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Principalele pronume relative din limba engleza sunt:

Cazul N Ac D G Referire se face la o persoana who = care, cine whom = pe care to whom = caruia, careia whose = al, a, ale, (...) careia, caruia, (...) Referire se face la un lucru, actiune which = care which = care, pe care to which = caruia, careia whose = al, a, ale, (...) careia, caruia, (...)

I'm talking about the car which is parked over there. I talked to the girl whose car is red. This is the girl who comes from Halifax. I wrote this book for people who like history. I have written a lot about this place to which we belong.

1) Pronumele relativ in Ac. poate fi inlocuit cu that. 2) Pronumele relative who, which, that se omit in propozitiile restrictive (in limba vorbita) cand se gasesc in cazul acuzativ. Ex: The girl (who) you have just met is my niece. The magazine (that) you lent me is very interesting.

The article - Articolul

Pentru ca un substantiv sa capete nteles ntr-o propozitie, acesta trebuie sa fie nsotit de un determinant substantival. Cel mai des folosit determinant substantival este articolul (the article). In limba engleza articolele se pot clasifica astfel:

the best day (cea mai buna zi), the first week (prima saptamana), the last chapter (ultimul capitol), the only way (singura cale).

- naintea unor adjective pentru a te referi n general la un grup de oameni care au n comun o anumita nsusire (sunt frumosi, tineri, batrni, japonezi, etc)
the young (tanarul), the beautiful (frumosul), the old (batranul), the best (cel mai bun), the Japanese (japonezul).

Articol hotarat - the Articol nehotarat - a sau an Articol zero - forma implicita (fara articol) sau neexprimata

- Nume de locuri geografice, oceane, ruri, mari, deserturi, munti, regiuni

the Caribbean (Caraibe), the Sahara (Sahara), the Atlantic (Atlantic)

1. Articolul hotart ( the)

- Se foloseste naintea unor nume proprii (muzee, institutii, hoteluri, ziare, orchestre, grupuri muzicale, vapoare, nume de famili la plural,etc).
the National Gallery, the Royal Shakespeare, the Savoy, the Beatles, the Spice Girls, the Guardian, the Telegraph, the Daily, the Titanic, the Tower of London (Turnul Londrei), the House of Parliament (Casa parlamentului), the Smiths (familia Smith)

Articolul hotart (the) se scrie inaintea cuvantului pe care-l determina si se foloseste astfel: - naintea unui substantiv care a mai fost mentionat n contextul respectiv.
A bird saw a mouse. The mouse loved the bird. - O pasare a vazut un soarece. Soarecele a iubit pasarea.

- Decade, secole, grupe de ani.

My parents went to University in the seventies. - Parintii mei au mers la facultate in anii saptezeci. 2. Articolul nehotart (a / an)

- Atunci cnd att vorbitorul ct si ascultatorul cunosc notiunea exprimata de substantiv, chiar daca nu a mai fost mentionat n context.
- Where's the bathroom? - It's on the first floor. = Unde este baia? - Este la primul etaj.

Articolul nehotarat in limba engleza este "a" sau "an". - A se foloseste naintea substantivelor care ncep cu o consoana.
a boy (un baiat), a car (o masina), a house (o casa)

- n propozitii sau fraze n care definim sau identificam anumite persoane sau obiecte.
The girl in blue is my cousin. - Fata in albastru e verisoara mea.

- An se foloseste naintea substantivelor care ncep cu o vocala (a, e, i, o, u).

an apple (un mar), an orange (o portocala, un portocaliu), an opera (o opera)

- Referitor la obiecte pe care le consideram unice.

the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars - pamantul, soarele, luna, stelele Mary is in the garden (the garden of this house). - Maria este in gradina (gradina acestei case).

Exceptii: An nainte de un "h" mut: - an hour (o ora), an honor (o onoare). A nainte de "u" sau "eu" atunci cnd se pronunta ca "you": - a European, a university, a unit (o unitate) Articolul nehotart se foloseste in urmatoarele cazuri: - Pentru a te referi la ceva pentru prima data:

- naintea superlativului sau numeralelor ordinale: first, second, thirds, etc (primul, al doilea, al treilea) si only (unic /a, singur /a, numai).

Would you like a drink? - Ti-ar place o bautura? I've finally got a good job. - In sfarsit am obtinut o slujba buna.

- Pentru a te referi la un anume membru al unui grup sau clase: Exemple:

Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth's son. - Printul Charles este fiul reginei Elisabeta Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes' friend. - Dr. Watson a fost prietenul lui Sherlock Holmes.

(nsa titlurile generice, luate singure, au articol: the Queen of England, the Pope)
cu nume de profesii: John is an engineer. (Ion este un inginer.) cu nationalitati si religii: John is an Englishman. (John este un englez) cu instrumente muzicale: Marius was playing a violin when the visitor arrived. (Marius canta la vioara cand a sosit vizitatorul.) cu numele zilelor: I was born on a Thursday. (Am fost nascut intr-o Joi) pentru a desemna "un fel de", sau "un exemplu de": The mouse has a tiny nose. (Soarecele are un nas micut). It is a very strange car. (E o masina foarte ciudata.) cu substantive la singular, dupa cuvinte cum ar fi what si such: What a hoax! He is such a prodigious young man. (Ce pacaleala! E un tanar atat de extraordinar.) atunci cnd te referi la un singur obiect sau persoana, echivaleaza cu "one": I'd like an orange and two lemons, please. (Asi dori o portocala si doua lamai, va rog.)

- Dupa cazul posesiv format cu 's.

His sister's car. - Masina surorii lui. Laura's basket. - Cosul Laurei.

- Cu numele profesiilor.
Engineering is a useful career. - Ingineria e o cariera folositoare. He'll probably go into medicine. - El probabil va merge la medicina.

- Cu nume de magazine:
I'll get the card at Smith's. - Am sa obtin cardul la magazinul lui Smith. (smith = fierar)

- Cu ani.
1978 was a wonderful year. - 1978 a fost un an minunat. Do you remember 1995? - Iti amintesti de 1995?

- Cu substantive unice (uncountable nouns).

Milk is often added to tea in England. - Laptele este adesea adaugat la ceai in Anglia. Peace is good. - Pacea e buna.

- Cu numele unor munti, lacuri si insule: - Retineti ca se spune a hundred (o suta), a thousand (o mie), a million (un milion).
3. Articolul zero Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in Alaska. - Muntele McKinley e cel mai inalt munte din Alaska She lives near Salty Lake. - Ea locuieste (traieste) langa Lacu Sarat. Have you visited Long Island? - Ai vizitat Long Island?

Se spune ca e vorba de Articolul zero (sau fara articol) atunci cand nu se foloseste nici un articol. Articolul nu se foloseste n urmatoarele cazuri: - Cu nume de tari (la singular).
Germany is an important economic power. - Germania e o importanta putere economica. He's just returned from Argentina. - El tocmai s-a intors din Argentina

- Cu majoritatea numelor de strazi , orase, statii pentru mijloacele de transport si aeroporturi.

Victoria Station is in the centre of London. - Statia Victoria e in centrul Londrei. Can you direct me to Bond Street? - Poti sa ma directionezi spre strada Bond? They're flying from Heathrow. - Ei zboara de la Heathrow.

(Exceptie: I'm visiting the United States next week. - Vizitez Statele Unite saptamana viitoare.) - Cu numele limbilor.
French is spoken in Tahiti. - Franceza este vorbita in Tahiti. English uses many words of Latin origin. - Engleza foloseste multe cuvinte de origine latina.

- n unele expresii invariabile.

by car (cu masina), at school (la scoala), at work (la munca), at University (la universitate), in church (la biserica), in bed (in pat), by train (cu trenul), on foot (pe jos), on holiday (in vacanta), on air (in broadcasting) (in direct). 4. A / An si One

- Cu numele meselor.
Lunch is at midday. - Masa de prnz este la prnz (amiaza). Dinner is in the evening. - Cina este seara Breakfast is the first meal of the day. - Micul dejun e prima masa a zilei.

Atunci cnd se numara sau se masoara timpul, distanta, greutatea, etc. se poate folosi fie a /an, fie one pentru singular. Exemple:
A / One pound (o livra [sau lira]), A / One million pounds (un milion de lire) You can take an/ one hour for lunch. - Putei s luai o ora pentru masa de prnz.

- Cu numele persoanelor (doar cele la singular).

John's coming to school. - Ion vine la scoala. George King is my uncle. - Regele George este unchiul meu.

Dar a/an si one nu nseamna ntotdeauna acelasi lucru:

A box is no good. (We need something else, not a box). - O cutie nu e buna. (Ne trebuie altceva, nu o cutie). One box is not enough, we need two boxes. - O (singura) nu e suficient, ne trebuie doua cutii.

- Cu titluri si nume proprii:

Passive Voice The passive voice is less usual than the active voice. The active voice is the "normal" voice. But sometimes we need the passive voice. In this lesson we look at how to construct the passive voice, when to use it and how to conjugate it. Construction of the Passive Voice The structure of the passive voice is very simple: subject + auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (past participle) The main verb is always in its past participle form. Look at these examples:


auxiliary verb (to be)

main verb (past participle)




by everyone.

100 people



by this company.



in euro.





in dollars.




in yen?

Use of the Passive Voice We use the passive when:

we want to make the active object more important we do not know the active subject




give importance to active object (President Kennedy)

President Kennedy

was killed

by Lee Harvey Oswald.

active subject unknown

My wallet

has been stolen.

Note that we always use by to introduce the passive object (Fish are eaten by cats).

Look at this sentence:

He was killed with a gun.

Normally we use by to introduce the passive object. But the gun is not the active subject. The gun did not kill him. He was killed by somebody with a gun. In the active voice, it would be: Somebody killed him with a gun. The gun is the instrument. Somebody is the "agent" or "doer". Conjugation for the Passive Voice We can form the passive in any tense. In fact, conjugation of verbs in the passive tense is rather easy, as the main verb is always in past participle form and the auxiliary verb is always be. To form the required tense, we conjugate the auxiliary verb. So, for example:

present simple: It is made present continuous: It is being made present perfect: It has been made

Here are some examples with most of the possible tenses:


to be washed



It is washed.


It was washed.


It will be washed.


It would be washed.



It is being washed.


It was being washed.


It will be being washed.


It would be being washed.

perfect simple


It has been washed.


It had been washed.


It will have been washed.


It would have been washed.

perfect continuous


It has been being washed.


It had been being washed.


It will have been being washed.


It would have been being washed.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense I had been singing

How do we make the Past Perfect Continuous Tense? The structure of the past perfect continuous tense is: subject + auxiliary verb HAVE + auxiliary verb BE + main verb

conjugated in simple past tense

past participle

present participle



base + ing

For negative sentences in the past perfect continuous tense, we insert not after the first auxiliary verb. For question sentences, we exchange the subject and first auxiliary verb. Look at these example sentences with the past perfect continuous tense: subject auxiliary verb auxiliary verb main verb






























When speaking with the past perfect continuous tense, we often contract the subject and first auxiliary verb: I had been I'd been

you had been

you'd been

he had she had been it had been

he'd been she'd been it'd been

we had been

we'd been

they had been

they'd been

How do we use the Past Perfect Continuous Tense? The past perfect continuous tense is like the past perfect tense, but it expresses longer actions in thepast before another action in the past. For example:

Ram started waiting at 9am. I arrived at 11am. When I arrived, Ram had been waiting for two hours. Ram had been waiting for two hours when I arrived.




Ram starts waiting in past at 9am.


I arrive in past at 11am.

Here are some more examples:

John was very tired. He had been running. I could smell cigarettes. Somebody had been smoking. Suddenly, my car broke down. I was not surprised. It had not been running well for a long time. Had the pilot been drinking before the crash?

You can sometimes think of the past perfect continuous tense like the present perfect continuous tense, but instead of the time being now the time is past. past perfect continuous tense had been doing >>>> | | | | | | | | present perfect continuous tense | | | | have been doing >>>> | | | |







For example, imagine that you meet Ram at 11am. Ram says to you:

"I am angry. I have been waiting for two hours."

Later, you tell your friends:

"Ram was angry. He had been waiting for two hours."

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