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BIOLOGY (Quiz 1) Name: _______________________ Part A: Objective question. Answer all the questions. 1.

What is the name of the jelly-like substance that is inside the cell? A: cytoplasm B: ectoplasm C: cytokinesis

2. Which cell feature is responsible for making proteins? A: lysosomes B: ribosomes C: mitochondria

3. What cell feature is responsible for powering the cell? A: endoplasmic reticulum B: golgi apparatus C: mitochondria

4. What is one major feature that plant cells have that animal cells do not? A: lysosome B: cell wall C: cell membrane 5. What cell feature contains digestive enzymes which breaks things down?

A: lysosomes B: ribosomes C: vacuoles 6. What cell feature contains digestive enzymes which breaks things down? A: lysosomes B: ribosomes C: vacuoles

7. Lysosome are membrane bounded veschicle that arise from the A. Nucleus B. Mitochondria C. Endoplaasmic Reticulum D. Golgi apparatus

8. The nucleoplasm is connected to the cytoplasm through the action of: A. Nucleoli B. Chromatin C. Chromosomes D. Nucleopores

Part B: Structure Question A. What is endosymbiont theory? (2marks)


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