Polar bear
would not feel the pain, but it can only feel that it get more blood from licking the ice-
cream (not aware that it is drinking it own blood).

Slowly, the Polar Bear would fall down in enjoying drinking it own blood and be hunted by the











北极熊是熊科动物中最大的,体长可达 2.5 米,高 1.6 米,重 500 公斤。北极熊不仅善于在冰冷的海水中


(Cut and Paste from WWW).

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