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SSRC Friday Pairs Decide whether you and your partner agree or disagree on what the government should

do about welfare recipients and drug testing. You may type on the computer or write on paper at a table.

If you agree: write one piece of Friday writing together, using the rubric. Put both names on it.
Friday Writing Question: Should the government test welfare recipients for drug-use? Why or why not?

If you disagree: write an argumentative dialogue* in which each of you writes one at a time and
you try to keep the dialogue going all period with a series of assertions, replies and rebuttals. You will be graded on the length and intelligence of your dialogue and the extent to which you use evidence from the articles.

Argumentative dialogue serves as a written record of justification for an assertion. The premises are discussed, as well the validity of the intermediate inferences. For example, consider the following exchange, illustrated by the No true Scotsman fallacy: Argument: "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge." Reply: "But my friend Angus likes sugar with his porridge." Rebuttal: "Ah yes, but no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge." In this dialogue, the proposer first offers a premise, the premise is challenged by the interlocutor, and finally the proposer offers a modification of the premise (wikipedia). If the above dialogue were to continue, the second writer might write, so you are defining a nationality by how one eats ones breakfast? If the first writer said yes: like no real American loves the game of cricket, the second might try to raise the level of discussion by asserting, I think one is a real American if one is born there or immigrates there and chooses to stay. Then the first writer can respond to this new assertion. How long can you go? Try to write for the whole period.
Please turn in to the Resource Center supervisor: your paired writing stapled only to itself (with both names on the top) your articles and annotations stapled together (each students work separately)

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