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GLOBAL WARMING The global temperature risen in the last 100 years?

OPERATORS USED How much has the global temperature risen in the last 100 years?


Reliability? Its reliable because it comes from teachers or students from universities, its an educational website

RELIGION Women priests should be allowed in the Catholic Church

Should women priests be allowed in the catholic church?

Its not reliable because the answers come from the audience; everyone put their thoughts, what they know.

PRODUCT REVIEW Canon 550d (camera) is a good product

Is canon 55d a good product?

Its not reliable because the same, its a public page were everyone put what they think about

HISTORY The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was lawful!

Where were the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Its reliable because theres an historian guide who answer this question in the website

ETHICS Abortion is immoral!

Why is abortion immoral? Its not reliable because anyone can answer the question if they do know or have an

account in the website. Task: Find one objective online blog post, newspaper article, encyclopedia article or book etc. that gives reliable information about the following topics .

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