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Q.1) C language has been developed by ?

A.Ken Thompson B.Dennis Ritchie C.Peter Norton D.Martin Richards

Q.2) C can be used on ?

A.only MS-DOS B.only Linux C.only window D.All of the above

Q.3) C programs are convrted into the machine language with the help of ?
A.An editor B.Compiler C.An operating system D.None of the above

Q.4) The real constant in C can be expressed which of the following forms ?
A.Fractional form only B.Exponetial form only C.ASCII form only D.Both Fractional and Exponetial

Q.5) A character variable can at a time score ?

A.1 character B.8 characters C.254 characters D.None of the above

Q.6) The statement char ch='z' would store in ch

A.The character Z B.ASCII value of Z C.Z along with the single inverted commas D.Both (1) and (2)

Q.7) Which of the following is not a character constant ?

A.'Thank You' B.'quest videos- IT Learning at its best' C.'23.56e-03' D.All of the above

Q.8) The maximun value that an integer constant can have is ?

A.-32767 B.32767 C.1.7014e+38 D.-1.7014e+38

Q.9) A C variable cannot start with ?

A.An alphabet B.A number

C.A special symbol other than underscore D.Both (2) and (3)

Q.10) Which of the following statements is wrong ?

A.INT=123; B.val='A' * 'B'; * 'T' D.count+5=res;

ANS:1-B ,2-D,3-B,4-D,5-A,6-B,7-D,8-B,9-D,10-D

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