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to add to bake to beat to blend to boil to bone to break to broil to chill to chop to coat to cook to cover to curdle to cut into strips to decorate to defrost to dice to dilute to dissolve to dry to emply

d bik bit blend bil bun brik bril chil chp kut kuk kver krdl kat ntchu strips dkoreit difrst dis dilt dislv dri mpti

agregar hornear batir combinar, mezclar hervir deshuesar romper asar a la parrilla refrigerar, enfriar picar, cortar en trozos rebozar cocinar cubrir cuajar cortar en tiritas decorar descongelar cortar en cubitos diluir disolver secar vaciar


to fill to flip to fold to fry to glaze to grate to grease to grill to grind to halve to heat to knead to liquidize to melt to mince to mix to peel to pour to press to put to remove to rinse

fil flip fuld fri gliss grit gris gril grind jv jit nid lkuidiss melt mns mks pil pur pres put rimuv rns

llenar dar vuelta doblar, plegar freir glasear rallar engrasar asar a la parrilla moler partir en dos calentar amasar licuar derretir picar carne mezclar pelar volcar, verter presionar, apretar colocar, poner quitar, sacar enjuagar


to roast to roll out to scoop up to seal to season to serve to shake to sharpen to sieve to simmer to slice to smoke to soak to spill to sprinkle to squeeze to steam to stew to stir to stir-fry to strain to stuff

rust rul ut skup-p sil sson srv shik shrpen siv smer slis smuk suk spil sprnkl skuis stim sti ster str-fri strin staf

asar aplanar, extender ahuecar (con cuchara) sellar aderezar servir agitar, sacudir afilar tamizar hervir a fuego lento rebanar ahumar remojar derramar rociar, salpicar exprimir cocinar al vapor guisar, estofar frer rehogar colar rellenar, mechar


to thicken to trim to waste to whisk

zken trim uist usk

espesar recortar desperdiciar batir

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