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Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr.




Lect. univ. Roxana GHERGHE, Universitatea Constantin Brncui din Trgu-Jiu

Rezumat n ara noastr principiul separaiei puterilor n stat a fost consacrat pentru prima dat n Regulamentele Organice. Regulamentul Organic a fost o lege fundamental care a modernizat unele instituii ale Moldovei i rii Romneti. Cuvinte cheie: feudalism, capitalism, regulamente organice, principatele romne

Roxana GHERGHE, Constantin Brncui University of TrguJiu

Abstract In our country, the principle of powers separation inside the state was sanctioned for the first time in Constitutional Regulations. The Constitutional Regulations represented a basic law that modernized certain institutions of Moldavia and Wallachia. Key words: feudalism, capitalism, constitutional regulations, the Romanian principalities

Regulamentele Organice au nzestrat Principatele Romne cu o serie de instituii susceptibile de a favoriza dezvoltarea capitalismului, a pregtit unirea lor ntr-un stat modern i centralizat. Ele au fost considerate ca o expresie a luptei dintre vechi i nou fcnd trecerea de la feudalism la capitalism. Regulamentele Organice erau chemate s dea via programului de transformare a structurilor interne n raport cu spiritul veacului, de modernizare a societii romneti, de creare a condiiilor capabile s accelereze progresul. Aceste cerine, expresie a programului Revoluiei din 1821, fuseser incluse, ntr-o manier sui generis, n cuprinsul Tratatului de la Adrianopol. 1 Regulamentele Organice, n esena coninutului lor, au reprezentat totui o oper de progres netgduit. Reliefnd existena unei naiuni romne i dndu-i expresie prin normele comune de organizare, cele dou acte legislative subliniau c nedesprita unire reprezint o necesitate mntuitoare.2 nlturnd o serie de instituii i practici

The Constitutional Regulations equipped the Romanian Principalities with a series of institutions liable to encourage capitalisms development, prepared their union into a modern and centralized state. They were considered as an expression of the fight between the old and the new, passing from feudalism to capitalism. The Constitutional Regulations had to create the transformation programme of the inner structures reported to the centurys spirit, to modernize the Romanian society, to create certain conditions able to accelerate the progress. These demands, expression of 1821 Revolutions programme, had been included, sui generis, in the Adrianople Treaty. Although, the Constitutional Regulations, related to their contents essence, represented an action of an undeniable progress. Pointing out the Romanian nations existence and expressing it by common organization standards, the two legislative documents were emphasizing the fact that the inseparable union represented a saviour necessity. Removing a series of feudal institutions

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

feudale, ele au creat un aparat de stat modern i un climat mai propice pentru dezvoltarea noului. n primul rnd, au legiferat principiul modern al separrii puterilor n stat, puterea legislativ fiind ncredinat unei adunri obteti, cea executiv fiind exercitat de domn, ajutat de un sfat administrativ extraordinar, compus din ase membri i de un sfat administrativ, alctuit din trei membri. Sistemul judectoresc a fost organizat pe baze moderne, recunoscndu-se autoritatea lucrului judecat.3 Regulamentul Organic, n care revoluionarii din 1848 n-au vzut dect un instrument de mpilare i de umilire, a fost un factor de progres, o adevrat constituie, care a pus baza instituiilor Romniei moderne.4 Potrivit lui Betolian, n dreptul constituional principiul separaiei puterilor ocup locul cel mai important, nct s-a putut dice cu drept cuvent, c el este formula problemei politice unei drepte repartiiuni a puterei sociale, fr care nu poate esista o constituiune.5 Betolian afirma i mie mi se pare c, cu ct n organizarea puterilor publice unui stat se va ine socoteal de regula separaiunii, cu att principiile nscrise n constituiune i vor gsi o aplicare mai sigur i libertatea va deveni o realitate.6 n discursul su de deschidere al anului judectoresc 1869-1870, rposatul Vioreanu zice nainte de regulamentul organic o confusiune deplorabil esista n atribuiunile tuturor puterilor publice; aceleai autoriti fceau legile i le aplicau ca judectori, ba nc aveau i atribuiunile puterii esecutive. Veliii boieri participau n vechime la elaborarea legilor dinpreun cu ceilali boeri ai erii i erau n acelai timp i judectori n a doua instan i n divanul domnescIspravnicii de judee erau totdeauna judectorii i administratori. Domnul avea parte activ la facerea legilor,presida ca judector suprem divanul domnesc, i ca representant suprm al puterei esecutive administra prin agenii sei era ntreag.7 N. Blcescu afirma despre Regulamentul Organic: Regulamentul cu toate relele sale,

and practices, they have created a modern state device and a more favourable climate to develop the new. At first, they have proclaimed the modern principle of powers separation inside the state, the legislative power being entrusted to a public assembly, the executive one being exerted by the ruler, who was helped by an extraordinary administrative council, consisting of six members and by an administrative council, consisting of three members. The judicial system had been organized by using modern basis, knowing the judged things authority.92 The Constitutional Regulations, which the 1848 revolutionists considered only as an oppression and humiliation tool, were a progress factor, a real constitution that has founded Romanias modern institutions. According to Betolian, in the constitutional right the principle of powers separation inside the state is the most important principle so that we could say that it was the formula of the political problem related to the social powers honest repartition, without whom there could not be a constitution. Betolian affirmed: I think that the sooner we will consider the separation rule in the organization of the states public powers, the better will be the application and the freedom will become reality. In his opening speech in 1869-1870 judicial year, the late Vioreanu says: before the constitutional regulations, there was a lamentable extinguishments of a debt through one debtor or creditor succeeding to the estate of the other in all public powers tasks; the same authorities made the laws and applied them as judges and they also had the executive powers tasks. The great court officials were attending the laws elaboration, like the countrys other court officials and they were judges both in the second court and in the princely divan The regions subprefects were always judges and administrators. The ruler was attending the laws elaboration, he chaired the princely divan as a supreme judge and he was administrating the entire country by his agents, as a supreme representative of

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

aduse ns oarecare principiuri folositoare i se fcu instrument de progres. El recunoscu n drept principiul libertii comerciale, desprirea puterilor judectoreti, administrative i legiuitoare i introduse regimul parlamentar.8 n una din scrierile sale economistul de coal liberal Alexandru Moruzi afirma eti izbit de uriaa dezvoltare a instituiilor noastre.Aceast dezvoltare, orice s-ar spune, o datorim dispoziiunilor cuprinse n Regulamentul Organic de la 1832. Cu toate concesiunile fcute spiritului vremii, obiceiurilor i situaiei rii, Regulamentul nu a fost mai puin binefctor pentru noi. El pune capt crmuirii bunului plac; aaz o administraie regulat; statornicea contribuiile; garanta egalitatea n faa legii n materie civil.9 Regulamentele Organice au reprezentat acte fundamentale cu caracter constituional cum nu existau n nici unul din marile imperii autocrate vecine. Totui aceste acte, primele constituii moderne romneti, nu au rezolvat dect n parte problema puterii. Din punct de vedere al administraiei de stat, ele au avut un rol modernizator, dar din punct de vedere al exercitrii puterii, ele nu au fcut dect s nlocuiasc vechiul absolutism domnesc cu un regim oligarhic care concentra toat puterea n mna ctorva familii de mari boieri, aceleai care i rsturnaser pe fanarioi i ai cror reprezentani redactaser Regulamentele Organice. Atribuiile legislative i de control financiar ale Adunrilor obteti erau astfel alctuite nct domnul, a crui putere era teoretic suveran, nu putea crmui fr concursul marii boierimi care domina adunrile. De aici a rezultat un nencetat conflict ntre puterea central i boierime, un conflict care a dominat ntreaga epoc regulamentar att n Moldova ct i n ara Romneasc. Totui aceste acte constituionale au aduse i lucruri noi pentru aceea perioad: responsabilitatea parial a puterii centrale fa de Adunare, realizarea unei separaii a puterilor care nu existase pn atunci, a creat un sfat al minitrilor compus din 6-8 persoane

the executive power. N. Blcescu was saying about the Constitutional Regulations: The regulations, with all their bad things, has also brought useful principles and it has become a progress tool. He accepted in right the principle of commercial freedom, the judicial, administrative and legislative powers separation, powers that had been included in the parliamentary system. In one of his writings, the liberal school economist, Alexandru Moruzi, was saying: you come up against our institutions huge developmentThis development, no matter what they say, is due to the disposals included in 1832 Constitutional Regulations. Considering all concessions of that time, the Regulations were not less beneficial for us. They end the irresponsible rule; they settle a steady administration; they were establishing the contributions; they assured the civil equality in front of the law. The Constitutional Regulations represented basic constitutional documents that did not exist in the great tyrant empires in the neighbourhood. Although, these documents, the first Romanian modern constitutions, solved only the powers problem. From state administrations point of view, they had a modernizing role, but from exerting the powers point of view, they have only replaced the old princely absolutism by an oligarchic system that concentrated all the power in some court official families hands, the same families who had overthrown the Phanariots and whose representatives had elaborated the Constitutional Regulations. The public assemblies legislative and financial attributions were elaborated so that the ruler, whose power was theoretically sovereign, could govern only with the great gentrys support that was dominating the assemblies. From here, it came out a permanent conflict between the central power and the gentry, a conflict that dominated the entire regular age both in Moldavia and Wallachia. However, these constitutional documents also brought things that were new for that time: central

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

numite i responsabile n faa domnului.10 Nicolae Iorga afirma n lucrarea sa11 c ntocmirea Regulamentului Organic trebuia s nlture grijile constituionale. Acest Reglement organique se dezvolt ncet, dar metodic; trebuia s cuprind nu numai Constituia, ci i tot ce era necesar pentru administraie. Aceast Constituie impus n cea mai mare parte de Rusia e o copie armonic i practic a dispoziiilor care se nceteniser n toat Europa n noul veac, dup modelul francez. Aa-numitele pouvoirs fur i aici bine desprite. Care a fost raiunea pentru care au fost adoptate Regulamentele Organice? A fost de ordin politic, acest lucru rezultnd de altfel i din precizrile lui Kiseleff pe care le-a fcut n raportul adresat mpratului Nicolae: La 1828 Guvernul imperial folosindu-se de ocupaiunea Principatelor cu armatele noastre, a depus toate silinele ca, n timpul guvernrii provizorii, s se desvreasc propusa reorganizare, ca o afacere neaprat pentru buna stare a unei ri megieit cu noi i ca o msur care ntrea temelia influenei noastre politice asupra Orientului. ndemnat de vederi att de nalte spre folosul i gloria Rusiei, Vice-Cancelarul contele Nesselrode a mijlocit nalta autorizaie, dup care secretarul de Stat Dacoff a fost trimis n Principate ca, conformndu-se cu starea lucrurilor din ar, s schieze un proiect de instruciuni pentru alctuirea Regulamentelor.12 Acest proiect, bazat pe adevrata stare a mprejurrilor locale, cuprinznd toate prile reorganizaiei din luntru, s-a nvrednicit de nalta ntrire i, n iunie 1829, a fost dat fostului Preedinte-Pplenipotent, General Joltuchin, spre a alctui, dintre boierii locali, Comisii i printr-nsele lucrri pregtitoare pentru Regulamentele Organice ca n urm s le supune n cercetarea obtetilor Adunri.13 Agenii consulari ai Austriei, care au urmrit elaborarea i introducerea Regulamentului Organic cu cea mai vie ngrijorare i ostilitate, nu vedeau n Reform dect opera Ruilor: Une chartre octroyee par la Russie! Comparnd Regulamentul cu

powers partial responsibility for the Assembly, the accomplishment of the powers separation that has not existed until that moment, it created un new council that contained 6-8 ministries that were responsible in front of the ruler. Nicolae Iorga said in his work that the Constitutional Regulations accomplishment should remove the constitutional concerns. This Reglement organique develops slowly, but methodically; it should contain not only the Constitution, but also all that was needed by the administration. This Constitution established by Russia is a harmonious and practical copy of the disposals that were naturalized in the entire Europe during the new century, using the French model. The socalled pouvoirs were also separated in here. What was the reason to adopt the Constitutional Regulations? It was a political reason, resulting also from Kisseleffs explanations in the report for the emperor Nicolae: In 1828, the imperial Government, conquering the Principalities by our armies, made all the efforts so that, while the provisional rule, the suggested reaccomplishment would improve, as a necessary business for the wealth of a free holder country and as a measure that emphasized our political influences basis above the East. Encouraged by Russias high hopes, the Vice-Chancellor the Count Nesselrode elaborated the high authorization and then the State Secretary Dacoff was sent to the Principalities so that, according to the things position inside the country, he would design an instruction project to accomplish the Regulations. This project, based on the real local circumstances state, containing all the inside reorganizations sides, were worth the high reinforcement and, in June 1829, it was given to the ex-Plenipotent-President, General Joltuchin, to elaborate, using the local court officials, committees and preparing works for the Constitutional Regulations and these works had to be examined by the public Assemblies.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

Charta Constituional a lui Ludovic XVIII, Fleischhackl voia s stigmatizeze Regulamentul att prin coninutul revoluionar al Chartei constituionale, ct i prin faptul c a fost impus de Alexandru I. 14 Inovaiile ntemeiate de principiile revoluiei franceze i iniiativa decisiv a Rusiei sunt efectiv cele dou surse principale ale Regulamentului Organic, ca i ale Chartei constituionale. Citind instruciunile guvernului rus pentru elaborarea Regulamentului Organic, St. Marc de Girardin a declarat: Adesea aveam impresia c citesc unele din referatele mree i solemne pe care le fceau Adunrii Constituante Dupont, Lally-Tollendal, Talleyrand, Barnave. Sunt aceleai idei, aceleai vederi. Instruciunile urmreau s introduc instituiile noastre civile, judiciare i administrative, tot ceea ce datorm Adunrii Constituante.15 Cum s-a ajuns la adoptarea Regulamentelor Organice, primele legiuiri care au consacrat pentru prima dat principiul separaiei puterilor n stat? Prin Tratatul de la Akerman din 1826 se prevedea c spre a se ndrepta gravele atingeri aduse ordinei n feluritele ramuri ale ocrmuirii interne prin turburrile ntmplate n Moldova i n Muntenia, gospodarii vor fi inui a se ocupa fr cea mai mic ntrziere mpreun cu divanurile respective de msurile trebuitoare pentru a mbunti starea principatelor, i acele msuri vor forma obiectul unui regulament obtesc pentru fiecare provincie fiind pus de ndat n lucrare. n urma acestei convenii Poarta d un hatierif, ndatornd pe Grigore Ghica al Munteniei i pe Ioan Sturza al Moldovei ca mpreun cu divanurile s alctuiasc acele legi constitutive pentru ambele ri.16 S-a format cte o comisie astfel nct comisia din Bucureti se alctuia sub preedinia consilierului de stat Miniaki, pentru Muntenia din banul Grigore Bleanu, vornicul Gheorghe Filipescu, numii de autoritatea ruseasc, iar logoftul tefan Blceanu i hatmanul Alexandru Vilara alei de adunare, avnd de secretar pe vornicul

Austrias consular agents, who were willing to elaborate and introduce the Constitutional Regulations, being very concerned and hostile, considered the Reform only as the Russians work: Une chartre octroyee par la Russie! Comparing the Regulations to the Constitutional Charter of Ludovic XVIII, Fleischhackl wanted to brand the Regulations both by Constitutional Charters revolutionary content and by the fact that it was suggested by Alexandru I. The innovations elaborated by the French revolutions principles and Russias crucial initiative are in fact the two main sources both of the Constitutional Regulations and of the Constitutional Charter. Reading the Russian governments instructions to elaborate the Constitutional Regulations, St. Marc de Girardin declared: I often think that Im reading some of the great and solemn essays made for the Constituent Assembly of Dupont, Lally-Tollendal, Talleyrand, Barnave. There are the same ideas, the same visions. The instructions wanted to introduce our civil, judiciary and administrative institutions, all that we owed the Constituent Assembly. How did we adopt the Constitutional Regulations, the first laws that had sanctioned for the first time the principle of powers separation inside the state? The 1826 Ackerman Treaty was foreseeing that to correct the serious touches brought to the discipline in many branches of the inner rule by disorders occurred in Moldavia and Muntenia, the householders and the respective divans will take care immediately of the measures needed to improve the principalities state and those measures will represent valid public regulations for every province. After this convention, the Porte elaborates a royal mandate, so that Grigore Ghica of Muntenia and Ioan Sturza of Moldavia have to elaborate those constitutive laws for the both countries. They accomplished committees so that the Bucharest committee contained the state counsellor Miniakis presidency, the Muntenia committee contained the ban Grigore Bleanu, the village chief Gheorghe

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

Barbu tirbei. Pentru Moldova figurau vistiernicul Costache Pacanu i vornicul Mihai Sturza numii de Kisseleff, iar vornicul Costache Conache i vistiernicul Iordache Catargiu alei de obteasca adunare, i avnd ca secretar pe Gheorghe Asaki.17 Regulamentul alctuit dup instruciunile ruseti, pentru organizarea politic, i sub supravegherea lui Kisseleff pentru cea administrativ, de comisia mixt din Bucureti, este trimis la Petersburg mpreun cu o delegaie din trei membrii care participaser la ntocmirea acestuia: vornicul Mihai Sturza, logoftul Alexandru Vilara i aga Gheorghe Asaki. La Petersburg se ntocmete o comisie compus din aceti boieri i doi funcionari rui, Catacazi i Miniaki, sub preedinia secretarului de stat Daschkoff, aducnd cteva modificri. Ambele Regulamente au fost apoi trimise lui Kisseleff spre a le supune aprobrii i votrii adunrilor extraordinare. Instruciunile guvernului rus prescriau ca alegerea Domnului s fie fcut de o adunare extraordinar, calificat s exprime dorina naiunii. n compunerea ei trebuiau s intre , pe lng membrii clerului nalt i boierii de primul rang, deputaii judeelor, oraelor i breselor. Poate i ali notabili ai rii, ca patriciii ocoalelor, etc. 18 Textul definitiv nu a admis dect 27 de deputai ai isnafurilor pe lng 163 deputai ai boierilor, deci abia 14% n loc de 25%.19 n intenia marilor boieri, Obinuita Obteasc Adunare trebuie s fie compus din boieri de prim clas, care nu luau parte la sarcinile statului i nu-i cunoteau adevratele nevoi. n acest sens, Instruciunile le reproeaz c nu erau dect instrumente docile, i, interesate n minile domnului i ale Porii. Cu aceast stare de lucruri, tratatele i hatierifele deveneau iluzorii i aceste dou provincii se vedeau despoiate de privilegiile care le erau garantare de Curtea imperial.20 Pentru a remedia aceste inconveniente, Instruciunile au recomandat ca Adunarea s fie completat din membrii clerului judeelor. Instruciunile de la St. Petersburg se ncheie cu o serie de msuri menite s pregteasc unirea

Filipescu, both of them chosen by the Russian Authority and bailiff tefan Blceanu and the hetman Alexandru Vilara, both of them chosen by the assembly, having the village chief Barbu tirbei as a secretary. The Moldavia committee contained the treasurer Costache Pacanu and the village chief Mihai Sturza, both of them chosen by Kisseleff, and the village chief Cstache Conache and the treasurer Iordache Catargiu, both of them chosen by the public assembly and having Gheorghe Asaki as a secretary. The regulations accomplished by Russian instructions, for the political organization and for the administrative one, supervised by Kisseleff, by Bucharest mixed committee, is sent to Petersburg by a deputation achieved by three members who had accomplished it: the village chief Mihai Sturza, the bailiff Alexandru Vilara and police prefect Gheorghe Asaki. In Petersburg, they accomplish a committee containing these court officials and two Russian office holders, Catacazi and Miniaki, under the State Secretary Daschkoffs presidency, changing some things. Both of the Regulations were sent to Kisseleff to be approved and voted by the extraordinary assemblies. The Russian governments instructions prescribed that the rulers election would be accomplished by an extraordinary assembly, able to express the nations will. The assembly should contain, beside the members of the high clergy and the first courts officials, the deputies of the regions the cities and the breaches. Maybe other notables of the country, like patriciii ocoalelor etc. The final text accepted only 27 deputies compared to 163 deputies of the court officials, so only 14% instead of 25%. In the great court officials intention, the Usual Public Assembly should contain very the most important court officials, who did not participate to thee states duties and who did not know the real needs of the country. Speaking of these things, the Instructions reproach them with being only docile tools and interested in the rulers hands and the Portes hands. Therefore, the treaties

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ntre cele dou principate, ele recomandnd ca instituiile cu care Regulamentul Organic le va nzestra s fie ct mai uniforme. Curtea Imperial considera c aceast uniformitate poate apropia dou popoare pe care identitatea de religie, de origine i de poziie ar trebui s le in strns unite n orice mprejurare.21 Adunarea extraordinar de revizie a rii Romneti s-a deschis la Bucureti la 10 martie 1831 fiind alctuit din preedinte Kisseleff i vice-preedinte Minciaki. Kisseleff n discursul su rostit de logoftul Iordache Golescu spunea c:mpratul lund sub ocrotirea sa organizaia principatelor a privit numai i numai la binele locuitorilor de obte.22 Adunarea de revizie a rii Romneti, deschis la 10 martie 1831 i ncheie lucrrile la 22 mai, dup 31 de edine. Ordinea n care s-a dezbtut proiectul de regulament a fost urmtoarea: Cap.III(finane), IV(sfatul administrativ i ministerul de interne), VII(cutarea judecilor),V(slobozenia comerului), VI(carantine), VIII(dispoziii generale), IX(regulamentul obtesc), I(alegerea domnului), iar Cap. II(obteasca adunare) s-a discutat dup capitolul IX. 23 La 30 aprilie Regulamentul era votat. n edina din 18 mai, Barbu tirbei nfieaz spre semnare trei exemplare ale Regulamentului, din care dou de trimis celor dou curi, iar unul de pstrat la arhiv. Regulamentul scris pe 718 fee era mprit n 9 capitole cu 445 articole i 4 anexe. A fost semnat de 47 de deputai n ziua de 20 mai, dup ce adunarea numise o comisie care s confrunte aceste exemplare cu procesele-verbale ale edinelor. Dup votarea Regulamentului Organic, Kisseleff, cu autorizaia superioar, cunoscnd sistemul dilatoriu turcesc, a fixat oficial data aplicrii n Muntenia la 1 mai 1831 i a luat msuri n consecin, prin trei adrese ctre obtea divanurilor, la 31 martie,2 aprilie i 23 aprilie.24 Sfatul administrativ extraordinar al rii Romneti a fost alctuit atunci de Kisseleff din: banul Grigore Brncoveanu, prezident, vornicul Iordache Filipescu, ministru de

and the royal mandates became illusory and these two provinces were bare of the privileges granted by the Imperial Court. To rectify these difficulties, the Instructions recommended that the Assembly should be completed by the members of the regions clergy. St. Petersburg Instructions end by a series of measures meant to prepare the union between the two principalities, recommending that the institutions granted by the Constitutional Regulations should be as homogeneous as possible. The Imperial Court considered that this homogeneousness may approach two people that the religion, origins and position identity should keep united in any circumstances. Wallachias extraordinary Revision Assembly opened in Bucharest on March 10th, 1831, containing the president Kisseleff and the vice-president Minciaki. Kisseleff, during its speech presented by the bailiff Iordache Golescu, said: the emperor, protecting the principalities organization, looked only for the peoples wealth. Wallachias extraordinary Revision Assembly opened on March 10th, 1831 and closed the works on May 22nd, after 31 meetings. The order of the regulations project was the following: Chapter III (finances), IV (administrative council and the ministry of interior), VII (the research of the judgement), V (the commerce release), VI (quarantine), VIII (general disposals), IX (public regulations), I (the election of the ruler) and Chapter II (the public assembly) was discussed after chapter IX. On April 30th, the Regulations were voted. During the meeting on May 18th, Barbu tirbei presents three copies of the Regulations to be signed, two of them for the two courts and one to be kept in the archive. The Regulations written on 718 pages was structured in 9 chapters containing 445 articles and 4 annexes. It was signed by 47 deputies on May 20th, after the assembly had chosen a committee to compare these copies to the meetings reports. After voting the Constitutional Regulations, Kisseleff, being highly

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interne, hatmanul Alexandru Vilara la finane, vornicul Iordache Golescu ministru al dreptii, logoftul tefan Blcianu, la pricinile bisericeti, vornicul Alexandru Ghica sptar, adic ef al armatei, vornicul de ora Barbu tirbei, secretar al statului. De la 1mai 1831, atribuiile de pn atunci ale Divanului executiv se mpart ntre diferitele departamente, ai cror efi, dup glsuirea Regulamentului Organic, formau sfatul administrativ al rii. Fiecare ef de departament avea s adreseze lui Kisseleff un raport amnunit asupra activitii sale de cnd intrase n funcie sub noul regim.25 La 12 aprilie 1831 Kisseleff a plecat la Iai pentru a pregti deschiderea adunrii de revizie a Moldovei, care a fost deschis la 8 mai. Neculai Canta, membru al divanului judectoresc, a citit discursul lui Kisseleff, care zicea c o singur gndire, gndire generoas, prezidase la alctuirea proiectului de regulament, aceea de a mbunti starea rii, aeznd viitorul principatelor pe o baz larg i temeinic. Lucrrile adunrii de revizie a Moldovei s-au terminat la 20 octombrie dup 64 de edine. Regulamentul Organic a fost nclit la 3 noiembrie.26 n decembrie 1831 diferite dispoziii ale Regulamentului Organic au fost aduse la cunotin public. La 21 decembrie 1831 arul informa pe Kisseleff de primirea textului votat, iar Regulamentele urmau s fie confirmate de Poart. Adunarea de revizie a Munteniei a propus, cu privire la alegerea domnului, amendamentul la proiectul ce i-a fost artat care s-a admis ca mpmntenirea candidatului s poat fi nceptoare numai de la tatl su. Sub rezerva aprobrii curii ruseti s-au mai propus i alte dou amendamente unul s poat fi ales Domn orice boier mare de la vel ban, pn la vel cmra. Altul, prevedea o anumit procedur pentru vot n ziua alegerii: la primul scrutin s fie necesar ntrunirea a dou treimi din voturi; la al doilea scrutin, vor candida cei zece care au ntrunit mai multe voturi i se va declara

authorized and knowing the Turkish dilatory system, settled officially the application date in Muntenia on May 1st, 1831 and took measures by three notes for the divans community, on March 31st, April 2nd and April 23rd. Wallachias extraordinary administrative Council was structured by Kisseleff as following: the ban Grigore Brncoveanu, president, the village chief Iordache Filipescu, minister of interior, the hetman Alexandru Vilara in finances, the village chief Iordache Golescu, minister of justice, the bailiff tefan Blcian, in churchs problems, the village chief Alexandru Ghica, sword bearer, namely army chief, the city chief Barbu tirbei, State Secretary. From May 1st, 1831, the old attributions of the Executive Divan are shared by different departments, whose chiefs, according to the Constitutional Regulations, set up the countrys administrative council. Every department chief should address to Kisseleff a detailed report about his activities since the new system validation. On April 12th, 1831, Kisseleff went to Iasi to prepare the opening of Moldavias revision assembly that was opened on May 8th. Neculai Canta, member of the judicial divan, read Kisseleffs speech that said that one generous mind chaired the regulations projects accomplishment, to improve the countrys state, forming a solid foundation for the principalities future. The works of Moldavias revision assembly were closed on October 20th after 64 meetings. The Constitutional Regulations had enough on November 3rd. In December 1831, different disposals of the Constitutinoal Regulations became public. On December 21st, 1831, the tsar informed Kisseleff that he had received the voted text and the Regulations would be confirmed by the Porte. Muntenias Revision Assembly suggested, regarding the election of the ruler, the amendment to the project, approved as the candidates taking roots may begin only from his father. They also suggested two other

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ales cel care va ntruni jumtate plus unu din voturi, iar al treilea scrutin vor candida cei trei cu mai multe voturi i se va declara ales cel care va ntruni cel mai mare numr de Aceste din urm dou glasuri.27 amendamente au fost trimise spre examinare prealabil Curii din Petersburg, dar Adunarea s-a nchis, fr ca rspunsul s fi venit. n ceea ce privete obinuita adunare, cea dinti atribuie a adunrii obinuite era de a se rosti asupra proiectelor de lege ce se trimeteau n desbaterile ei de domn, prin mesagiu contrasemnat de secretarul statului. 28 Legile se votau toate cu majoritate absolut. Rezultatul votului era comunicat domnului prin adres semnat e toi deputaii care participaser la edin. Nici o lege nu intra n vigoare fr sancionare domneasc. Domnul putea refuza sancionarea, putea propune schimbri, putea cere adunrii o nou deliberare. Domnul participa astfel efectiv la opera de legiferare i de multe ori, sub regimul Regulamentului Organic, s-au urmat n scris adevrate polemici ntre adunri i domni. Adunarea nu avea iniiativa legilor.29 n virtutea principiului separaiunii puterilor, cerut de programele de la 18211822, adunarea nu putea mpiedica lucrarea puterii suverane de administraie i de paza bunei ornduieli i a linitei publice, ce este dat domnului.30 De la Regulamentul Organic, puterea Domnului a fost pentru prima oar limitat n drept, prin atribuiile adunrii, pe care era inut s o convoace n fiecare an. Puterea de sine stpnitoare i svritoare pentru inerea bunei ornduieli i pentru repausul obtei, ornduirea n toate slujbele; cea dinti comand a jandarmeriei, sunt prerogativele alturate oblduirii Domnului stpnitor, zice Regulamentul.31 Crmuirea provizorie ruseasc, n ciuda opoziiei boiereti, a lsat domnului nsemnate atribuii judectoreti. El ntrete sentinele instanei supreme, ba chiar judec n anumite mprejurri. El ntrete mezaturile i actele de nstrinare pe veci a bunurilor mictoare. Poate micora pedeapsa

amendments one, that every high court official may be chosen ruler. The other was foreseeing a certain procedure to vote in the election day: for the first poll, it should be necessary the reunion of two thirds of the votes; for the second poll, the ten candidates who obtained many votes and we would declare as elected the one who would obtain half plus one of the votes and for the third poll, the three candidates having most of the votes should participate and we would declare as elected the one who would obtain the biggest number of voices. These two last amendments were sent to be examined to Petersburg Court, but the Assembly closed with no answer. Regarding the usual assembly, the first task of the usual assembly was to have an opinion about the law projects sent by the ruler, by a message countersigned by the State Secretary. The laws were all voted with absolute majority. The votes result was communicated to the ruler by a note signed by all the deputies who had participated to the meeting. No law became valid without princely penalization. The ruler may refuse the penalization, he may suggest changes, and he may require a new consultation. Thus, the ruler was participating actively to the legislation work and many times, under Constitutional Regulations system, there were real disputes between the assemblies and the rulers. The assembly did not have the law initiative. According to the principle of powers separation, required by 1821-1822 programmes, the assembly could not hinder the work of the administration sovereign power and guarding the discipline and the public silence that has been given to the ruler. Since the Constitutional Regulation, the Rulers power was limited for the first time, by the assemblys tasks that he had to convoke every year. The governing self power, committed to maintain the discipline and the communitys rest, the discipline in all jobs; the first command of the gendarmerie represents the

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condamnailor i n unele cazuri are dreptul de a graia.32 n caz de vacan a scaunului domnesc, guvernul provizoriu avea s fie ncredinat unei cimcmii compus de drept din marele vornic din luntru, marele logoft al dreptii i preedintele naltului divan. n ziua chiar a instalrii ei, cimcmia trebuia s nceap ntocmirea listelor de alegtori la adunarea extraordinar electiv a Domnului i de eligibili, iar n a cincia zi trebuia s invite pe ispravnici s convoace pe alegtori pentru desemnarea deputailor. Alegerile pentru adunarea extraordinar trebuiau s fie sfrite 40 de zile dup trimiterea circularelor ctre ispravnici, iar zece zile n urm deputaii s se adune n capital. Adunarea extraordinar urma s se deschid n a 61-a zi de la instalarea caimacamilor.33 n ceea ce privete puterea judectoreasc, nainte de Regulament, cea dinti instan judectoreasc era, pentru fiecare jude, ispravnicia. Ispravnicii cumulau atribuiile judectoreti i administrative. Regulamentul Organic aduce o schimbare n ceea ce privete puterea judectoreasc. Cea dinti instan sub regimul Regulamentului Organic, o formeaz tribunalele steti, cerute de un proiect de reform, un fel de judectorii de pace, compuse din preot i trei locuitori alei pe un an, cte un frunta, mijloca i coda.34 Dup propunerea vornicului Mihail Ghica, pentru cercetarea contestaiilor ivite din stricciunile vitelor ce clcau pe pmnturi semnate, se aduga tribunalul stesc. Pn la o sum de 10-15 lei vechi, tribunalul stesc judeca fr apel. n judee, prefecii au fost lipsii de atribuiile lor judectoreti, ncredinate, unor judectoriin Muntenia, tribunale n Moldova, compuse dintr-un preedinte, doi membrii, i, n Muntenia un procuror, care judecau fr apel, pn la 1500 lei vechi capital n ara Romneasc, pn la 500 lei n Moldova, unde peste aceast sum nici nu puteau judeca, ci numai adunau tiine pentru instana suprem.35 n momentul introducerii Regulamentului Organic, pravilele n vigoare erau: Codul Caragea, n ediie romn nc de la 1818, n

prerogatives next to the governing Rulers protection, according to the Regulations. The provisional Russian rule, despite the court officials opposition, gave the ruler important judicial tasks. He emphasizes the Supreme Courts sentences, he even judges in certain circumstances. He emphasizes the auctions and the alienation documents of the moving goods forever. He may decrease the convicts punishment and, sometimes, he has the right to pardon. If the princely chair is vacant, the provisional government is entrusted to regency containing the big village chief, the big bailiff of the justice and the high divans president. The day of its settlement, the regency has to begin the achievement of the electors lists for the extraordinary elective assembly of the Ruler and the eligible and on the 5th day it has to invite the subprefects to convoke the electors to assign the deputies. The elections for the extraordinary assembly must be ended 40 days after sending the form letters to the subprefects, and 10 days ago the deputies has to be in the capital. The extraordinary assembly would open the 61st day since the regencies installation. Regarding the judicial power, before the Regulations, the first judicial instance was, for every region, the subprefecture. The subprefects accumulated judicial and administrative tasks. The Constitutional Regulations makes a change regarding the judicial power. The first instance under the Constitutional Regulations system is represented by the village courts, required by a reform project, some kind of peace judges containing the priest and three inhabitants every year, a public man, a middle peasant and a lagger. According to the village chief Mihail Ghicas suggestion, to research the appeals occurred because of the cattle damage, they added the village court. Until 10-15 old lei, the village court judged with no appeal. In the regions, the prefects were without there judicial duties that were entrusted to some judges in Muntenia, courts in Moldavia containing a president, two members and, in

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ara Romneasc, Codul Calimah, n ediie greceasc de la 1 iulie 1817 i condica criminaliceasc de la 1820 promulgat n 1826, n Moldova. Pentru viitor Regulamentul hotra c o comisie ad-hoc va fi convocat fr ntrziere, pentru a redacta un cod complet, potrivit nevoilor rii. Aceeai comisie avea s fixeze regulile nregistrrii actelor i inerii arhivelor, pentru pstrarea documentelor care asigur viaa, cinstea i averea locuitorilor.36 n Moldova, tendinele boierilor din adunarea de revizie, fa de compunerea instanei supreme, pot fi deduse din ntmpinarea ce le-o face Kisseleff, c: intesc ca i Conachi n comitetul de opt, - a da n lturi puterea Domnului, care n-ar mai avea nici o mprtire n pricinile judectoreti, i s-ar aduce la singura dregtorie a unor vornic de aprozi. Kisseleff se opune acestor dorine, observnd c oricare ar fi catahrisurile care s-au urmat din amestecarea puterii ocrmuitoare cu cea judectoreasc, eu socotesc c ntr-o ar att de puin naintat pe calea politicirei, norodul are nc n eful lui cel nalt, la pricinile judectoreti, o ncredinare mai mult. De asemenea, inamovibilitatea nu s-ar putea aeza dect atunci cnd judectorii, rnduii pe via, ar alctui un trup deosebit de recomanduit de ctre nsui luminarea lor, n vremea cnd tot atunci, i dreapta judecat a obtei norodului, luminat prin ispit, ar putea fi o nchezluire temeinic a nemustrrii cugetului judectorilor. Pn atunci, nrurirea Domnului la pricinile judectoreti ar trebui pstrat, ns ea va fi mrginit ntru puterea unei curi de casasion37 Sistemul ntru ct-va reprezentativ pe care Rusia l introducea n principate, afirma A.D.Xenopol, i asigura o influen din cele mai puternice asupra mersului acestora. Mai nti c noua organizare se nfia ca o rennoire a unor forme vechi(c adunarea mai putea trece drept obteasca adunare sau divanul mai lrgit al vremurilor de nainte) ea trebuia s fie primit de popor cu cea mai mare uurin, de vreme ce n ea tradiiunile

Muntenia, an attorney, who judged with no appeal, until 1500 old lei capital in Wallachia, until 500 old lei in Moldavia where they could not even judge over this sum, they could only accumulate knowledge for the supreme court. When introducing the Constitutional Regulations, the valid laws were: Caragea Code, in Romanian edition since 1818 in Wallachia, Calimah Code, in Greek edition since July1st, 1817 and the criminologys register since 1820, promulgated in 1826 in Moldavia. For the future, The Regulations decided that an ad-hoc assembly would be immediately convoked, to elaborate a complete code, according to the countrys needs. The same committee would settle the rules of registering the documents and keeping the archives, to keep the documents that ensure the life, the honesty and the fortune of the inhabitants. In Moldavia, the trends of the court officials in the revision assembly compared to the supreme courts structure, may be inferred from Kisseleffs greeting: I aim as Conachi in the committee of eight, - at removing the Rulers power, who would not have any share in the judicial problems and he would be only a village chief of the bailiffs. Kisseleff is against these desires, noticing that no matter the abuses occurred because of the governing power mixed with the judicial one, I think that, in a country so not advanced country, politically, the people still trusts the high chief, talking about the judicial problems. Also the irremovability could settle down only when the judges accomplish a special group because of their wisdom and the right judgement of the people emphasizes the judges conscience. Until then, the connection of the ruler with the judicial problems should be kept but it would be limited by the cassation courts power The representative system introduced by Russia in the principalities, said A.D.Xenopol, ensured a strong influence above their ascent. At first, the new organization was a renovation of the old forms (the assembly could be named the public council or the bigger divan of the

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politice ale rei preau respectate; dar sub masca formei vechi Rusia introdusese, prin mijlocirea unor modificri puin aparente, o transformare radical, care fcea din aezmintele rilor romne, un instrument pentru intrigile ruseti, i ddea soarta lor n minile acestei puteri.38 Organizarea puterilor statului potrivit separaiei puterilor reglementat de Regulamentele Organice i rolul lor modernizator ncepnd cu anul 1828 Principatele au fost ocupate de ruii care nu i-au retras trupele dect atunci cnd turcii au neles c trebuie s plteasc indemnizaia de rzboi. ns abia n anul 1834, cnd turcii au pltit sumele datorate, ruii au evacuat Principatele. Pe perioada ct Principatele au fost sub ocupaie ruseasc au fost guvernate de generalul Kisseleff. Tratatul de la Akerman obliga pe cei doi domni din Principate s ntocmeasc un regulament pentru ndreptarea strii din principate. Acest aezmnt poart n istoria noastr constituional numele de Regulament Organic.39 Regulamentele Organice erau chemate s dea via programului de transformare a structurilor interne n raport cu spiritul veacului, de modernizare a societii romneti, de creare a condiiilor capabile s accelereze progresul.40 n concepia lui Paul Negulescu, Regulamentele Organice au o factur aristocratic. Acesta afirm c se creeaz, dup ideile timpului, n fiecare ar un Parlament dar cu un vdit caracter aristocratic. Nici burghezimea, nici rnimea nu aveau reprezentani n Obteasca Obinuita Adunare, cum se numea acest Parlament unicameral .41 Regulamentele organizeaz statul pe baza principiului separaiei puterilor. Ele admit o separaiune tripartit a puterilor,fiind influenat n aceast privin de Constituiunea francez a lui Ludovic al VIIIlea(charte octroyee) i astfel se admitea c puterea executiv e ncredinat domnului, c puterea legislativ aparine domnitorului i

old times) it should be received very easily by the people because the countrys political traditions seemed to be respected; but as the old form, Russia had introduced, by some changes, a radical transformation that made Romania a tool for the Russian plots and the fate was in Russias hands. Organizing the states powers according to the power separation settled by the Organic Regulations and their modernizing role Beginning with 1828 the Principalities were occupied by the Russians that did not retract their troops until the Turkish understood they must pay the war indemnity. Later in 1834, when the Turkish paid the owed sums, the Russians evacuated the Principalities. During the time that the Principalities were under the Russian occupation, they were governed by the general Kisseleff. The treaty of Akerman obliges the two reigning of the Principalities to draw up a regulation to improve the condition from the principalities. This establishment leaves in our constitutional history the name of Organic Regulation. The Organic Regulation was called to give life to the transformation program of the internal structures in report to the centurys spirit, of modernizing the Romanian societies, of creating the capable conditions to accelerate the progress. In Paul Negulescus opinion, The Organic Regulation has an aristocratic signature. This affirms that they create, after the times ideas, in each country a Parliament but with an overt aristocratic character. Neither the bourgeoisie, or the peasantry had representatives in the Usual Public Meeting, as was named this unicameral Parliament. The regulations organize the state on the basis of the principle of powers separation. They admit a tripartite separation of the powers, being influenced by the French Constitution of Ludovic the 8th (charte octroyee) and this way was admitted that the executive power is entrusted to the reigning,

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Obicinuitei Obteti Adunri. eful puterii executive, Domnitorul, numea i revoca pe minitrii, dup socotina sa. Minitrii nu puteau s fie membrii ai Parlamentului, puteau ns s mearg la Obicinuita Obteasc Adunare pentru a susine proiectele de legi, ca i orice alte adrese ale Domnului ctre Adunare, precum i pentru a da desluiri, fiecare pentru tot ce privete dregtoria sa.42 Puterea judectoreasc, exercitat de organele ei, este artat ca o putere separat i independent i fa de puterea executiv43, precum i fa de Obteasca Obicinuita Adunare.44 Pn n secolul al XIX-lea n organizarea de stat a Romniei nu se poate vorbi de aplicarea principiului separaiei puterilor n stat, deoarece n ntreaga epoc feudal exercitarea funciilor statului era concentrat n mna unui singur organ Domnul - care exercita direct sau prin delegaie toate funciile statului. Acesta era stpnul rii. Viaa, cinstea i averea oamenilor erau n puterea lui. Nici o lege i nici un obicei nu rmureau puterea domnului. Regulamentul Organic a ntemeiat organizarea statului pe principiul separaiei puterilor, fiind de fapt primul act care a prevzut acest lucru, pn la Regulamente n ara noastr neputndu-se vorbi de o separare a puterilor. Regulamentele Organice au reprezentat acte fundamentale cu caracter constituional cum nu existau n nici unul din marile imperii autocrate vecine. Totui aceste acte, primele constituii moderne romneti, nu au rezolvat dect n parte problema puterii. Din punct de vedere al administraiei de stat, ele au avut un rol modernizator, dar din punct de vedere al exercitrii puterii, ele nu au fcut dect s nlocuiasc vechiul absolutism domnesc cu un regim oligarhic care concentra toat puterea n mna ctorva familii de mari boieri, aceleai care i rsturnaser pe fanarioi i ai cror reprezentani redactaser Regulamentele 45 Organice.

that the legislative power appertains to the reigning and to the and this way to the Usual Public Meeting. The chief of the executive power, The Reigning, named and revoked the ministries, according to his count. The Ministries could not be members of the Parliament, they could go to the Usual Public Meeting to sustain the laws projects, but also others directions of the Reigning towards the Meeting and to give elucidations, each one for his high office. The judicial power, exercised by its organs, is shown as a separate and independent power and towards the executive one, and against the Usual Public Meeting. Until the nineteenth century in the state of Romania we can not speak of applying the principle of separation of powers, because in the entire feudal age, the exertion of the states functions was concentrated in the hands of a single body The Reigning - who exerted directly or through delegation all the functions of the state. It was the master of the country. Life, honour and wealth of the people were in his power. No law and no custom were surrounding the Reigning power. The Organic Regulation founded the states organizing on the principle of separation of powers, being actually the first act which provided that, until the Regulations in our country, not being able to talk about a separation of powers. The Organic Regulation represented fundamental acts with a constitutional character, as there was not either in the greatest autocratic neighbour empires. However these acts, the first modern Romanian constitutions, have just only solved part of the power problem. In terms of state administration, they have played a modernized role, but in terms of power exertion, they have not only made but to replace the old royal absolutism with an oligarchic regime to concentrate all power in the hands of a few large families of boyars, the same who had overturned the phanariots and whose representatives had drafted the Organic Regulations

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Puterea executiv. Domnia. Organizarea instituiei supreme a Domniei, a fost, la noi, ntemeiat pe obiceiul pmntului. Modul de determinare al efului suprem al statului, att n Muntenia ct i n Moldova, al Voievodului, al Domnului, a fost, din cele mai vechi timpuri, alegerea. La nceput domnii erau alei pe via. Dup ce rile romneti s-au pus sub protectoratul Turciei, alegerea trebuia s fie confirmat de Poart. Firmanul mprtesc de confirmare, numit muharel, se citea la Divan, n faa boierilor, de ctre funcionarul turc mahometan, numit Divan effendi sau Skemniagassi, ataat pe lng Domn pentru citirea firmanelor turceti.46 Potrivit Regulamentului Organic domnul era ales pe via de o Adunare Obteasc Extraordinar47 i confirmat de ctre Poart. Cu toate c Regulamentul Organic prevedea ca domnii s fie alei, ruii numesc numai pentru aceast dat i ca un caz cu totul particular, pe Alexandru Ghica n Muntenia, iar turcii pe Mihail Sturza n Moldova.48 Domnul, aa cum reiese din prevederile Regulamentelor, este un domn vasal turcilor i supus proteciei Rusiei, care-l va supraveghea n exercitarea puterilor sale. S. Albini afirma c Regulamentele Organice aa cum erau alctuite nu erau dect preambulul anexrii complete a Principatelor la Imperiul rusesc.49 Dup ce adunarea a ales Domnul, Regulamentul Organic stabilea c n aceeai edin se fcea adresa ctre Poart cerndu-se confirmarea domnului ales, ct i o not de informare ctre Curtea proteguitoare. Ambele adrese trebuiau semnate de toi membrii Adunrii50 care pe urm se dizolva. La orice vacan de domnie, puterea domneasc era exercitat de Vremelnica Ocrmuire a Caimacamilor. Ambele Regulamente stabileau c legiuiii Caimacami erau: Prezidentul naltului Divan, Ministru trebilor din Luntru i marele logoft sau ministrul Dreptii. Acetia deineau puterea pn la alegerea noului Domn. Caimacamii ntocmeau lista candidailor la Domnie

The executive power. The Reign Organizing the supreme Reign institution was at us, made on the Earth custom. The manner of determining the supreme head of state, both in Wallachia and Moldavia, of the Voivode, the Reigning, was from the ancient times, the choice. At the beginning, the Reignings were elected for life. After the Romanian countries were put under the protectorate of Turkey, the choice should have been confirmed by the Gate. The imperial firman confirmation, called muharel, was read at the Divan, in front of the boyars, by the official Turkish mahometan called Divan effendi or Skemni-Agassa, attached near the Reigning for reading Turkish firmans. According to the Organic Regulation, the Reigning was elected for life by an Extraordinary Usual Meeting and confirmed by the gate. Although the Organic Rules provided that the reigning to be elected, the Russians call "only this time as a particular case," Alexander Ghica in Wallachia, and the Turks on Mihail Sturza in Moldavia. The Reigning, as taken from the Regulations, is a liege lord of the Turks and subjected to the Russian protection, which will supervise him in the exertion of his powers. S. Albini said that the Organic Regulations were not but the preamble of the complete annexation of the Principalities at the Russian Empire. After the meeting chose the Reigning, the Organic Rules established in the same meeting that it was the gate to request the confirmation of for the protecting Court. Both addresses should have been signed by all members of the Meeting which then was dissolved. At any vacation of reign, the reigning power was exerted by the Temporary Ordering of the Camaicans. Both Regulations were establishing that the legal Caimacans were: President of the High Divan, Ministry of Internal and the great chancellor or the Ministry of Justice. They had the power until a new Reigning. The Caimacans used to draw

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

respectndu-se condiiile prevzute de Regulamentele Organice ale Valahiei51 i Moldovei52. Caimacamii prezidau alegerile, iar votarea candidailor se fcea cu bile. Art. 34 din Regulamentele Organice stabileau c voturile n Adunarea Obteasc Extraordinar se vor da pe tain, iar fiecare din mdularele ce se vor chema a-i da voturile s ngrijeasc a nu vedea nimeni care din amndou bilele se vor arunca n vas i care ntr-altul.53 Potrivit art. 38 pn se vor scoate din vas bilele ce s-au aruncat pentru alegerea fiecrui candidat, secretarul cel ornduit pentru aceast treab va face cunoscut cu glas tare i nelegtor cte bile albe i cte negre au eit, iar cellalt secretar le va scrie n slove la catastivul su.54 Dup alegerea domnului, caimacamii trebuiau s dea socoteal i domnului i Obicinuitei Obteti Adunri. Dup confirmare, Domnul trebuia s depun jurmntul. Regulamentul Organic a stabilit norme prin care a limitat puterea Domnului, Regulamentul introducnd de fapt, pentru prima dat principiul separrii puterilor n stat cu cele trei puteri: executiv, legislativ i judectoreasc. Puterea executiv aparine Domnului, ns i aceast putere, ca i celelalte, este rmurit de Adunarea Obteasc Ordinar. Titularul puterii executive, domnul, guverneaz conform pravilelor i vechilor obiceiuri, n msura n care ele nu sunt potrivnice dispoziiilor Regulamentului Organic.55 Potrivit Regulamentului, Domnitorul nu mai avea un drept absolut de legiferare, deoarece el exercita acest drept mpreun cu Obteasca Obinuit Adunare. Domnitorul avea drept de iniiativ legislativ. El trimitea proiectele de legi cu pitacuri domneti56, n terminologia modern mesagii. Adunarea avea dreptul de a aproba proiectul, a-l modifica sau a-l respinge. Dup ce proiectul era votat, se supunea domnului spre ntrire, care echivaleaz cu sancionarea. Domnul refuznd ntrirea putea s trimit proiectul Adunrii spre o nou chibzuin.

up a list of candidates for the reign in accordance with the conditions set by the Organic Regulations of Wallachia and Moldavia. The Caimacams were presiding the elections, and voting the candidates was done with balls. The article 34 of the Organic Regulations was establishing that the votes in the Extraordinary Usual Meeting will be on recess, and each of the members to be called to give votes to care not see anyone of both balls will drop in the vessel and in another. According to art. 38 until will be moved from the vessel the ball that were thrown for each candidate, the secretary ordered for this job will be acknowledge with loud voice and understanding how many white and black balls have resulted, and the other secretary will write his list. After the Reignings election, the Caimacams should report to the Reigning and the Usual Public Meeting too. After confirmation, the Reigning had to submit oath. The Organic Regulation laid down rules which limited the power of the Reigning, the Regulation entering in fact, for the first time the principle of separation of powers in the state with three branches: executive, legislative and judicial. The Executive power belongs to the Reigning, but this power, and the others are surrounded by the Usual Public Meeting. The holder for the executive power, the Reigning, governs according the laws and old customs, to the extent that they are not fit to the dispositions of the Organic Regulation. According to the Regulation, the Reigning did not have anymore an absolute right to legislate, because he exercised this right with the Usual Public Meeting. The Reigning had a right of legislative initiative. He was sending the laws projects with reigning orders, in modern terminology, the messengers. The Meeting had the right to approve the project, to change it or reject it. After the project was voted, was forwarded to the Reigning to be strengthened that was equal to the penalization. The Reigning refusing to

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

Dac l sanciona ddea ordin de executare, ceea ce echivala cu promulgarea.57 n virtutea puterii sale executive, Domnul are dreptul de a numi n funciunile publice i de a revoca pe slujbaii statului; are dreptul de graiere i reducere a pedepselor; acord i ridic titlurile de noblee; confirm deciziile naltului Divan i le supune Curii de revizuire; poate ncheia tratate cu puterile strine, n limitele dispoziiilor hatierifelor.58 n corespondena d-lui Du Bois-le-Comte cu Guvernul francez din 17 mai 1834 erau fcute o serie de precizri n legtur cu numirea domnilor. Regulamentul Organic amintind n aceast privin dispoziiunile tratatelor de la Akerman i Adrianopole a sancionat vechiul drept al principatelor de a-i alege singure domnii. El a precizat cu o ngrijire special formalitile ce trebuie observate cu ocazia acestei alegeri i a dat cele mai depline garanii independenei voturilor, oblignd chiar pe alegtori s depun jurmnt c nu vor asculta de nici o influen strin. Dar dup ce toate aceste garanii au fost completate i stabilite, ele au fost amnare pentru viitor. Rusia a anunat c pentru aceast singur dat Principii vor fi desemnai de cele dou puteri protectoare, i c va lsa sultanului numirea lor. Toi s-au simit jignii de acest act de autoputernicie i de aceast generozitate ridicol, care cu o singur trstur anul garaniile, ce au fost prelucrate cu atta grij n favoarea Principatelor.59 n intenia de a-l ajuta pe domn Regulamentul Organic a instituit un consiliu administrativ, compus din Ministrul de Interne, Ministrul de Finane i Marele Postelnic. Acest consiliu se ntrunea de dou ori pe sptmn, afar de cazurile urgente cnd se ntrunea mai des. Domnul comunica cu celelalte departamente prin intermediul Marelui Postelnic.60 Hotrrile luate, dup aprobarea Domnului, se puneau n lucrare imediat. Toi minitri ntrunii, sub preedinia Domnului, formau Sfatul minitrilor, care se convoca pentru examinarea afacerilor importante. Prin noua organizare, colaboratorii

send the draft to the Meeting for a new consideration. If it was penalized, he was giving order to execution, which amounted to the promulgation. Under its executive power, the Reigning has the right to call public functions and to revoke the state servants, has the right of grace and reduction of punishment, and raises granted titles of nobility, to confirm the decisions of the High Divan and to submit to the Revision Court; may conclude treaties with foreign powers, within the limits of hatisheriffs. In correspondence of Mr. Du Bois-leComte, the French government on May 17 in 1834 was made a series of clarifications in connection with the naming of the Reignings. The Organic Regulation recalling in this regard the treaties dispositions from Akerman and Adrianopole sanctioned the old law of the principalities to choose by themselves the Reignings. He noted with a special care the formalities to be observed during the elections and gave the full guarantees of independence of votes, forcing even the voters to make oath that they would not listen to any foreign influence. But after all these safeguards have been completed and determined they were deferring to the future. Russia has announced that for these one-time the Reignings will be appointed by the two protective powers, and that will leave their appointment to the sultan. All felt offended by this act of all-powerful and by this ridiculous generosity, which with only one feature cancels all the guarantees that have been overtaken with so much care in favour of the Principalities. In the intention to help the Organic Regulation, there was formed ad administrative council, formed by the Ministry of Internal, Ministry of Finances and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The taken decisions, after the Reignings approval, were starting immediately. All the met ministries, under the Presidency of the Reigning, were forming the Ministries Advice that was convoked for examining the most important

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

Domnului, au primit pentru prima dat, numele de minitrii. n sistemul regulamentar, Domnitorul este cel care numete i revoc pe colaboratorii si, fr i in seama de alte consideraii dect acelea care l interesau pe el. Minitrii, la rndul lor, nu puteau urmri o alt politic dect aceea a Domnului, iar iniiativa msurilor nu se putea lua dect cu aprobarea Domnului, care ddea directivele. Datorit acestui fapt, Domnitorul era rspunztor pentru actele minitrilor pe care i acoperea. Minitrii nefcnd parte din Adunare, , aceasta nu le putea da vot de blam, putea ns prin anaforale adresate ctre Domn s arate reaua administraie, marile nedrepti nfptuite de anumii minitri i Adunarea avea posibilitatea legal de a comunica aceste lucruri i celor dou Curi, care puteau ordona o anchet, al crui rezultat putea fi destituirea domnului, aa cum s-a ntmplat n 1841, cu Domnitorul Alexandru Ghica.61 Organizat potrivit prevederilor Regulamentului Organic, sfatul administrativ ca organ de conducere, coordonare i ndrumare a administraiei a jucat n viaa politic a Principatelor un rol deosebit dup domnie. n Moldova istoria sfatului administrativ ncepe la 1 ianuarie 1832, data intrrii n vigoare a Regulamentului nainte de aceast dat neexistnd un sfat crmuitor, stabil i cu funciuni precise. nainte de Regulament, domnii obinuiau s se consulte n diferite probleme cu unii dintre marii dregtori, care alctuiau sfatul rii sau divanul domnesc. Sfatul administrativ n Principate urma s fie un consiliu de minitri ale crei hotrri urmau a fi supuse aprobrii domnului nainte de executare. Existena Adunrii Obteti ca organ legislativ al rii limita competena sfatului, n materie legislativ numai la elaborarea proiectelor de legi, adic la pregtirea materialelor necesare deliberrii Adunrii Obteti i la punerea lor n aplicare. De aceea, n actele vremii, a fost denumit, nc de la nceput, i sfat crmuitor sau ocrmuitor. Mai trziu, mai ales din deceniul al VI-lea al secolului al XIX-lea, era numit n

businesses. By the new organization, the Reignings collaborators received for the first time the name of Ministries. In the regulation system, the Reigning is the one who names and revokes his collaborators, without any further considerations that was regarding to him. The Ministries, at their turn, could not follow another politic but the Reignings and the measures initiative could not be taken but with the Reignings approval, that was the one giving the directives. Due to this, the Reigning was the one responsible for the Ministries actions. The Ministries not taking part of the Meeting, could not have vote of censure, but could show to the Reigning the bad administration, injustices made by some ministries and the Meeting had the legal possibility to communicate these things also to the two Courts, that could coordinate an investigation, whose result might have been the Reignings destitution, such as happened in 1841, at the Court of Alexandru Ghica. Organized according to the foresights of the Organic Regulator, the administrative advice as a leading organ, coordination and guidance of the administration played in the political life of the Principalities a special role after the reign. In Moldavia the history of the administrative advice begins on 1 January 1832, the date of entry into force of the Regulation, before this date there was no advice ruler, stable and with precise functions. Before the Regulation, the Reignings used to consult on various issues with some of the great rulers, who composed the countrys advice or the royal diva. That is why, was named even from the beginning, an ordering advice. Later, especially in the sixth decade of the XIX century was named in the official documents and the administrative council or ordering. At the council generalization of the term council, contributed also the frequent use, both in diplomatic correspondence and in the private, the French language, the French text of the Organic Regulation, the administrative

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

actele oficiale i consiliul administrativ sau crmuitor. La generalizarea termenului de consiliu a contribuit i folosirea frecvent, att n corespondena diplomatic ct i n cea particular, a limbii franceze, n textul francez al Regulamentului Organic, sfatul administrativ fiind tradus cu conseil administratif.62 Primul sfat administrativ din istoria Moldovei a fost constituit sub administraia rus de generalul Paul Kisseleff n decembrie 1831. Acest sfat a fost alctuit din logoftul Grigora Sturdza, preedinte, logoftul Iordache Catargi ministru de interne, Mihail Sturdza la finane, N. Canta secretar de stat, la celelalte departamente fiind numii: Costache Conache la justiie i Teodor Bal la htmnie.63 Sfatul administrativ era principalul organ al puterii executive dup domn, astfel nct acesta a jucat un rol destul de important n istoria social-politic a Principatelor. n deliberarea sfatului administrativ intrau toate referatele venite din partea departamentelor i ale diferitelor instituii, msurile pentru punerea n executare a ofisurilor domneti i petiiile particulare a cror rezolvare intra n competena sa. Rezoluiile pe are le ddea sfatul administrativ trebuiau s fie n conformitate cu legile n vigoare i n primul rnd s nu se abat de la prevederile Regulamentului Organic. n ceea ce privete dreptul de elaborare a proiectelor de legi, amendamentelor, decretelor i deci de pregtire a materialelor necesare Adunrii Obteti, procedura care se urma era urmtoarea: la sesizrile sau propunerile fcute de domn sau de vreun ministru, sfatul alctuia un proiect de lege pe care-l prezenta domnului sub form de anafora. n unele cazuri, ministrul unui departament venea cu un proiect de lege gata redactat, pe care-l supunea discuiei sfatului sau l prezenta direct domnului i acesta l trimitea n deliberarea sfatului printr-un ofis. Atunci cnd domnul lua direct iniiativa unei legi, cerea sfatului, printrun oficiu, s chibzuiasc asupra problemei i s elaboreze proiectul de lege.64

advice being translated with conseil administrative. The first administrative advice in the history of Moldavia was established under the administration of the Russian General Paul Kisseleff in December 1831. This advice was composed of chancellor Grigora Sturdza chairman, chancellor Iordache Catargi Minister of the Interior, Mihail Sturdza to finance, N. Canta - Secretary of State, other departments were appointed to: Costache Conache to justice and Teodor Bal the Hatman. The administrative advice was the main organ of the executive power after the reigning, so he played a pretty important role in the socio-political history of the principalities. In the deliberation of the administrative council were entering all the dissertations came from different departments and institutions, the measures for the implementation of the reigning order and private requests whose solving comes into his competence. The resolutions that were giving the administrative advice should have been in compliance with the applicable laws and the first not to depart from the Organic Regulation. As regards the right of elaboration of draft laws, amendments, and decrees and so to prepare necessary materials for the Usual Meeting, the procedure was the following: the notifications or proposals made by the reigning or a minister, the advice composed a draft law which was presented to the reigning as an anaphora. In some cases, the minister of a department came directly with a draft law drawn prepared, that was submitted to the advice discussion or directly presented to the reigning and this was sending it for the advice deliberation through an order. When the reigning was taking directly the initiative of a law, he was asking the advice, through a consult to consider upon the problem and to liberate the draft law. In the Administrative Council resolution were sent and numerous petitions and requests

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

n rezolvarea sfatului administrativ erau trimise i numeroase petiii sau cereri ale unor persoane particulare pentru soluionarea unor pricini crora departamentele nu le fceau fa. De asemenea, pe lng jalbele adresate sfatului direct, multe din acelea trimise domnului direct erau date de acesta spre rezolvare tot sfatului, domnul urmnd numai s confirme propunerile acestuia. Datorit faptului c sfatul administrativ avea un rol foarte important dup domn n ceea ce privete puterea executiv, numeroase cereri i reclamaii i erau adresate n pricini foarte diferite. De aceea, s-a impus din primii ani o limitare a petiiilor care erau naintate sfatului, n aa fel nct la nceputul anului 1832 s-a publicat hotrrea ca s nu se mai nainteze sfatului dect jalbe cu pricini de ordin administrativ.65 Dup Regulamentul din 1831, n ara Romneasc, minitrii erau n numr de 7: Ministrul Trebilor din Luntru, sau Marele Vornic, Ministrul Finanelor sau Vistieru, marele Postelnic sau Secretarul de Stat, Logoftul sau Ministrul Dreptii Logftul(sau ministrul) trebilor bisericeti, Sptarul sau ministrul otirei. Ministrul Trebilor din Luntru are un rol foarte important n ceea ce privete conducerea administraiei din interiorul Principatului. Conductorii de judee se subordoneaz acestuia primind instruciuni de la acesta n ceea ce privete fiecare inut pe care l conduce fiecare. El este nsrcinat potrivit Regulamentului cu atribuii cum ar fi: conducerea Poliiei din luntru, colabornd cu sptarul i avnd dreptul de a semna toate paapoartele pentru trecerea peste grani; colaboreaz cu toate conducerile municipalitilor ctre care trimite poruncile stpnirii, avnd cu acestea o coresponden permanent; o colaborare cu comitetul carantinelor; este membru al Comitetului General care este nsrcinat cu ngrijirea spitalelor, colilor i a caselor fctoare de bine; la ncetarea domniei sau n lipsa domnului, acesta face parte din vremelnica ocrmuire; este nsrcinat cu supravegherea

of individuals to solve some causes which departments did not face. In addition, besides the petitions addressed to the advice directly, many of those were sent directly to the reigning were given to the council too, the reigning only had to confirm its proposals. Because the administrative advice had a very important role after the reigning in terms of executive power, numerous requests and complaints were addressed in very different aspects. Therefore, was imposed in the early years a limit on the petitions that were submitted to the Council, so that at the beginning of 1832, was published the decision to no longer submit complaints but the petitions with administrative order aspects. According to the Regulation of 1831, in the Romanian Country, the ministers were 7: the Ministry of Interior, or the Treble Minister of Internal Affairs, or the Grand Vorne, the Minister of Finance, the Great Seneschal or Secretary of State, Minister of Justice or The Chancellor (or minister) of the church businesses, The Spatharus or host minister. The Minister of Internal Affairs has a very important role in terms of government leadership in the Principality. The counties leaders are subject to receive instructions from him in relation to each convict that each of them has. He is charged under the Regulation with tasks such as: management of interior Police, collaborating with the Spatharus and having the right to sign all passports for crossing over the border; works with all municipalities leaderships towards which sends the commandments of the domination; having with them a permanent correspondence; a collaboration with the quarantine committee; is a member of the General Committee which is responsible for the hospitals care, schools and benefactor homes; at the end of the reign or in the absence of the Reigning, this is part of the temporal leadership, is responsible for overseeing the keeping in good condition roads in the country (according to art.147 of Wallachia). These are some of the attributions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, being in

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

inerii n bun stare a drumurilor din ar.(potrivit art. 147 din R. Valahiei). Acestea sunt o parte din atribuiile Ministrului Trebilor din Luntru, fiind de fapt i cele mai importante. n Moldova potrivit Regulamentului Organic, Ministrul din Luntru va avea o tipografie , care va fi datoare pe rnd a publica buletine spre a ntiina pe public despre acturile guvernului, precum i nnaintrile i numirile la posturi i acelor a deosbitelor departamente ministeriale precum i hotrrile giudectorilor. (art. 141) n ceea ce privete Departamentul Trebilor din Luntru acesta se mparte n trei secii. Prima secie are ca i atribuii aa cum reiese din cuprinsul articolului 151 R. Valahiei: se ocup de corespondena cu toate obtimile i cu ocrmuirea obtetii Poliii, asigur pzirea bunei ornduieli; are obligaia de a lua msuri att n capital ct i n alte orae ale Principatului; trebuie s verifice i s aib cunotin asupra preurilor productorilor i industriei, preurilor transporturilor, a lucrului de mn etc.; trebuie s ia msuri pentru sntate, supravegherea carantinelor. Cea de a doua secie are ca atribuii mai ales n domeniul agriculturii, iar cea de-a treia secie are atribuii n ceea ce privete statistica rii, actele de stare civil, mbuntirea strii drumurilor, podurilor de lemn, de piatr, supravegherea i conducerea potelor i a serviciilor ce au legtur cu acestea, mprirea hotarelor de jude pentru o ct mai bun ntindere etc. Acestea sunt n fapt cele mai importante atribuii ale acestui departament. Un alt departament cu atribuii la fel de importante este Departamentul Finanelor. Potrivit art. 152 din R. Valahiei acesta are ca atribuii: conducerea visteriei i dezvoltarea comerului, trebuie s se asigure ca toate veniturile statului s intre n vistierie. Cancelaria acestui departament se mparte n trei secii: prima secie are ca atribuii corespondena cu toi ocrmuitorii i sameii judeelor i cu toi ceilali ornduii n slujbe pentru cele ce privesc la partea finanii.

fact the most important too. In Moldavia, according to Organic Regulation, the Minister of the Internal Affairs will have a printing house, which will publish newsletters to notify the public about the governments actions and as well the promotion and naming and of those special ministerial departments as well as the judges decisions. (article 141). Regarding the Department of the Internal Affairs, this is divided into three sections. The first section has as attributes at it is shown in the article 151 R. Wallachia: dealing with correspondence with all the ordinaries and ordering the ordinary Police, ensures the proper ordering; has the obligation to take measures in both the capital and other cities of the Principality; must verify and be aware of the prices manufacturers and industry, transport prices, the work by hand, etc.; to take measures for health, quarantine supervision. The second section has as attributes especially in agriculture, and the third section has as attributes in what regards the statistics the country, acts of civil status, improve roads, bridges wood, stone, supervision and management of mail and services related to the borders dividing the county for the best possible sweep etc. These are in fact the most important tasks of this department. Another department with responsibilities equally important is the Department of Finance. According to the art.152 of Wallachia has the attributes: the treasury leadership development and trade, must ensure that all state revenues to the treasury. The Chancellery of this department is divided into three sections: the first section has as attributes the correspondence with all the leaders and the counties accountants and with all the others ordered into jobs for those relating to the finances part. The second section has attributions in what regard the accounting, and the third section is responsible to receive from all customs and the Braila Seaport, information on things that come and go out of the country, and on the basis of this information will draw up the

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

Secia a doua are atribuii n ceea ce privete contabilitatea, iar cea de-a treia secie este nsrcinat s primeasc de la toate vmile i de la Portul Brilei informaii asupra lucrurilor care intr i ies din ar, iar n baza acestor informaii vor ntocmi bilanul comerului; un alt aspect este legat de faptul c trebuie s se ocupe de organizarea vmilor ct mai metodic i mai bine, a porturilor Dunrii i a celui de la Brila, pentru favorizarea comerului din afar i din interior. Un rol foarte important n organizarea administrativ la nivel central l are Marele postelnic aa cum reiese din art. 153 din R. Valahiei. Acesta este eful cancelariei Domnului att pentru treburile din luntru ct i pentru cele din afar. Una din cele mai importante atribuii ale acestuia este faptul c el face cunoscut toate decretele Domnului celorlalte departamente i Obicinuitei Obteti Adunri. Acesta ine corespondena cu agenii Principatului din arigrad, este de asemenea nsrcinat cu corespondena consulilor curilor strine. Cancelaria este mprit n dou secii: cea dinti este nsrcinat cu toate pitacele Domnului care se dau pentru ocrmuirea trebilor din luntru precum i cu primirea jalbilor ce se vor da ctre domn. Cea de-a doua secie este nsrcinat cu toat corespondena Domnului n limbi strine. n Moldova Marele postelnic trebuiea s corespondeze cu agenii de la Constantinopol i cu paii, comandanii cetilor din dreapta Dunrii. n ofisul generalului Pavel Kisseleff din 26 decembrie 1831, adresat sfatului administrativ, se subliniau ndatoririle ce reveneau marelui postelnic: nfistoriu n seanele sfatului a materialelor ce urmau s se discute, el va priveghea ca sfatul s neleag i s cerceteze toate proiectele i msurile pe care osebiii efi ai departamentelor vor propune i ca s le deie urmare.n sfritu, de la marele postelnic atrn de a avea ngrijire ca jurnalurile seanelor i raporturile sfatului s fie dup toat cuvina i regula alctuite.66 Celelalte atribuii sunt comune cu cele ale Marelui postelnic din ara Romneasc.

balance of trade; another issue is related to the fact that we must deal with the customs organizing more methodical and better, of the seaports Danube and Braila, for fostering trade outside and inside. A very important role in the central administrative organization is owned by the Great Seneschal, according to article 153 in Wallachias Regulations. He is the chief of the Rulers office both for the inside business and the outside business. One of his most important tasks is the fact that he informs the other departments and the Usual Public Assembly about all the Rulers decrees. He communicates to Tarigrad Principalitys agents and to the courts consuls from abroad. The office is structured in two sections: the first one is about all the Rulers orders, for governing the inside business and also receiving the supplications given by the Ruler. The second section is about the Rulers mail, written in foreign languages. In Moldavia, the Great Seneschal had to write to the Constantinopol Agents and to the citadels commanders at Danubes right. In general Pavel Kisseleffs office on December 26th, 1831, addressed to the administrative council, they pointed out the tasks of the great seneschal: during the councils meetings about the discussed materials, he has to supervise so that the council understands and researches all the projects and measures suggested by the special departments chiefs and to elaborate themfinally, the great seneschal has to be sure that the meetings journal and the councils reports are well accomplished. The other tasks are the same of the Wallachias Great Seneschal. To discuss the very important problems, the Ruler convoked the Extraordinary Administrative Council, a central authority established in Constitutional Regulations time, this last one being chaired by the ruler. By the sword bearer Al. Ghicas amendment in the Revision Assembly, this council was established only in Muntenia, to gather the members of the Usual

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

Pentru dezbaterea problemelor de nsemntate deosebit, domnul convoca Sfatul administrativ extraordinar, organ central nfiinat tot n perioada Regulamentelor Organice, acesta fiind prezidat de domn. Prin amendamentul sptarului Al. Ghica n Adunarea de revizie, acest sfat s-a nfiinat numai n Muntenia, spre a se aduna n mprejurri importante membrii sfatului administrativ obinuit i efii celorlalte departamente, al dreptii, al credinei i eful miliiei. Purta i denumirea de Marele Sfat al Minitrilor, compus din membrii Sfatului administrativ obinuit i din efii celorlalte departamente, al dreptii, al credinei i eful miliiei. n consecin, Regulamentele Organice au ncercat s separarea puterilor s atribuie responsabiliti unor organe distincte i separate, astfel nct puterea s nu fie exercitat doar de o singur persoan. Acest lucru se observ din faptul c prin articolele menionate puterea executiv este exercitat de domn fiind ajutat de minitrii i departamentele nfiinate, fiecare avnd anumite atribuii. Puterea legislativ. Despre Parlament, ca putere legislativ n statul romn s-a scris n Enciclopedia de istorie a Romniei, ai crei autori au fost Ioan Scurtu, Ion Alexandrescu, Ion Bulei, Ion Mamina. Potrivit scrierilor acestor autori,67 Parlamentul apare n Principatele Romne n deceniul al IV-lea al sec. al XIX-lea ntr-o perioad de profunde transformri socialeconomice i politice. Prin Regulamentele Organice ale rii Romneti i Moldovei, primele legiuiri cu caracter constituional aprute la noi, se instituia n cele dou Principate cte o Adunare Obteasc, cu menirea de a elabora propuneri i proiecte de legi, de a ngrdi ntr-o oarecare msur puterea executiv i de a face cunoscute domnitorului dorinele i nevoile rii. Adunrile Obteti nu aveau puterea de legiferare caracteristic parlamentelor moderne. Hotrrile lor cptau for

Administrative council and the other departments chiefs, of justice, of faith and the militias chief in important circumstances. It was called The Great Council of Ministries, containing the members of the Usual Administrative Council and the other departments chiefs, of justice, of faith and the militias chief. In consequence, the Constitutional Regulations tried to make the powers separation to assign responsibilities to different and separated authorities, so that the power was not exerted by only one person. This can be noticed out from the fact that, by the mentioned articles, the executive power was exerted by a ruler who was helped by the ministries and the established departments, each one of them having certain tasks. The legislative power. In Romania, they have written about the Parliament, as a legislative power in the Romanian state, in Romanias History Encyclopaedia, whose authors were Ioan Scurtu, Ion Alexandrescu, Ion Bulei, Ion Mamina. According to these authors writings, the Parliament appears in the Romanian Principalities in the 4th decade of the 19th century, when the country politically transformed and changed itself. By Wallachia and Moldavias Constitutional Regulations, our first constitutional laws, they had to establish a Public Assembly in the two Principalities, aiming to elaborate suggestions and law projects, to limit the executive power and to inform the ruler about the countrys wills and needs. The Public Assemblies did not have the legislation power specific to the modern parliaments. Their decisions were compulsory only if they were approved by ruler, who owned the absolute veto right and must not justify his refuse to approve the considerations before the Assembly. The establishments of these incipient parliamentary institutions represents though a first concretization of the modern principle of the principle of powers separation inside the state, powers that were exclusively in the

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

obligatorie numai dac erau aprobate de domnitor, care deinea un drept de veto absolut, fr a fi obligat s justifice refuzul de a aproba chibzuirile naintate de Adunare. nfiinarea acestor instituii parlamentare incipiente reprezint totui o prim concretizare a principiului modern al separrii puterilor n stat, puteri concentrate pn atunci exclusiv n minile efului statului, care le exercita n chip absolut cu favoriii si. Valeriu otropa68 afirma c se nfiina, prin Regulamentele Organice, Adunarea Obteasc un organ pseundoreprezentativ, ales numai de ctre boieri i dintre boieri(mitropolitul i episcopii erau membrii de drept ). Atribuia principal a Adunrii, alese pe cinci ani, era votarea legilor, care se efectua cu majoritate absolut. Domnul avea dreptul de dizolvare a adunrii i cel de prelungire a sesiunii ei, avea iniiativa i putea refuza sancionarea legilor. Era obligat ns, s convoace adunarea anual, n sesiune ordinar, i la nevoie i n sesiune extraordinar. Domnul era ndatorat s o strng n fiecare an la 1 Decembrie la Bucureti. Dou luni sunt hotrte pentru ederea n Bucureti a fiecrei Adunri ce se strnge pe an; dar Domnul va putea s prelungeasc acest soroc, cnd va socoti de cuviin, i dac se vor ntmpla neobinuite ntmplri care negreit cer o asemenea prelungire. El poate s o strng i peste obicinuita vreme la ntmplare de foarte mare trebuin.69 Adunarea Obteasc era un organ colegial cu o organizare i funcionare mai bine i mai precis reglementate dect vechiul organ colegial feudal(Sfatul domnesc), constituind un pas nainte spre formarea unui parlament modern, o treapt de mijloc ntre parlamentul de mai trziu i vechiul organ feudal colegial nlocuit. Astfel, Regulamentele Organice creeaz un Parlament unicameral, cu atribuii de legiferare, numit Obicinuita obteasc Adunare, compus numai din delegai ai clasei nobiliare, ai boierimii, care singura era chemat s se pronune asupra chestiunilor de interes obtesc. Obicinuita obteasc Adunare

rulers hands until that moment, and the ruler exerted them absolutely with his favourite persons. Valeriu otropa said that, by the Constitutional Regulations, they settled a Public Assembly, namely a pseudorepresentative authority, chosen only by the court officials and containing only court officials (the metropolitan bishop and the bishops were also members). The main task of the Assembly, chosen for five years, was to vote the laws, voting by the absolute majority. The Ruler had the right to dissolve and to prolong the assembly, he had the initiative and he could refuse the laws penalization. But he had to convoke yearly the assembly, in an ordinary session and, if needed, in an extraordinary session. The Ruler had to convoke them every year on December 1st, in Bucharest. Every yearly Assembly has to remain there for two months; but the Ruler may prolong this time, if needed, and if unusual circumstances occur, circumstances that certainly require this kind of prolongation. He may gather them for more than the usual time, if needed. The Public Assembly was a collegiate authority that had better regulated organization and working than the old feudal collegiate authority (the Princely Council), representing an improvement for a modern parliament, a middle level between the lately parliament and the old replaced feudal collegiate authority. Therefore, the Constitutional Regulations create a unicameral parliament, having legislation tasks, called the Usual Public Assembly, containing only noble or official delegates, that was the only one that had an opinion about the public problems. Wallachias Usual Public Assembly contained 42 members, and Moldavias Usual Public Assembly contained 35 members. In the Assemblies, the bishops and the metropolitan bishops were also members because of their positions. The other deputies were chosen between the court officials and the electoral authority contained only court officials.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

a Valahiei se compunea din 42 de membri70, iar cea a Moldovei din 35 de membri. n Adunri, erau membri de drept, datorit funciei pe care o aveau, mitropoliii i episcopii. Ceilali deputai erau alei dintre boieri, iar corpul electoral era alctuit numai de ctre boieri.71 Preedintele de drept era Mitropolitul rii, iar Adunarea i constituia biroul alegnd dintre membri si doi secretari i doi secretari supleani. Aceste Obteti Obicinuite Adunri se asemnau cu Divanurile domneti, de mai nainte, n sensul c i unele i altele erau compuse numai din boieri, dar, pe cnd n divanurile domneti membri erau numii de Domn, aici ei erau alei; n materie de legiferare, divanul ddea numai un aviz consultativ urmnd ca domnul s hotrasc, pe ct vreme Adunarea era numai organ egislativ, care prin votul su, statueaz. Domnul, putea, s nu sancioneze hotrrea Adunrii, dar nu putea s-o modifice. Divanul avea i atribuii judectoreti, adunarea nu avea asemenea atribuii i nu se putea amesteca n materii contencioase.72 Se observ astfel faptul c prin Regulamentele Organice s-au limitat puterile principalelor instituii, fiindu-le conferite atribuii separate, existnd ns i o colaborare i un control reciproc al acestora. Proiectele de legi iniiate de domn se votau n ntregime sau cu modificri, Adunarea putnd s resping proiectul. Hotrrile, chibzuirile Adunrii nu aveau ns putere de lege dect prin ntrirea Domnului, care rmne liber de a nu le ntri, fr artarea de motive.73 Adunarea avea dreptul s atrag atenia Domnului prin anaforale asupra chestiunilor de interes obtesc, asupra nedreptilor i plngerilor locuitorilor, i atunci cnd considera c este necesar putea s le fac cunoscut celor 2 Curi. Vlad Georgescu n lucrarea sa Istoria romnilor de la origini pn n zilele noastre afirm c Regulamentele Organice reprezint o curioas i eclectic prim constituie

The president was the countrys metropolitan bishop and the assembly structured its office by choosing two secretaries and two alternate secretaries between its members. These Usual Public Assemblies were like the old Princely Divans because both of them contained only court officials but, while in the princely divans the princely members were chosen by the Ruler, in here they were the ones that were chosen; legislatively, the divan only gave a consultative notice and the ruler decided, but the Assembly was only a legislative authority that statutes, by its vote. The ruler had the right not to sanction the Assemblys decision, but he could not change it. The Divan also had judicial tasks, the Assembly did not have such tasks and it could not deal with conflicting matters. Therefore we may notice that the main institutions powers were limited by the Constitutional Regulations, the institutions having separated tasks and still existing a collaboration and a mutual control between the two of them. The law projects initiated by the ruler were totally voted or sometimes changed and the Assembly could reject the project. The Assemblys decisions and considerations had law power only by the rulers emphasizing, who is free not to emphasize them, without showing his reasons. The Assembly had the right to call the Rulers attention to the inhabitants injustices and complaining, by anaphora regarding the public interest problems, and when it considered as necessary, it could inform the two Courts. Vlad Georgescu in his work called Romanian History from the beginning till nowadays says that the Constitutional Regulations represent a curious and eclectic first Romanian constitution. The Constitutional Regulations represented basic constitutional documents like there were not anywhere in the great autocrat empires in the neighbourhood. Although, these documents, the first modern Romanian constitutions, solved only partially the powers

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

romneasc. Regulamentele Organice au reprezentat acte fundamentale cu caracter constituional cum nu existau n nici unul din marile imperii autocrate vecine. Totui aceste acte, primele constituii moderne romneti, nu au rezolvat dect n parte problema puterii. Din punct de vedere al administraiei de stat, ele au avut un rol modernizator, dar din punct de vedere al exercitrii puterii, ele nu au fcut dect s nlocuiasc vechiul absolutism domnesc cu un regim oligarhic care concentra toat puterea n mna ctorva familii de mari boieri, aceleai care i rsturnaser pe fanarioi i ai cror reprezentani redactaser Regulamentele Organice. Atribuiile legislative i de control financiar ale Adunrilor obteti erau astfel alctuite nct domnul, a crui putere era teoretic suveran, nu putea crmui fr concursul marii boierimi care domina adunrile. De aici a rezultat un nencetat conflict ntre puterea central i boierime, un conflict care a dominat ntreaga epoc regulamentar att n Moldova ct i n ara Romneasc. Totui aceste acte constituionale au aduse i lucruri noi pentru aceea perioad: responsabilitatea parial a puterii centrale fa de Adunare, realizarea unei separaii a puterilor care nu existase pn atunci, a creat un sfat al minitrilor compus din 6-8 persoane numite i responsabile n faa domnului.74 n ceea ce privete raporturile dintre Domn i Adunare, din textul Regulamentului Organic, pe lng faptul c Domnul se va vedea mereu rmurit n exercitarea funciunilor sale de ctre Adunarea Obteasc Ordinar care va cuta s-i ngrdeasc puterile ct mai mult, mai reiese c Adunarea poate prezenta Domnului plngerile poporului i s-i atrag ateniunea asupra mbuntirilor folositoare; n schimb Domnii pot propune modificri la reformele nfiate de Adunare i pot refuza sancionarea legilor, trebuind ns s motiveze refuzul. Adunarea este aleas pe 5 ani, dar Domnul o poate dizolva fcnd raport despre aceasta i cptnd aprobarea celor dou Curi.75

problem. From state administrations point of view, they had a modernizing role, but from exerting the powers point of view, they only replaced the old princely absolutism by an oligarchic system where the entire power was in some court official families hands, the same families who had overthrown the Phanariots and whose representatives had elaborated the Constitutional Regulations. The legislative and financial tasks of the Public Assemblies were structured so that the ruler, whose power was theoretically sovereign, could govern only with the high gentry who dominated the assemblies. From here, it caused a permanent conflict between the central power and the gentry, a conflict that dominated the entire regular age both in Moldavia and in Wallachia. However, these constitutional documents also brought new things for that time: the partial responsibility of the central power for the Assembly, the accomplishment of the powers separation that had not exist until that moment, it created a council of ministries containing 6-8 persons also called responsible in front of the ruler. Regarding the reports between the Ruler and the Assembly, in Constitutional Regulations text, beside the fact that the Ruler is limited in exerting his tasks by the Usual Public Assembly that wants to limit his powers as much as possible, it also comes out that the Assembly may inform the Ruler about the peoples complaining and to call his attention to the useful improvements; on the other hand, the Rulers may suggest changes of the reforms presented by the Assembly and they may reject the laws penalization, but they have to explain their rejection. The Assembly is chosen for five years, but the Ruler may dissolve it by making a report and being approved by the two Courts. In A.D.Betolians conception, the legislative power was more like a fiction; because even if it was called the Public Assembly, the community was not a part of it. Keeping the main role of the gentry in the state social life, pointed out by the Usual Public Assembly containing only court

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

n concepia lui A.D. Betolian puterea legiuitoare era mai mult o ficiune; cci dei se numea Obteasca Adunare, ns numai obtea nu avea parte la formarea ei.76 Pstrarea rolului principal al boierimii n viaa social de stat, reliefat prin compunerea Obinuitei Obteti Adunri numai din boieri, prin rezervarea posturilor de conducere ale statului boierimii, prin scutirea de dri a acesteia i prin asigurarea de drepturilor moierimii asupra moiilor i n raporturile cu ranii clcai, constituia un anacronism din ce n ce mai depit de concepiile n plin progres ale majoritii societii.77 Puterea judectoreasc Sub vechiul regim justiia emana de la Domn; lui i se adresau toate plngerile, el fiind astfel considerat puterea suprem. Pentru prima dat, Regulamentul Organic separ puterile n stat, atribuindu-le unor organe separate. Cea dinti instan sub regimul Regulamentului Organic, o formeaz tribunalele steti, cerute de un proiect de reform, un fel de judectorii de pace, compuse din preot i trei locuitori alei pe un an, cte un frunta, mijloca i coda.78 Dup propunerea vornicului Mihail Ghica, pentru cercetarea contestaiilor ivite din stricciunile vitelor ce clcau pe pmnturi semnate, se aduga tribunalul stesc. Pn la o sum de 10-15 lei vechi, tribunalul stesc judeca fr apel. n judee, prefecii au fost lipsii de atribuiile lor judectoreti, ncredinate, unor judectoriin Muntenia, tribunale n Moldova, compuse dintr-un preedinte, doi membrii, i, n Muntenia un procuror, care judecau fr apel, pn la 1500 lei vechi capital n ara Romneasc, pn la 500 lei n Moldova, unde peste aceast sum nici nu puteau judeca, ci numai adunau tiine pentru instana suprem.79 Regulamentele Organice au stabilit ca organe de judecat cu competen general urmtoarele: tribunalele de ntia instan dela inuturi (art. 280 R. Moldovei), numite judectoriile judeelor de Regulamentul Valahiei art. 213 i 242. Aceste tribunale erau

officials, by reserving the important positions of the gentrys state, by the gentrys exemption from taxes and by ensuring the landlords rights to the lands and related to socmen, represented an anachronism more and more surpassed by the conceptions of the societys majority. The judicial power During the old system, the justice gave off from the Ruler; all the complaints were addressed to him, as meaning the supreme power. For the first time, the Constitutional Regulations separates the powers inside the state, distributing them to separated authorities. The first court of the Constitutional Regulations is represented by the village courts, required by a reform project, some kind of peace judges, containing a priest and three inhabitants chosen every year, a public man, a middle peasant and a lagger. According to the village chief Mihail Ghicas suggestion to research the appeals occurred because of the damage of the cattle stepping on the sowing lands, was added to the village court. Until 10-15 old lei, the village court judged with no appeal. In regions, the prefects did not have their judicial tasks because they were entrusted to some courts in Muntenia, courts in Moldavia containing a president, two members and in Muntenia an attorney, who judged with no appeal until 1500 old lei capital in Wallachia, until 500 old lei in Moldavia, where they could not judge over this sum, but they could only accumulate knowledge for the supreme court. The Constitutional Regulations settled the following general judicial authorities: the first courts from the lands (article 280 in Moldavias Regulations), called the region al courts by Wallachias Regulations, article 213 and 242. These courts contained a president and two judges. Versus the regional courts, they could appeal to the judicial divans, that were two, in Wallachia: in Bucharest and in Craiova, the first one being able to judge the appeals in the 13 regions in the river Olts left side and the

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

compuse dintr-un prezident i doi judectori. n contra hotrrilor tribunalelor de jude se putea face apel la divanurile judectoreti, n numr de dou, n Valahia: unul la Bucureti i altul la Craiova, cel dinti era competent a judeca apelurile din cele 13 judee de dincoace de Olt i cel de-al doilea apelurile contra hotrrilor tribunalelor de dincolo de Olt.80 Pe lng fiecare tribunal sau Divan figura un funcionar, asemntor portrelului, numit Zabet, sau Zapciul judectoriei de jude sau al Divanului cu aprozii necesari(agenii de portrei) care nmna citaiile i fcea comunicrile de acte. n Moldova, pentru acest scop, exista vornicul de aprozi, vtavul, ceauul de aprozi, cu aprozii necesari, iar n judee ispravnicul, avnd cte 3 aprozi de fiecare ocol.81 Pe lng fiecare instan sau secie se afla cte un logoft(grefier), un condicar(arhivar) i impiegaii necesari. Regulamentul Moldovei face din tribunalele de inut instane cu atribuiuni limitate, avnd drept de a judeca procesul de o valoare pn la 500 lei. Ca instan de apel era un singur Divan judectoresc la Iai, numit n textul publicat la 1835, divan de apelaie. Potrivit Regulamentului se organizeaz avocai, oameni care au oarecare tiin de pravil, i care sunt cunoscui ca oameni cinstii.82 Pe lng naltul Divan i pe lng despririle criminaliceti ale divanurilor de apelaie, funcionau avocai publici care, n cazul n care inculpatul era lipsit de avocat, instana i putea da unul ca s l apere. Avocatul trebuia s arate tot respectul fa de instana naintea creia se nfia, el neputndu-se nfia n locul mandantului sau mai nainte de a arta mputernicirea. n materie criminal, apelul de la tribunalele inutale se fcea n ara Romneasc la seciile criminale ale divanurilor judectoreti de la Craiova sau Bucureti; n Moldova la tribunalul pricinilor criminaliceti din Iai, compus dintr-un preedinte i dou mdulare. n materie comercial, apelul se ndrepta ctre tribunalele apelative de comer din

second one being able to judge the appeals in the courts in the river Olts right side. In every court or Divan, there was an office worker, like a bailiff, called Zabet who handed the summons and made the documents communications. In Moldavia, there were the bailiff chief, the manager, the bailiff courier, with the needed bailiffs, and in regions there was the subprefect, having 3 bailiffs for every fold. In every court there were a bailiff (court clerk), an attendant (archivist) and the needed officials. Moldavias Regulations distributed limited tasks to the courts, having the right to judge the process until 500 lei. As an appeal court, there was one Judicial Divan in Iasi, called an Appeal Divan in the text published in 1835. According to the Regulations, there are lawyers who know the laws and who are known as being honest. In the High Divan and the criminologist separations of the appeal divans, there were office workers who gave lawyers to the defendant, if he had not have one. The lawyer had to show his respect in front of the court because he could not be there replacing the mandant or before showing the mandate. In criminal matter, the appeal in the regional courts had place in Wallachia in the criminologist sections of the judicial divans in Craiova or Bucharest; in Moldavia, in the court of crimes in Iasi containing a president and two members. In commercial matter, the appeal had place in the appeal commerce courts in Bucharest (2 members chosen by the Ruler and 3 chosen merchants), in Craiova (a president chosen by the Ruler and 3 chosen merchants) and Iasi (3 court officials chosen by the Ruler and 2 chosen merchants). In Galati, Focsani and Botosani, there were 2 important merchants who judged with the regional courts judges, when it was about commercial trials. Commercial judges were able to judge all the problems related to commerce. Above the judicial divans, there was the High Divan, as a supreme court. This was a basic court containing a president and 6

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Bucureti (2 membri numii de Domn i 3 negustori alei), Craiova(un preedinte numit de Domn i 2 negustori alei) i Iai (3 boieri numii de Domn i 2 negustori alei).83 n oraele Galai, Focani i Botoani erau ornduii cte 2 negustori de seam care judecau, cnd era vorba de procese comerciale mpreun cu judectorii tribunalului judeului. Judectorii comerciali erau competeni pentru toate pricinile nscute din fapte de comer. Deasupra divanurilor judectoreti era naltul Divan, ca instan suprem. Acesta era o instan de fond, compus dintr-un preedinte i 6 membri numii de Domn. El judeca apelurile fcute n contra hotrrilor divanurilor judectoreti i judectoriilor de comer. Potrivit Regulamentului, Adunarea Obteasc Obicinuit avea i ea rolul de a alege 7 persoane, cu titlu de supleani, care nlocuiau pe membrii naltului Divan n caz de lips. Regulamentul rii Romneti nfiineaz ministerul public. Procurorii aveau atribuii ca aprtori ai praviliei, ngrijirea la paza bunei ornduieli i a linitei publice. 84 Important de menionat n legtur cu puterea judectoreasc este faptul c Regulamentul Organic a stabilit c orice pricin hotrt de naltul Divan i ntrit de Domn este n veci curmat, adic hotrrea capt autoritatea de lucru judecat. Regulamentul Organic al Valahiei admite numai un singur caz n care hotrrea naltului Divan capt autoritate de lucru judecat, pentru aceasta cerndu-se: a) ca prima hotrre a naltului Divan s fie dat cu majoritate, fiind cel puin doi membri de deosebit prere; b) ca la instanele inferioare s fi fost hotrri deosebite. n acest caz, partea care a pierdut, are drept de apel ctre Domn pentru a i se judeca pricina din nou, Domnul trimind pricina naltului Divan pentru a se judeca noul apel. n acest caz, Divanul se completeaz cu ministrul justiiei, ca preedinte, i cu toi preedinii instanelor judectoreti din Bucureti, n afar de aceia care au judecat pricina. Hotrrea dat, ntrit de Domn,

members chosen by the Ruler. He judged the appeals to the judicial divans decisions and to the commercial courts decisions. According to the Regulations, the Common Public Assembly had to choose 7 persons, called substitutes, who replaced the members of the High Divan, if they were missing. Wallachias Regulations established the public ministry. The attorneys tasks were: protecting the law, keeping the discipline and the public silence. It is important to mention the fact that the Constitutional Regulations established that any cause decided by the High Divan and emphasized by the Ruler is forever finished, namely the decision gets the judged authority. Wallachias Constitutional Regulations accepts only one case where the High Divans decision gets the judged authority, requiring for that: a) that the first decision of the High Divan has to be in majority, existing at least 2 members of a different opinion; b) that there had been different decisions at the inferior courts. In this case, the party that has lost has the right to appeal so that its cause would be judged again, the Ruler sending the cause to the High Divan to judge to new appeal. In this case, the Divan is completed by the justice ministry, as a president, and by all the presidents of the judicial courts in Bucharest, beside the ones who judged the cause. The decision, emphasized by the Ruler, gets the judged authority and it cannot be attacked again. In Moldavia there is such a disposal, too. The regulations did not establish the magistrates irremovability, but they have shown it as a desideratum, that could be accomplished ten years after applying the Regulations (article 215 in Wallachias Regulations, article 285 in Moldavias Regulations); for the beginning they approved to choose the judges for 3 years, the ones proving that they were able are allowed to judge for 3 more years. This choice on a term is considered by the German philosopher Oswald Spengler to answer much better to the general interest than

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

capt autoritatea de lucru judecat, nemaiputnd fi atacat. i n Moldova exist o asemenea dispoziie(art. 363).85 Regulamentele nu au stabilit inamovibilitatea magistrailor, dar au artat-o ca un deziderat, ce s-ar fi putut realiza dup 10 ani de la punerea n aplicare a Regulamentului(art. 215 R. Valahiei, art. 285 R. Moldovei)86; pentru nceput ele au admis numirea judectorilor pe o perioad de 3 ani, cei dovedii capabili putnd fi lsai mai departe pe noi perioade de 3 ani.. 87 Aceast numire pe termen, este socotit de filosoful german Oswald Spengler ca rspunznd mult mai bine interesului general dect inamovibilitatea, care e stabilit mai mult n interesul personal al funcionarului.88 n consecin, Regulamentele Organice cuprindeau dispoziii cu caracter constituional i de organizare administrativ. Generalul Kisseleff, a crzi guvernare e privit de Mihail Koglniceanu cu bucurie pentru c prea a rsplti ndelungatele acte de rvn i credin a prinilor notri ctre Rusia, s-a strduit s dea Principatelor, prin aceast oper constituional, o reform menit a mbunti starea lor de plns.89 Totui prerile sunt mprite n ceea ce privete scopul i rolul Regulamentelor Organice. ntr-o opinie90 impunerea Regulamentelor se fcu cu atta iscusin nct Romnii le primir la nceput, ca pe o chart ce le deschidea o er de regenerare i de mputernicire naional. De fapt ns, Regulamentele erau, prin natura lor, destinate s ne ncenueasc ca naiune, sau s le ardem noi pe ele, lucru care s-a i ntmplat n 1848 n Muntenia cnd Regulamentul a fost ars de revoluionari. O alt prere despre Regulamentele Organice const n faptul c acestea sunt legi fundamentale impuse, n realitatea lucrurilor, din afar. Ele nesocotesc instituiile a cror origine este din pmntul nostru i pe care noi nu voim a le adapta dup luminile i trebuinele epocii.91 Totui, n ceea ce privete principiul separrii puterilor n stat, putem vorbi de o

the irremovability, that is settled more for the workers personal interest. As a consequence, the Constitutional Regulations contained constitutional and administrative disposals. The general Kisseleff, whose governing is regarded joyfully by Mihail Kogalniceanu because it seemed to reward the long acts of ardour and faith of our parents to Russia, he made efforts to give a reform to improve their deplorable state to the Principalities, by this constitutional work. However, the opinions are very different regarding the Constitutional Regulations aim and role. On one hand the Regulations validation is made so skilfully so that the Romanian people received them, at first, as a charter opening a regeneration age and a national mandate age. But, in fact, the Regulations were, by their nature, meant to destroy us, or we should burn them, thing that happened in 1848 in Muntenia when the revolutionists burnt the Regulations. On the other hand, the Constitutional Regulations are basic laws required from outside. They overlook the institutions whose origins are in our land and that we do not want to adapt according to the ages lights and needs. However, regarding the principle of powers separation inside the state, we could talk about an innovation of these Regulations, before their endorsement there was not the powers separation, even if these documents did not accomplish a clear separation of this powers (executive, legislative, judicial) because it has an imperfect feature. Although, by these documents, the powers separation inside the state exists in Principalities and this thing can be considered as a new beginning for the administrative organization. Therefore, the Constitutional Regulations have a modernizing role regarding the administrative organization of that time. Bibliography - Romanian History, volume Romanian Academys Publishing house VII,

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

inovaie a acestor Regulamente, nainte de adoptarea lor, neexistnd o separare a puterilor, chiar dac aceste acte nu au realizat o separare clar a acestor puteri(executiv, legislativ, judectoreasc) ea avnd un caracter imperfect. Totui prin aceste acte separarea puterilor n stat exist la nivelul Principatelor, acest lucru putnd fi considerat ca un nou nceput pentru organizarea administrativ, Regulamentele Organice avnd astfel un rol modernizator n ceea ce privete organizarea administrativ din acea perioad. Bibliografie - Istoria romnilor, vol.VII, Editura Academiei Romne - A.Oetea, Geneza Regulamentului Organic, Revista de Studii i Articole de Istorie, Editura Societatea de tiine Istorice i Filologice, Bucureti, 1957 - A.D.Betolian, Cte-va cuvinte asupra organisrii puterii legiuitoare n raport cu principiul separaiunii puterilor, TipoLitografia Naional Ralian Samitca, Craiova, 1884 - N. Blcescu, Opere, Editura de Stat pentru Literatur i Art, Bucureti, 1952, p. 180 - Gheorghe I. Brtianu, Sfatul domnesc i Adunarea strilor n Principatele Romne, Editura Enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1995 - Vlad Georgescu, Istoria romnilor de la origini pn n zilele noastre, Editura Humanitas, Bucureti, 1995 - Nicolae Iorga, Istoria poporului romnesc, Editura tiinific i Enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1985 - Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, Regulamentele organice ale Valahiei i Moldovei. Colecia vechilor legiuiri administrative, vol.I, Editura ntreprinderile Eminescu S.A., Bucureti, 1944 - A.D.Xenopol, Istoria romnilor din Dacia Traian, vol.XI, Editura Librriei coalelor Fraii araga, Iai, 1896 - Ioan C. Filitti, Principatele romne de la

- A.Oetea, Constitutional Regulations Genesis, History Studies and Articles Magazine, Historical and Philological Sciences Society Publishing house, Bucharest, 1957 - A.D.Betolian, Some words about the legislative powers organization reported to the principle of powers separation, Ralian Samitca Typo-Lithography, Craiova, 1884 - N. Blcescu, Works, State Publishing house for Literature and Art, Bucharest, 1952, page 180 - Gheorghe I. Brtianu, The princely Council and the States Assembly in the Romanian Principalities, Encyclopaedic Publishing house, Bucharest, 1995 - Vlad Georgescu, Romanian History from the beginning till nowadays, Humanitas Publishing house, Bucharest, 1995 - Nicolae Iorga, Romanian Peoples History, Scientific and Encyclopaedic Publishing house, Bucharest, 1985 - Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, Constitutional Regulations of Wallachia and Moldavia. Old Administrative RegulationsCollection, volume I, ntreprinderile Eminescu S.A. Publishing house, Bucharest, 1944 - A.D.Xenopol, Romanian Peples History in Dacia Traiana, volume XI, Saraga Brotherss Bookshop Publishing house, Iasi, 1896 - Ioan C. Filitti, Romanian Principalities since 1828 until 1834. Russian Conquest and the Constitutional Regulations, Graphical Arts Institute of Bucovina Publishing house, I.E. TOROUIU, Bucharest, 1934 - Alexandru Al. Buzescu, Governing the Romanian Countries until 1866, Printing Romanian Book Publishing house, Bucharest, 1943, page 223 - Paul Negulescu, Judicial-Political Study about the Constitutional Regulations, Public Right Magazine, no. 3-4, 1943, page 26 - Dimitrie A. Sturdza, Ad-hoc Divans Meaning in Iasi and Bucharest in Romanias Renaissance History, Bucharest, 1911 - Caterina Negrui-Munteanu, Moldavias

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

1828 la 1834. ocupaia ruseasc i Regulamentul Organic, Editura Institutul de Arte Grafice Bucovina, I.E. TOROUIU, Bucureti, 1934 - Alexandru Al. Buzescu, Domnia n rile Romne pn la 1866, Editura Tiparul Cartea Romneasc, Bucureti, 1943, p. 223 - Paul Negulescu, Studiu juridico-politic asupra Regulamentelor Organice, Revista de drept public, nr. 3-4, 1943, p. 26 - Dimitrie A. Sturdza, nsemntatea Divanurilor Ad-hoc din Iai i Bucureti, n Istoria renaterii Romniei, , Bucureti, 1911 - caterina Negrui-Munteanu, Sfatul administrativ al Moldovei ntre anii 1832 i 1862, Anuarul Institutului de Istorie i Arheologie A.D. Xenopol, VIII, Editura Academiei R.S.R, 1971 - Ioan Scurtu, Ion Alexandrescu, Ion Bulei, Ion Mamina, Enciclopedia de istorie a Romniei,Editura Meronia, Bucureti, 2002 - Valeriu otropa, Proiectele de constituie, programele de reforme i petiiile de drepturi din rile Romne n secolul al XVIII-lea i prima jumtate a secolului al XIX-lea, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romnia, Bucureti, 1976 - Marinescu i C. Grecescu, I.C.Brtianu, Acte i cuvntri, Apel alegtorilor, din 16 octombrie 1858, I - Gheorghe Tnase Gheorghe, Separaia puterilor n stat, Editura tiinific, Bucureti, 1994.
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Administrative Council between 1832-1862, History and Archeology Institute Year-Book A.D.Xenopol, VIII, R.S.R. academys Publishing house, 1971 - Ioan Scurtu, Ion Alexandrescu, Ion Bulei, Ion Mamina, Romanias History Encyclopaedia, Meronia Publishing house, Bucharest, 2002 - Valeriu otropa, Constitution Projects, Reform Programmes and the Right Petitions in Romanian Countries in 18th century and the first half of 19th century, Socialist Republics Academy of Romania Publishing house, Bucharest, 1976 - Marinescu i C. Grecescu, I.C.Brtianu, Documents and Speeches, Appeal for the Electors on October 16th, 1858, I - Gheorghe Tnase Gheorghe, Powers Separation inside the State, Scientific Publishing house, Bucharest, 1994

Istoria romnilor, vol.VII, Editura Academiei Romne, Bucureti, p. 85 Idem, p. 86 3 Ibidem 4 A.Oetea, Geneza Regulamentului Organic, Revista de Studii i Articole de Istorie, Editura Societatea de tiine Istorice i Filologice, Bucureti, 1957, p. 387 5 A.D.Betolian, Cte-va cuvinte asupra organisrii puterii legiuitoare n raport cu principiul separaiunii puterilor, Tipo-Litografia Naional Ralian Samitca, Craiova, 1884, p. 3 6 Idem, p. 4 7 Idem, p. 13 8 N. Blcescu, Opere, Editura de Stat pentru Literatur i Art, Bucureti, 1952, p. 180 9 L abolition des monopoles et l amelioration e l etat du paysan en Moldavie, republ. n V. Slvescu, Vieaa i opera econmistului Alexandru D. Moruzi, Academia Romn, Studii i Cercetri, L, p. 109, apud Gheorghe I. Brtianu, Sfatul domnesc i Adunarea strilor n Principatele Romne, Editura Enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1995, p, 252 10 Vlad Georgescu, Istoria romnilor de la origini pn n zilele noastre, Editura Humanitas, Bucureti, 1995, p. 149-150 11 Nicolae Iorga, Istoria poporului romnesc, Editura tiinific i Enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1985, p. 580-581

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, Regulamentele organice ale Valahiei i Moldovei. Colecia vechilor legiuiri administrative, vol.I, Editura ntreprinderile Eminescu S.A., Bucureti, 1944, p. XXXI- XXXII 13 Idem 14 A. Oetea, Geneza Regulamentului Organic, Revista de Studii i Articole de Istorie, Editura Societatea de tiine Istorice i Filologice, Bucureti, 1957, p. 388 15 Idem 16 A.D.Xenopol, Istoria romnilor din Dacia Traian, vol.XI, Editura Librriei coalelor Fraii araga, Iai, 1896, p. 84 17 Idem, p. 85 18 A. Oetea, op.cit., p. 391 19 Idem 20 Idem 21 Idem, p. 393 22 Ioan C. Filitti, Principatele romne de la 1828 la 1834. ocupaia ruseasc i Regulamentul Organic, Editura Institutul de Arte Grafice Bucovina, I.E. TOROUIU, Bucureti, 1934, p. 87 23 Idem, p 87-88 24 Idem, p. 89 25 Idem 26 Idem, p.97 27 Idem, p. 101 28 Idem, p. 105 29 Idem 30 Idem, p. 106 31 Idem, p. 107 32 Idem 33 Idem, p. 108 34 Idem, p. 130 35 Idem, p. 131 36 Idem, p. 130 37 Idem, p. 132 38 Idem, p.90 39 Alexandru Al. Buzescu, Domnia n rile Romne pn la 1866, Editura Tiparul Cartea Romneasc, Bucureti, 1943, p. 223 40 Istoria romnilor, vol.VII, Editura Academiei Romne, Bucureti, p. 85 41 Paul Negulescu, Studiu juridico-politic asupra Regulamentelor Organice, Revista de drept public, nr. 3-4, 1943, p. 26 42 Idem, p. 27 43 Art. 279 din Regulamentul Organic al Moldovei: mprirea ntre puterea administrativ i giudectoreasc, fiind cunoscut de neaprat pentru buna ornduial la regularisirea pricinilor i pentru nchizluirea driturilor a particularnicilor, aceste dou ramuri vor fi de acum nnainte cu totul deosbite. Art. 212 din Regulamentul Organic al Valahiei: Desprirea puterilor ocrmuitoare i judectoreasc fiind cunoscut c este neaprat de trebuin pentru buna ornduial n pricini de judecat i pentru paza dreptilor particularilor, aceste do ramuri de ocrmuire vor fi de acum nnainte cu totul deosebite 44 Art. 59 din Regulamentul Organic al Valahiei: Obicinuita Obteasc Adunare nu va fi nsrcinat de acum nainte i cu cuviine judectoreti.. Art. 62 din Regulamentul Organic al Moldovei:Obteasca Obicinuita Adunare nu va putea de acum nnainte a avea nici o putere giudectoreasc 45 Vlad Georgescu, Istoria romnilor de la origini pn n zilele noastre, Editura Humanitas, Bucureti, 1995, p. 149-15 46 n afar de Divan effendi sau effendissi, se mai gseau pe lng Domn nc trei funcionari mahometani i anume: Beli aga, nsrcinat cu poliia fa de cltorii musulmani, mehtterbaa, eful eterhanelei sau muzicei turceti i bairaetarul, sau purttorul de steag, acela ce purta tuiul, adic un fel de steag, format dintr-un lemn, de care erau atrnate 2 cozi de cal. Cozile de cal constituiau o mare distincie. Domnitorii, fiind considerai ca bey, aveau 2 tuiuri, ci erau inferiori pailor cu trei tuiuri i Hanului ttresc. Apud Paul Negulescu, op.cit., p. 32 47 Potrivit art. 2 din Regulamentul Organic al Valahiei Obteasca Adunare Extraordinar era alctuit din 190 de membrii:PreaSfinia Sa printele Mitropolitul, trei prini episcopi, ce se vor afla n lucrare, al Rmnicului, Buzu i Argeu, de cincizeci de boieri de ntiul rang i anume de la vel ban pn la vel cmra., de saptezeci i trei boieri de al doilea rang, de la vel clucer pn la vel comis, de treizeci i ase deputai alei dintre boierii fiecruia jude, cte doi de jude, de la vel srdar pn la cel din urm rang, fr osebire, de douzeci i apte deputai ai corporaiilor duprin orae.
Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009



Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

Potrivit art 2 din Regulamentul Moldovei, Obteasca Adunare Extraordinar era alctuit din 132 de membrii:Preosfinia sa printele mitropolitul i de doi episcopi eparhioi; patruzeci i cinci boieri i anume de logofeii cei mari, de vornicii de ara de Gios i de ara de Sus, de hatman i de hatmanii de Prut, de vistiernici, de vornici de obte, de postelnici i de vornici a Poliiei., de treizeci boieri dela ag, pn i ban, anume agii, vornicii de aprozi, sptarii i banii, de triizeci i doi deputai a inuturilor de la comis pn i atrar.., de un deputat al Academiei Naionale de nvtur, de douzeci i unul deputai a corporaiilor a oraelor. Potrivit art. 3 din Regulamentul Moldovei, spre a putea fi mdulare al Obtetii Ecstraordinare Adunri: a) trebuie boerie dela rangul de mare logoft pn i vornic de poliie, s fie nscut i locuitori n Moldova, sau nscui, locuind i mpmntenii n Moldova..b) pe lng aceste boierii, de la ag pn i banul, trebuie s fie proprietariu n Moldova, c) deputaii inuturilor s fie boieri, fii de boieri., d) deputatul Academiei de nvtur naional s fie moldovan cu tiin, mdulariu al acestui institut.., e) deputaii corporaiilor s fie nscui moldoveni, cu tiin de carte i cu bune purtri.., f) nici unul din mdulrile aceste nu va fi primit n Obteasca Ecstraordinara Adunare, dac nu va avea treizeci ani mplinii 48 Alexandru Ghica domnete pn n 1842 cnd este scos din domnie de rui care nu vedeau cu ochi buni activitatea societii secrete Dreptate-Frie ce urmrea nlturarea Regulamentului Organic, nlturarea protectoratului rusesc i unirea principatelor ntr-un singur stat. Dup Alexandru Ghica urmeaz la tronul Munteniei Gheorghe Bibescu care, mpreun cu vecinul su moldovean, desfiineaz barierele vamale ntre cele dou principate, ajutnd astfel, poate voit, ideea unirii ce ncepuse s se rspndeasc n gndirea romneasc. ( Alexandru Al. Buzescu, op.cit. p. 234) 49 Alexandru Al. Buzescu, op.cit., p. 238 50 Art. 42 din Regulamentul Organic al Valahiei: svrindu-se alegerea domnului, mdulrile Adunrii Ecstraordinare, vor iscli dup rndul rangului lor arz-mahzarul ctre Poart prin care s cear ntrirea domnului, cum i o not oficial prin care s ntiineze Curii ocrotitoare pentru alegerea domnului. Spre a se putea svri toate aceste lucruri tot ntr-aceiai Adunare fr a se risipi, caimacamii vor ngriji a alctui mai dinainte amndou nscrisurile de mai sus zise, n care se va lsa loc deschis spre a se trece numele domnului celui ales. 51 art. 26: domnul trebuie s aib vrst de patruzeci de ani deplin, s fie din familie a creia nobilitate s se sue cel puin la moul su, i a cruia naturalizaie, potrivit cu obiceiurile rii, s nceap de la tatl su. El se va alege numai dintre boierii cei mai destoinici i carii vor avea rangurile de ban, de dvornic de ara de Sus sau de ara de Jos, sau carii vor avea rangurile minitrilor de i nu se vor afla n slujb. 52 Art. 27:domnul trebuie s aib 40 de ani deplin i s fie din familie moldovean, a crui evghenie s fie suitoare cel mai puin pn la bun, iar mpmntenirea sa pn la tat. El s va alege numai ntre boierii cei mai vrednici, avnd ranguri de mare logoft, de mare vornic al rii de gios i al rii de sus, de hatman sau de vistiernic sau cari ar avea ranguri de president al naltului Divan i minitrii, dei acetia nu s-ar afla n slujba lucrtoare. 53 Alexandru Al. Buzescu, op.cit., p.226 54 Idem 55 Orice act sau hotrre a Domnului i a Adunrii Obteti Ordinare, care va fi mpotriva privilegiilor Principatului, sau a tractatelor, sau a hatierifelor ntrite pentru folosul acestor Principate, precum i mpotriva drepturilor ce urmeaz dintr-acestea, trebuie s se socoteasc desputernicite i neinute n seam, spune art. 52, apud Alexandru Al. Buzescu, op.cit., p.226-227 56 art. 48 din Regulamentul Organic al Valahiei: toate hotrrile Obicinuitei Obtetii Adunri se vor supune cunoinii Domnului prin anaforale isclite de ctre prezidentul, doi secretari i ajutoarele lor i alctuirea acestor anaforale se face dup chipul urmtor: a) dup ce se va citi Obtetii Adunri pitacul Domnului asupra cruia va fi s se chibzuiasc, se va ndeletnici aceast adunare ntru a sa cuprindere, ori tot ntr-aceiai zi, sau dup cinci zileb) amndoi secretarii vor scrie, unul ntr-o condic osebit i altul ntr-o coal de hrtie iari osebit, toate prerile cte se vor sprijini de ctre ase mdulare ale Adunrii.. 57 Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, op.cit., p XXXVI 58 Alexandru Al. Buzescu, op.cit., p.227 59 Dimitrie A. Sturdza, nsemntatea Divanurilor Ad-hoc din Iai i Bucureti, n Istoria renaterii Romniei, , Bucureti, 1911, p. 285 60 Gheorghe Tnase Gheorghe, Separaia puterilor n stat, Editura tiinific, Bucureti, 1994 , p. 211 61 Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, op.cit., p XLI 62 Ecaterina Negrui-Munteanu, Sfatul administrativ al Moldovei ntre anii 1832 i 1862, Anuarul Institutului de Istorie i Arheologie A.D. Xenopol, VIII, Editura Academiei R.S.R, 1971, p. 160 63 idem, p. 164 64 de pild, n septembrie 1849, Grigore Ghica, printr-un ofis ctre sfat, cerea s se stabileasc organizarea departamentului lucrrilor publice, s alctuiasc bugetul cu veniturile i cheltuielile lui i s le fac cunoscut printr-o anafor, Manualul administrativ al Principatului Moldovei, tom. II, nr. 718, p. 211 apud Ecaterina Negrui-Munteanu, op.cit., p. 182

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009


Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncu i din Trgu Jiu, Seria Litere i tiin e Sociale, Nr. 3/2009

i se trimiteau, de exemplu, cereri pentru acordarea de privilegii, recompense, pensii, mile, pentru soluionarea unor nenelegeri ntre locuitorii i proprietarii moiilor, ntre proprietari i arendai i diferite litigii de ordin judectoresc etc., Albina Romneasc Iai, 17 ianuarie 1832, nr. 5, p. 17 apud Ecaterina Negrui-Munteanu, op.cit., p. 186 66 Ecaterina Negrui-Munteanu, op.cit., p. 171 67 Ioan Scurtu, Ion Alexandrescu, Ion Bulei, Ion Mamina, Enciclopedia de istorie a Romniei,Editura Meronia, Bucureti, 2002 p.51 68 Valeriu otropa, Proiectele de constituie, programele de reforme i petiiile de drepturi din rile Romne n secolul al XVIIIlea i prima jumtate a secolului al XIX-lea, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romnia, Bucureti, 1976, p. 89-90 69 Alexandru Al. Buzescu, op.cit., p.228 70 Adunarea legiuitoare are urmtoarea compunere: Muntenia: Mitropolitul, 3 episcopi eparhioi, 20 boieri de rangul nti, 19 deputai judeeni Moldova: Mitropolitul, 2 episcopi eparhioi, 16 boieri de rangul nti, 16 deputai judeeni. 71 Art. 45 din Regulamentul Organic al Valahiei: acetia se vor alege dintre stpnii de moii tot dintr-acel jude, i vor fi boieri feciori de boieri,, avnd vrsta de treizeci de ani deplin. 72 Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, op.cit., p. XXXVII 73 art. 49 din Regulamentul Organic al Valahiei: chibzuirile Obicinuitei Obteti Adunri atunci numai vor avea putere de pravil, cnd se vor ntri de Domn, care sobod este de a nu le ntri, fr s-i dea cuvntul pentru ce nu le ntrete. Art. 52 din Regulamentul Organic al Moldovei: aceste hotrri nu vor avea putere de legiuire, dect prin ntrirea domnului, carile rmne n voina Sa de a le ntri sau ba, fr de a da cuvntul pentru care nu le ntrete 74 Vlad Georgescu, Istoria romnilor de la origini pn n zilele noastre, Editura Humanitas, Bucureti, 1995, p. 149-150 75 Alexandru Al. Buzescu,op.cit., p. 231 76 A.D. Betolian op.cit., p. 13, 77 Valeriu otropa, Proiectele de constituie, programele de reforme i petiiile de drepturi din rile Romne n secolul al XVIIIlea i prima jumtate a secolului al XIX-lea, Editura Academiei R.S.R., Bucureti, 1976, p. 91 78 I.C. Filitti, op.cit., p. 130 79 Idem, p. 131 80 Divanul din Bucureti avea 12 judectorii, iar cel din Craiova numai opt. Divanul din Bucureti se compunea din dou desprituri: una politiceasc avnd 7 membrii, alta criminaliceasc cu 5 membrii; Curtea de Craiova avea de asemenea dou despriri: cea politiceasc de 5 membrii, iar cea criminaliceasc din 3 membrii. Fiecare desprire avea un prezident. Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, op.cit., p. XXXVII-XXXVIII 81 Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, op.cit., p.XXXVIII 82 art. 225 din Regulamentul Valahiei vor fi primii de avocai cei ce au oarecare tiin de pravil i care sunt cunoscui de oameni cinstii. Acetia vor intra n lucrarea slujbei lor, dup ce i vor trece numele lor, n condica canelarilei marelui logoft i dup ce vor primi de la Stpnire carte n scris de slobozenie. 83 I.C. Filitti, op.cit., p. 131-132 84 art. 217 din Regulamentul Valahiei: procurorul se va orndui de Domn i va priveghea a se pzi cu scumptate pravila i regulamenturile.a se svri ntocmai hotrrile judecii i a ngriji pentru toate cte privesc asupra pazei bunei ornduieli i a linitii obtii. Potrivit art. 218 din Regulamentul Valahiei n caz de nerespectare a legilor, regulamentelor, procurorul trebuia s ntiineze marele logoft, ministrul Justiiei pentru a se lua msura legal i cel nvinovit s rspund. 85 Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, op.cit., p.XXXIX 86 art. 215 : toi judectorii Divanului celui mare i a celorlalte judectorii se vor orndui pentru trei ani, iar dintre dnii cei ce se vor arta vrednici i cu bun purtare, se vor lsa n slujba lor pe un al doilea i al treilea curs de trei ani. .dup trecerea de zece ani din zioa ce se va pune n lucrare acest regulament, de va gsi cu cale Domnul i Obteasca Adunare, toi judectorii, ornduindu-se odat, de ctre Domn, vor rmnea neschimbai pentru totdeauna, afar numai cnd vor cdea ntru nvinovire, ori se vor nnla la alte dregtorii mai mari au se vor lepda de bun voe. art. 285 :.dac dup trecirea de no ani, Domnul i Obteasca Obicinuita Adunare ar gsi cu cale c temeiul neschimbrii giudectorilor s-ar putea aplica cu folosin, la o asemenea mpregiurare rmne ca s-l legiuiasc i s-l pue n aplicare. 87 Paul Negulescu, George Alexianu, op.cit., p XL 88 Idem 89 Alexandru Al. Buzescu, op.cit., p. 235 90 G.Marinescu i C. Grecescu, I.C.Brtianu, Acte i cuvntri, Apel alegtorilor, din 16 octombrie 1858, I, p 228-229 apud Alexandru Al. Buzescu, op.cit., p. 235 91 M. Koglniceanu, Opere alese: Dorinele partidei naionale n Moldova, ediie ngrijit de G. Drgan, Cugetarea, p. 98, apud Alexandru Al. Buzescu, op.cit., p. 238 92 Idem
Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series, Issue 3/2009



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