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Autism Spectrum Disorder

Feb. 12, 2013 Vol. 1 Issue 1

In this report I will identify resources available to the community on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autism is a developmental disability that significantly affects verbal and nonverbal communications as well as social interaction, generally evident before the age of three. The websites give information regarding the adverse effects on the child's educational performance as well as information regarding other characteristics often associated with children with autism that include: Accountable websites: . PLACE PHOTO HERE, OTHERWISE DELETE BOX

Repetitive actions Stereotyped movements Resistance to environmental change Resistance to changes in routines Lack of eye contact Non-verbal or little communication

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. -Albert Einstein

February 12, 2013

Locating Websites

Vol. 1 Issue 1

How to locate websites: There are a number of websites with information about ASD. It is important to know that PLACE PHOTO HERE, not all websites have the correct information on them. When searching forDELETE websitesBOX or articles OTHERWISE regarding specific information it is important to remember to only use credible websites. Wikipeida is not credible because it allows multiple users to create and edit documents. When searching for information on line, it is best to use Google, Google advanced, or Google scholar. It's also helpful to use websites that are from .gov, .org, or .edu, these are your most credible sources. Here are some credible websites:,

Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do just one thing well, you're needed by someone. Martina Navratilova

Tips to help you tell if a website is credible:

February 12, 2013 Vol. 1 Issue 1

One way to tell if a website is credible is by evaluating them using the CRAAP Test. This acronym stands for: Currency, which identifies when the information was published, has been revised or updated, and if the links are functional. Relevance stands for if the information is relevant to what you are looking for and if you would be comfortable saying you found this information from this source. Authority. Who has published this information? It is important to know sources that generally have the URL of .edu, .gov, or .org are the most credible websites, their information is usually most credible and the information you will find has been researched. Accuracy. stands for the reliability, truthfulness and corrections of the content. Think of where the information has come from, if it is supported by evidence, and if the language or tone seems to be unbiased and free from emotion. Purpose. Is the purpose of the information to teach, sell, entertain, or persuade? Is the information fact, opinion, or propaganda? The websites I have provided appear to meet the criteria of using the CRAAP test. Remembering to use the CRAAP test will help one know to how to identify credible information. All websites listed meet the standards of the CRAAP PLACE PHOTO HERE, OTHERWISE DELETE BOX test.

A Few More Tips!

February 12, 2012 Vol. 1 Issue 1

Comparisons to book
All websites listed share the same information as the text book used in class. and book state that autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a spectrum disorder. and the textbook have the same information regarding the spectrum of the disorder that include, Asperger Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD-NOS) as well as definitions., describes symptoms, as well as explains that symptoms and severity vary, like the textbook. and the textbook share the same explanation on causes of ASD and that it is a neurobiological disorder that has genetic basis. shares the textbooks enthusiasm on early intervention, shares tips for effective teaching, and encouraging a child's growth and development. also shares relevant information about ASD just like the textbook. Symptoms, diagnosis, causes, and information about Asperger Syndrome are all very similar.

Strengths and Weaknesses online vs. print

Using the Internet is the easiest way to locate informationPLACE about just aboutHERE, anything. It is also the PHOTO fastest way to find information. But it is not always the best. The Internet is flooded with websites that are not credible, blogs based on personal opinions and false information used to persuade the publics way of thinking. Often these websites have not been evaluated to make sure the information being provided is correct, up to date and credible. Another thing to keep in mind is that some websites are occasionally down for maintenance. The information you see could not be current, or you may reference the website and the information you provided is not there. If you find the information from a book or a credible magazine (not popular magazines like Star) the information presented has been researched, has references and most likely gone through peer review. You will always be able to find the information because books do not have to go down for maintenance. And books are always being republished with current, up to date information. Sometimes you may have to wait for the book to come out with the current information; it does take time to make sure the information is correct. Also, the writers and publishers want to be sure what they have is the correct information. They also have to go through processes such as editing and making sure they site any sources they use in their research.

References Smith, D. D., & Tyler, N. C. (2010). Introduction to special education, making a difference. (7 ed.). Pearson College Div.

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