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Ian: Is that the other son? Benedict: It is the other son, Kim Jong Nam.

Ian: Hes not got the job as next dictator. Ben: You know why? Ian: Cause the father didnt like him. Ben: Do you know why he didnt like him? Ian: Er, because of the hat? (laughter) Paul: Is it because he has a small lampshade tied to his index finger? (laughter) Paul: Most fathers put them right off you Hello daddy Squrerrr. (laughter) Ben: theres another older brother to, Kim Jong-chul, why he isnt going to take over? Ian: Is he dead? Ben: No, he is said to be. Too feminine. Paul: Do we have a picture so we can judge this man? Ben: No, but if you imagine the one with the lampshadePaul: Yeah Ben: In a dress, that might do it. (Paul leans back, thinking, then he smiles and appears to be out of it until the audience laughs and snaps out of it and says) Paul: SorryBen: come back, please Paul: Sorry, I was over the board and it, in more ways than one. Jon: At least they applauded though, can you imagine, taking a group of British people and go, David Cameron? (laughter) Jon: Nick Clegg? (Laughter) Jon: yeah. OOOHH. Paul: That actually IS Nick Clegg (squints) Ben: What reflects the parliaments financial state? Jon: Huge mirror in the sky. Victoria: would it be something about a disastrous drop in pipe sales? Ben: It has something to do with pipes Ian: Plastic pipes? Cardboard pipes Ben: Yes, something similar.. Paul: CARDBOARD PIPES!? (laughter) Ian: Yes, their cheap and their dangerous. Paul: Its a design flaw, its like fireworks that fits in your trousers! Jon: I got dat. (laughter) Benedict: Heres the previous dictator, Kim Jong Ill. Looking a little bit a little bit lonnnleeyy. Ben: now to his son, Kim Jong Un. Paul: Well, he looks like he will bring hope and optimism to a well,, Ian: Well, no one heard of him until his father wheeled him out, saying, this is your new leader. Im feeling a bit peaky

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