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Stephanie Wilmore Spring 2012 Lesson #3

Domain (Language, Motor, Cognitive, Affective, Aesthetic, Social) Activity Name The Hour-Hand Clock Kindergarten Or What Makes Up a Clock? Goal(s) (Relate to Standards) NCTM Standards 4 &9

Objectives (observable behaviors) Children will observe the parts that make up a clock. Children will make and label the parts of the clock. Children will estimate what time it is by using the phrase o Just before o Just after o In between

Student Assessment (linked to objectives-you may use student work, a checklist, notes of observations of specified behaviors, rubric or some other method of keeping track of students performance) Students clock Do they include the minute/hour hand? Numbers 1-12? Checklist Do students use the phrases correctly?

Content (facts, vocabulary, concepts) Hour Hand Just before Just after Halfway between Oclock Label the parts of the clock o The Face o Minute/Hour Hand o Numbers Materials (everything you will need) 20 Paper Plates Clocks Instructional Strategies (Strategies may include but are not limited to: Sensory Engagement, Environmental Cues, Task Analysis, Scaffolding, Guided Practice, Invitations, Behavior Reflections, Paraphrase, Reflections, Modeling, Effective Praise, Telling, Explaining, Do-It Signals, Challenges. Label strategies you will use. Include time estimates for future reference) Procedures (Introduction, steps in delivery, closure)

Introduction (5 Minutes) First we are going to count to 50 starting at 0. How do you think we should count these? By standing up and stomping our feetgreat! Lets count to 50 again but this time we are going to start from the number 15. This time do you think we can count by snapping our fingers? Now lets practice counting to 20 by twos. Can we do this in our whisper voices? Okay, last we are going to count to 50 by 10s clapping our hands? (Point to chart 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50great!) Great job counting! Now, today is a very special day because we will be talking about clocks! o Who can tell me what we use clocks for? (Write down on chart.) Great! Clocks are very important because we use them for many things. Since they are so important dont you think we should learn more about them? There might be a few students in here who can tell time, I am not sure, but today we are going to focus on what makes up a clock and pay close attention to the hour hand.

Steps in Delivery Whole Group (15-20 Minutes) First I am going to spilt you into 4 groups. I am going to give each of you a clock and I want you to talk with your groups and brainstorm different things you see on the clock. (Numbers 1-12, big hand, small hand, it is a circle) Let students brainstorm together the different things they notice are on the clock. Come together and write down what they noticed. I will draw and label the parts of the clock o The Face o Minute/Hour Hand o Numbers To help me remember which hand is the minute hand and which one is the hour hand I think of this: o Minute hand = fast like a bunny and long like bunny ears. o Hour hand = slow like a turtle and short like a turtles legs. You did a great job noticing the different things that make up a clock. I want to talk to you about the Hour hand. The hour hand is the smaller line. When it point to a number it means it is that time. For example, if my hour hand points to the number 6 we say it is 6 oclock. o What would you say if the hour hand was on 7? (7 oclock) o What about here (move the hand to 12)12 oclock. I want to practice this more, but first I think we should make our own clocks. o Now, we are going to be making a clock out of a paper plate. When we do this we want to make sure that we include the minute hand, hour hand, and the numbers. o You can choose to write the number or draw out the number (model)

Work Time (15-20 Minutes)

Walk around the room and help students create their clocks. Once students are finished with their clocks I will ask them these questions and ask them to make a check in the air (and say check out loud) if they did it o Does your clock have the number 1-12 on it? o Does your clock have a big hand? Small hand?

Closure (5-10 Minutes) We practiced telling time if the hour hand was on a number but what happens if that hand is not exactly on a number? If this happens, this is what we can do o If it is before the number say Just before _____ oclock. o If it is after the number say Just after ___ oclock. o If it looks like it is right in between two numbers you can say Halfway between ___ and ___ oclock. Try a few together. Ask students to come up and I will set their clock and have students use their new words to tell us what time it is.

Questions (questions that represent varied levels of Blooms Taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. When you teach the lesson you will also ask follow-up questions to childrens initial responses, e.g. why, why do you think so, how do you know, what was your clue)

Where have you seen a clock? What do people use clocks for? What is the big hand tell? (minutes) What does the small hand tell? (hour)

Adaptations (Ways to adapt for children in this class who you think will be especially challenged or not challenged enough by this lesson) Students can draw their clock in different ways: o 1: The numbers 1-12 can be written out, or o 2: The numbers can be drawn. Example For six oclock the student can represent 6 with 6 dots.

Reflection (The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effect of his or her choices and action on pupils Thinking about your lesson what went well in terms of your goals and objectives for this lesson. Based on your assessment, what steps are next for the class as a whole, and for individual students whose performance is outside the norm? What are some adjustments you would make to the less in the future? Go over how to line up the number/space the number on the clock. Many students have trouble on where to place them around the circle. Work more on using the term just before, just after, and just between. Let the students focus simply on the hour hand for this portion. They get confused on which hand to look at.

Make a point of what a minute is and what an hour is. Throughout the day possibly say, It is ___ time, which means it is time for ___., so the students understand that we use time for everything.

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