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Penulis : M. Norman Akbar Syahputra Fakultas : Kedokteran Gigi Program Studi : Radiologi Kedokteran Gigi IPK : 2.

06 Pembimbing I : Otty Ratna W.,drg.,M.Kes Pembimbing II : R.P.Bambang Noerjanto,drg.,MS.,SpRKG(K)

Gambaran Radiografik Penyembuhan Pasca Pencabutan Gigi Untuk Persiapan Pemasangan Gigi Implan.

ABSTRACT Background. Dental radiographic have a good ways to find a true diagnose, preparation an examination, and evaluation after post insertion of implant. To prepare insertion tooth implant needs radiographic examination, its supporting the examination post extraction. Radiographic examination shown a good radiographic in order to show a good wound healing post extraction, to prepare insertion tooth implant. A good healing post extraction can be find after 4 month, because tooth implant can be preparing to insertion. Purpose. The purpose of this research was to investigate the good wound healing of socket to prepare insertion tooth implant in radiographic examination post extraction of the teeth was done after 4 month letter. Method. The sample of this research, take from secondary files in UPF Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery RSGMP FKG UNAIR period January-June 2009. Post extraction was done, patient must be make a radiographic periapical in UPF Radiology RSGMP FKG UNAIR, in 2 month, 3 month, and 4 month letter, to investigate a good or bad wound healing of socket. Result. The result of this research show that a good healing after 4 month the patient post extraction can prepare insertion tooth implant, but after 2, and 3 month post extraction must be careful to prepare insertion tooth implan, because in that month not yet perfect of wound healing post extraction. Conclusion. The conclusion of this research show that a good preparation of insertion tooth implan can do after 4 month post extraction. A radiographic periapical projection, the decision to conduct a radiographic examination is based on the individual characteristic of the patient. Keyword : Radiographic, post extraction, wound healing of socket, tooth implant.

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