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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficincia de transformao entre calos embriognicos e explantes Split Seeds em milho, via

biobalstica, com o gene p5cs. Foram bombardeados 2000 clusters de calos embriognicos de milho do gentipo LD82025 e 2000 explantes Split Seeds. A seleo dos eventos de transformao foi realizada em meios de cultivo suplementados com glufosinato de amnia. As plntulas que passaram pelo processo de seleo foram transplantadas para vasos contendo terra e vermiculita. As plantas foram aclimatadas e posteriormente transplantadas para vasos em casa de vegetao. A anlise dos eventos de transformao foi realizada por reao de PCR para o gene marcador bar. Ao final do processo foram regeneradas 4 plantas de milho do gentipo LD82025, 1 destas foi positiva para o gene marcador bar, confirmando a transformao. So necessrias mais anlises para confirmar os eventos de transformao. O experimento com os explantes Split Seeds encontra-se em andamento.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of transformation between embryogenic callus and Split Seeds explants in maize via biolistic, with the p5cs gene. Were bombarded 2000 clusters of embryogenic callus of the genotype LD82025 and 2000 explants Split Seeds. The selection of transformation events was performed in culture medium supplemented with glufosinate ammonium. Seedlings that have gone through the selection process were transplanted to pots containing soil and vermiculite. Plants were acclimated and later transplanted to pots in the greenhouse. Analysis of transformation events was performed by PCR analysis for the marker gene bar. At the end of the process were regenerated 4 plants of the genotype LD82025, one of these was positive for the marker gene bar. More analyzes are needed to confirm the transformation events. The experiment with explants Split Seeds is in progress.

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