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Julieta Georgeades November 9, 2011 Coun 576 Park Academy A Walk in Their Shoes I was able to attend an experience

at the Park Academy School held on November 9, 2011 titled: A Walk In The Shoes of A Dyslexic. This was a simulation experience for both families and educators to have the opportunity to understand what its like to be a student in school with dyslexia. I was able to participate in five different activities that placed me directly in the challenging seat that these students are faced with on a daily basis. The professionals involved were able to explain the brain functioning that occurs in a brain of a dyslexic student. Practical application and advice was given to parents and the educators involved in this simulation. I participated in a reading experiment where I was to read and memorize symbols on various pages. I had to read these symbols out loud in front of several adults whom I had just met. I was extremely embarrassed because I had no idea what any of the symbols meant and the teacher was harassing and stressing me out at the same time. This was an excellent exercise for us to experience as it helped me understand what its like to read aloud for a student with dyslexia. It was explained to us that most of time students with dyslexia read by memorization with the letters acting as symbols and attaching those symbols to a sound; by the time theyve conquered the challenge of reading a sentence the chances of them comprehending the context is extremely difficult. Another exercise had us writing with our non-preferred hand through a mirror. This was a simulation showing us what its like for most students with dyslexia and when they are expected to write in straight lines, from left to right, and how difficult learning cursive would be. When I did this I hit a block where I was no longer able to write and

could not continue; the teachers informed me of how this frustration and inability to write is extremely common for the average student with dyslexia. Park Academy is an amazing school filled with incredible teachers and administrators who are dedicated to the education of students with dyslexia providing them with customized flexible education that enable them to thrive in an academic environment. After experiencing this dyslexic simulation I have been enlightened to a better understanding of what its like for these students and how difficult their lives can be in a typical school setting. This is and will be very useful information to have and apply in my future practice as a school counselor.

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