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Cornish College

Early Years Team

Individual Learning Plan

Individual Learning Plan

Name Natalie Gurr Year Level 2 Date 4 March 2013 Review of Progress Class Teacher Natalie has settled into year 2 and follows the routines with Mrs Jenkins support. Sitting on the floor, Natalie joins in class discussions at times. She calls out but responds to using the correct procedure for taking turns. Reading skills are around Reading Recovery level 15. Her spelling skills are much weaker and needs constant support. Natalie has shown improvement with following instructions. More consistent. Asks why less often. This includes Mathematics. Handwriting can be clear occasionally. Some reversals of letters and numbers. Correct formation of letters still needs to be stressed. Use of lines for correct and clear sizing stressed. Natalie enjoys social contact. Included in social situations. Touching other students and the floor only occasionally. Parent

Individual Needs/Additional Assistance All sessions undertaken with Mrs Jenkins, Natalies aide see report below Close monitoring of all classroom tasks to maintain Natalies understanding of the tasks Occupational and Speech Therapy fortnightly Natalie is very happy and enjoying her new surroundings. She has a new Additional Assistant this year, Elizabeth Jenkins, who is very familiar with Natalie after having worked in this capacity as a volunteer for the past couple of years. As such the transition from Meaghan Campion-Geleit to Elizabeth has been an easy one. Natalie has recommenced Speech Therapy with Angela Salisbury who she sees her fortnightly. Occupational Therapy will recommence March 7 with Jane Fita through SCOPE. Both these therapies are currently being funded through Independent Schools Victoria. Natalies salary funding for her Additional Assistant will need reviewing in 2014. Elizabeth attends sessions with Natalie and follows up accordingly as required. Natalie continues to engage happily with her peers, teachers and wider members of the community. Learning stories have been referred to this term. They are a useful resource to assist Natalie to rethink her behaviour and modify her ways. Currently, Natalie is reading about Level 15/16. As she progresses through reading levels her comprehension must be kept in check. Selection of books and content will play a big part in Natalies understanding. Natalie is participating well in specialist sessions, Art still requires more supervision, however, this is decreasing. During break times Natalie is requiring less supervision and direction, she appears to be more independent, participating in games and engaging happily with her peers. Elizabeth is tending to play less of a role in setting up play situations for Natalie and others to engage. Natalie responds well to routines and is very much a creature of habit as such she needs further explanation should expectations differ. Natalie has made a great start to Year 2 and should be congratulated. Her willingness to participate and respond positively to the program has enabled a smooth, worthwhile and rewarding beginning to 2013. Mrs Parker and Mrs Jenkins are to be congratulated on their hard work ensuring that Natalie has every opportunity possible to access all aspects of school life.

Cornish College
Learning Goals

Early Years Team

Individual Learning Plan

To reduce the amount of supervision and initiated play Natalie requires so as to become more independent during break time Encourage independence with tasks have-a-go before assistance from another Natalie to monitor and modify her behaviour without the use of a reward system Develop memory strategies to aid recall of instructions, vocabulary and spelling Correct formation of letters with correct starting points and clarity of letters Classroom activities Memory building Target Spelling, Kims Game, memory games Regular formal handwriting sessions using larger dotted thirds paper THRASS approach to breaking up words- listening to the phonemes Random pair work/partner reading Further development of gross motor control, balance and co-ordination Individual Needs activities conducted by Mrs Jenkins in class time 1-1 sessions with Mrs Jenkins focusing on given tasks Home activities Home reading continue to discuss text/ questions/discussion points Important to discuss content of books read to reinforce comprehension Touch typing program for keyboard skills?

Concerns / Comments

Date of next meeting: Term 2 2013 Teachers involved: Mrs Elizabeth Jenkins (Additional Assistant ) Mrs Mary Parker (Class Teacher) Mrs Maris Syme (Individual Needs)

Report from Mrs Elizabeth Jenkins Additional Assistant

General Natalie has made an excellent start to Year 2. Though her daily routine is quite different from Year 1, she has adapted quickly and positively to the changes. She is settled, focused, and responds appropriately to all aspects of learning. She rarely asks for help in doing everyday tasks around the classroom or school. There have been a few behavioural issues which emerged in week four and five, but these patterns of behavior have diminished significantly in a very short space of time. Specifics Natalie initially was quite distracted while sitting out the front in group/mat time. She would be looking away from the teacher, and have her fingers in her mouth. By week four she was, with some encouragement and reminding by the teacher, looking at the teacher, whiteboard or Smart Board. Her fingers were also not in her mouth for much of the time. Natalie is also now actively putting up her hand and giving appropriate answers to prompts. She rarely calls out, and uses an inside voice, without reminding, much of the time. Natalie is using a pencil, without a pencil grip, with more precision and control. She understands the requests to write smaller, and so that the writing can be easily read. She is now able to write with a softer grip, and her tendency to apply a lot of pressure at times is much less frequent. Making a hole in the paper through over zealous use of a pencil in the one spot has not occurred since week three. When colouring in, she is now able to keep within predrawn lines with considerable accuracy. She is writing on Year 2 lined paper most of the time, with the solid lines overdrawn in grey lead pencil.

Cornish College

Early Years Team

Individual Learning Plan

Maths Natalie seems to enjoy mathematics. She responds appropriately to teaching styles using the Smart Board, drawing geometrical shapes on the iPad, identifying shapes, 2D in plastic and 3D in wood, and organizing small plastic numbers into requested larger numbers. She has just started using a maths text book and requires support in working through questions on counting on. Literacy Natalie is writing with enthusiasm and fluency. The class has been working on a number of pieces of writing, including a letter inviting someone to the Cornish Carnival, and a Scary story, and Natalie has remained on task, and finished the work within the stipulated timeframe. Quite often she does not want help when writing, and actively shows this by pushing a helping pencil away. In the 10 day Target Spelling exercise, Natalies test score increased from 5 remembered words to 16 remembered words. She has quickly mastered using a biro, and using different coloured biros for editing and grammatically correcting pieces of writing. Natalie enjoys reading, and in silent reading, will sit in the bottom of the big red bus and chose book after book and read each one to herself, in a quiet whisper. She reads accurately, fluently and with expression. She is currently reading Level 15 books. Specialists In Japanese, Natalie has a new Japanese teacher. Initially she was quite distracted, but now has much better eye contact and participates in the singing of songs and body actions. Art can be challenging for Natalie. She needs support to stay on task, and at times, displays disruptive behaviour. Her peers are very supportive, and will offer to be her partner and encourage her to complete the task. Using a paint brush can trigger the heavy pressure in the one spot type behaviour that produces a hole in the art paper. In PE, Natalie has good hand/eye coordination, and can throw and catch a ball accurately. Her running is improving, and she understands game instructions and participates well in team sports. Music is something Natalie has to work on staying focused in. With support she can tap out the beat and rhythm of a piece of music. In recorder, she is supported holding the recorder and covering the appropriate holes to play certain notes. This can become a trigger for behavioural issues. Natalie modifies her behavior appropriately if support is withdrawn. Natalie enjoys Library and will now read to herself a picture book from cover to cover. She chooses books herself and will allow support in borrowing non fiction books. In IT Natalie needs support in word processing tasks, and enjoyed activities on a safety site called Triple Zero. Socially Natalie initially was fixated with skipping at recess and lunchtime everyday. Over the past week she will now go to the library with a friend and play a card or board game, or walk Harry on a Friday. She has some consistent friends from Year 1, 2 and 3 who actively seek her out and ask her to join in activities. She also will initiate activities, and does not always require prompting. Behaviour Natalie, at the beginning of the year, was constantly putting her fingers in her mouth and fiddling with her new upper and lower emerging adult teeth. It was decided after her first Speech Pathology session with Angela Sainsbury in week three, that putting her fingers in her mouth was not socially acceptable and that this behavior would be discouraged. Natalie would later on deliberately put her fingers, or objects, like pencils, in her mouth, but even this behaviour has nearly ceased. Her support used the Year 1 Learning Stories once outside the classroom, and the next day Natalie had stopped the behaviour and also apologized. In week four Natalie began to touch her support, and at the beginning of week 5, lick objects, including her desk, writing paper, walls and fixtures, and start spitting. Her support immediately took Natalie outside the classroom environment, re read the Learning Stories, and Mrs Parker reinforced the inappropriateness of the licking behavior. Natalie also had a Bus Ticket reward taken back from her. Since then, the touching, licking, and spitting has all but stopped. Natalie asks and takes herself to the toilet without any fuss, usually once a day.

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