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6th Grade CRCT Study Guide GCF and LCM

Greatest Common Factor (GCF): The largest factor that divides into two groups Least Common Multiple (LCM): The smallest number (NOT 0) that two numbers will divide into evenly.

12=2x2x3 20=2x2x5

2 2 1

LCM= 2x2x3x5=60 LOOK OUT!!!

1 is a factor of any two or more numbers, of if you are unable to find the GCF, the GCF is 1!

Commutative Property: Addition Multiplication a+b=b+a ab=ba 5+3=3+5 8(6)=6(8) *the numbers switch positions Inverse Property Addition Multiplication a+(-a)=0 a(1/a)=1 *when a0 10+(-10)=0 8(1/8)=1 *addition uses the opposite multiplication uses the inverse Distributive Property a(b+c)=ab=ac (b+c)a=ba+ca 7(2+4)=7(2)+7(4) (8+3)4=8(4)+3(4) 7(6)=14+28 (11)4=32+12 42=42 44=44

Associative Property Addition Multiplication (a+b)+c=a+(b+c) (ab)c=a(bc) (6+9)+3=6+(9+3) (5x3)2=5(3x2) 15+3=6+12 15(2)=5(6) 18=18 30=30 Zero Property ax0=0 0xa=0 12(0)=0 0(12)=0

Identity Property Addition Multiplication a+0=a 1a=a 5+0=5 1(7)=7 5=5 7=7

6th Grade CRCT Study Guide Division

Dividing Fractions
Need a common denominator? Use a mix Number? Cross Cancel? Use the reciprocal? Process Reduce (simplify) to lowest terms? NO No, Change to improper fraction Yes Multiply by the reciprocal "Keep it, Change it, Flip it"; then use multiplication rules Yes


You can also use models to divide fractions: EX: 2/3

2/3 1/9

2/3 1/9 = 2/3 x 9/1 = 18/3 = 6 Jane is making bows that require 2 3/4 feet of ribbon each. How many bows can Jane make if she has a spool of ribbon with 7 1/2 yards of ribbon on it?

Jane can make 8 and 2/11 bows.

Ratios and Proportions

Ratio: Compares two numbers by division; written in one of the three ways: 2:3, 2 to 3, 2/3. Ratios can be shown in many ways: - part to part: the ratio of grey clouds to white clouds - part to whole: the ratio of grey clouds to the total number of clouds -whole to part: the total number of clouds to the number of grey clouds

Rate: A ratio comparing two numbers representing different units by division, rates must have lables; unit rate has a denominator of 1. EX. 28 miles per gallon. Percent: %, means "out of 100" or per 100. This is a ratio comparing number to 100. Proportion: Two equal ratios, if two ratios are equal then their cross products are equal. EX. 2 4 so, 2 x 6 = 3 x 4, and 12 = 12 3 6

6th Grade CRCT Study Guide

Percent Ratios
is what percent of y? Solve % is = using: of 100 What is 60% of 90? x = 60 90 100 so z = x y 100 4 km 30 min

Rate Conversions:
To change 4 kilometers per minute to kilometers per hour. 60 min = 1 hr

Speed Formula: s= d s= speed (rate) t d= distance t= time A car travels at a constant speed fo 65 miles per hour. How far will the care travel in 3.5 hours? The car will travel 227.5 miles in 3.5 hours!

65mph 1

d 3.5 hours

Equivalent Ratios
People Legs Ratio Months Years Ratio 1 2 1:2 12 1 12:1 2 4 2:4 24 2 24:2 3 6 3:6 36 3 36:3 4 8 4:8 48 4 48:4 Seconds Minutes Ratio Feet Inches Ratio 60 1 60:1 1 12 1:12 120 2 120:2 2 24 2:24 180 3 180:3 3 36 3:36 240 4 240:4 4 48 4:48

Unit Price
Pens are being sold for the price of 3 for $2.70. How much would 10 pens cost? First find the Unit Price $2.70 3= $0.90 $0.90 x 10= $9.00 Ten pens would cost $9.00

Independent Variable: The Input Variable, or x-value, in a function Dependent Variable: The output variable, or y-vaule in a function; its value is dependent on the input Function: the relationship between two sets or elements, where one vaule depends on its relationship with another value (x,y): there is exactly one y for each x EX. Y=5+x x y John collects baseball cards. John's grandmother gives John 35 baseball cards 4 9 for his birthday. Now John has 76 baseball cards. How many cards did John originally have? 3 8 2 7 x+35=76 x+35-35=76-35 x=41 John originally had 41 baseball cards. 1 6

6th Grade CRCT Study Guide

Decimal Operations
Addition and Subtraction: Line up the decimal Drop the decimal point straight down in the answer ex. 3.05+5.73 3.05 54.762-13.1 + 5.73 38.78

54.762 13.100 41.662

Multiplication Multiply multi-digit numbers normally as if there were no decimal point Count the total numebr of places there are to the right of all decial points in the problem Move the decial point to the left the same number of places in the solution ex: 20.52 x 0.36 12312 + 61560 7.3872 Division If there is no decial point in the divisor, divide normally; bring up the decimal point from the divident into the quotient Ex. 5.1 6 30.6 There can be no decimal points in the divisor; if there is, more the decimal point to the right to create a whole number; then move the decimal point in the divident the same number of places; bring up the decimal point from the divident into the quotient. 2 6.50 13 650 1300

intergers: The set of positive whole numbers, their opposites, and zero Positive number: A number that is greater than zero Negative Number: A number that is less than zero Absolute vaule: The distance a numebr is from zero on the number line Rational Number: Numbers that can appear on a number line, including intergers, fractions, improper frations, mixed numbers and repeating or terminating decimals. The opposite of +3 is -3; the opposite of -3 or -(-3) is +3 The absolute value of +3 is 3; the absolute vaule of -3 is 3; |3|=3; |-3|=3

-2<-1 0>-1.5

0.5>-1 1.3>0.5

6th Grade CRCT Study Guide Expressions and Equations:

Expressions: Mathematical phrases that use variables and or numbers and operation symbols; expressions do not have equal signs. To solve an expression, substitute a number for a variable and show all the steps, each right below the other and simplify EX. Evaulate 3a + 2b, when a=2 and b=6 Evaluate-5x+3y-6z, when x=-2, y=3 and z=-9 3(2)+2(6) -5(-2)+3(3)-6(-9) 6+12 10+9+54 18 73 Equations: Mathematical sentences using equal signs to show both sides of the equation have the same value; to maintain the same value, whatever operation is done on one side must be done on the other side; to solve, make sure the variable stays on one side of the equal sign and all other numbers are movied to the other side by using the invwerse operation; simplify and solve. One Step Equations: Solve using one inverse operation to isolate the variable Equivalent expressions: Two algebraic expressions that 4x = 12 x+5=10 9 = y-4 are the same; can be determined by substituting the -5 -5 +4 +4 4 4 same value for the variables in each expression; for x=5 13=y x=3 example, x+x and 2x are the same. Sum: The answer to an addition problem; in 34+86=120 the sum is 120 Term: A separate part of an equation, series, or Product: The answer to a multiplication problem; in 89.48 x 89 = expression; in 3+4y+6x, the terms are 3, 4y,6x 7963.72 the product is 7963.72 Quotient: The answer to a division problem; in 12 4=3 Factor: One of the numbers in a multiplication problem; in 3 x 12 + the quotient is 3 36; the factors are 3 and 12 Coefficient: The number that is multiplied by one or more variable; 3xy, the coefficient is 3

Order of Operations
Order of Operation: Rules for performing operation in order to simplify expressions Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally Parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction 1. Grouping Symbols: Solve the inside of the symbols first 2. Exponents: Always set superscript- thats the little number above 3. Multiply and Divide: Solve in the order of apperance left to right 4. Add and Subtract: Solve in the order of appearance left to right

Exponents: the number of times the base should be multiplied by itself; or the number of times the base is a factor. 5 Ex. 4 =4x4x4x4x4 ***ANY BASE TO THE 0 POWER IS 1

Area of a Triangle = 1/2bh Area of a Square=L x W Area of a Rectangle= L x W Area of a Rhombus A=bh

Volume is the total cubic units within a figure Rectangular Prism V= l x w x h

Surface Area
Surface Area is the sum of all the faces Rectangular Prism: SA= 2(LW+LH+WH) Triangular Prism: SA= 2(Area of the base)+3(Area of the rectangles)

6th Grade CRCT Study Guide Data Analysis and Probability

Ways to collect data: Questionnaires or survey Interview Observation Internet Research Interpreting Statistics Data can be distributed in various ways and organized for interpretation: Normal Distribution/ Bell Curve: Data set has as many vaules above the mean as below; the mean and median are similar; most of the data is near the center

Graphing Data
Histogram: A vertical line bar graph used to show the frequency of data; labels for the bars are intervals; intervals are shown on the x-axis and must be equal with no gaps or overlaps between them; each bar shows the change of the same item

Measure of Central Tendency:

Mean: The sum of all numbers in the data set divided by the number of items in the data set; use when there are no outliers. Median: The middle number in a data set when data is arranged from least to greatest; if the data set has an even number of items, find the mean of the middle numbers. Mode: The most frequently occuring numbers or items in a data set; there many be one mode, more than one, or no mode Range: The differnce between the highest and lowest values in the data set.

Box and Whisker Plot:

Lower extreme: LE: Lowest value in the data set Lower quartile/ Quartile 1: Q1- Median of the lower 50% of data Middle Quartile/ Quartile 2: Q2- Median of all the data points Upper Quartile/Quartile 3: Q3- Median of the upper 50% of data Upper Extreme: UE: Highest vaule in the data set Steps to make a box and whisker plot: 1. Find the median of all the data set this is Q2 2. Find the median of the lower 50% this is Q1 3. Find the median of the upper 50% this is Q3 4. Draw a box from Q1 to Q3 5. Label the highest number this is UE 6. Label the lowest number this is LE 7. Draw a line from Q1 to LE 8. Draw a line from Q3 to UE

6th Grade CRCT Study Guide

6th Grade CRCT Study Guide

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6th Grade CRCT Study Guide

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6th Grade CRCT Study Guide

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6th Grade CRCT Study Guide

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6th Grade CRCT Study Guide

mean as below; center

are no outliers. even number of

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