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Steps To Make A Presentation Effective

Know the following: audience, place, occasion of your talk. Get ready you text and visual aids, models etc.,.

Keep your dress and appearance appropriate.

Practice your talk.

Knowing The Audience And Occasion

Know to whom you are talking. Know the occasion of your talk.

Collect the information of the organization who organized your

talk. Know the background of the audience.

Plan according to the time limit given to you.

If any other speakers are there, know their topic of talk. Visualize your relationship with the audience.

Getting Ready The Text & Visual Aids

Make a note of what to talk.

Maintain a formal presentation.

Speech should be easy on ear. Spice your speech with humor.

Address the crowd in a polite way.

Use facts and figure to suit your purpose. Use visuals, clips etc.,. if necessary.

Suit Your Appearance To The Occasion

For formal speech look smart and well. Remember body language makes first impression. Have a comfortable posture. Make an eye contact. Have graceful movements. Master your voice. Maintain pleasant expression.

Remember pauses also speak.

Give energetic expression. React to the audience.

Practicing your talk

Read the entire text written by you. Rehearse using mirror.

Rehearse before trail audience.

Remember Practice brings Perfection.

Preparation and practice are the all important tool for generating confidence, what is the foundation of the presentation. So it is always better to prepare on before hand rather than struggling at the presentation.

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