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Weather conditions - Conditiile meteo

what's the weather like? it's ... sunny cloudy windy foggy stormy it's ... raining hailing snowing what a nice day! what a beautiful day! it's not a very nice day what a terrible day! what miserable weather! it's starting to rain it's stopped raining it's pouring with rain it's raining cats and dogs the weather's fine the sun's shining there's not a cloud in the sky the sky's overcast it's clearing up the sun's come out the sun's just gone in there's a strong wind the wind's dropped that sounds like thunder cum e vremea? ... este nsorit este nnorat bate vntul este nceoat pare s fie furtun ... plou lapovi ninge ce zi plcut! ce zi frumoas! nu e o zi chiar aa placut ce zi oribil! ce vreme mizerabil! ncepe s plou s-a oprit ploaia plou torenial plou torenial vremea e frumoas soarele strlucete nu e niciun nor pe cer cerul e nnorat se limpezete a ieit soarele tocmai a intrat soarele n nori bate un vnt puternic s-a oprit vntul a sunat ca un tunet

that's lightning we had a lot of heavy rain this morning

la e un fulger

a plouat foarte mult n aceast diminea we haven't had any rain for a fortnight nu a mai plouat de dou sptmni

Temperatures - Temperaturi
what's the temperature? it's 22C ("twenty-two degrees") temperatures are in the mid-20s ce temperatur e? sunt 22C temperaturile sunt pe la 25 de grade

what temperature do you think it is? ce temperatur crezi c e? probably about 30C ("thirty degrees") probabil n jur de 30C it's ... hot cold baking hot freezing freezing cold it's below freezing este ... cald rece foarte cald foarte frig extrem de frig sub zero grade

The weather forecast - Prognoza vremii

what's the forecast? what's the forecast like? it's forecast to rain it's going to freeze tonight it looks like rain it looks like it's going to rain care e prognoza vremii? cum se-anun vremea? se pare c o sa plou va cobor sub zero grade la noapte

pare c plou pare c va ploua ateptm o furtun cu tunete i we're expecting a thunderstorm fulgere it's supposed to clear up later ar trebui s se limpezeasc mai trziu

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