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For assignment two I have decided to observe the Mocksville YMCA for my figured world.

I choose the Y mainly because I go there so often to lift weights. I usually go there with my mom, brother, and sometimes my moms boyfriend. The types of people that visit they Y have a great variety, there are young children there for day care, swimmers, teenagers that play basketball, old people that go to walk on the track, janitors, workers at the front desk, workers that stay in the gym to make sure no one gets hurt, and everyone in the weight room that comes to either do some cardio on the treadmills, do a light workout on the weight machines, or do some heavy lifting on the free weights. Also I play a role as actor in the weight room part of the gym. My discourse communities is that of those who are using the free weights to build muscle. There are many different rules for the different of eras the YMCA but since Im only going to be observing the weight room ill just name those. According to the actual rules, you cant drop the weights really hard on the ground, you cant cuss real load and scream while youre lifting, youre not supposed to bring food and open beverages into the weight room, and you arent allowed in there if you are very young (under 15). The understood rules that most people follow include no taking your shirt off and trying to flex in the mirror, no setting around and talking while other people are waiting for you to get done with the weights you are using, whenever someone looks like they are struggling to lift something you should always offer to spot them or help them lift it, and finally always put the weights back after your done using them never leave a mess when you get done working out. Along with the rules, some terms and phrases you may hear specific to the gym, these may include Do you need a spot? Or can you spot me?- This means someone my need help lifting some weight and they want you to watch them so they dont get hurt. Another phrase is pumping up or Im getting a nice pump, this is usually referring to when someone in working out a specific body part (usually the arms) and they can feel the blood rushing into their muscle, this feeling is called the pump because it feels like your pumping your muscle full of blood. Some other terms you will probably hear are reps and sets. reps is a term used in place of repetitions and is referring to the amount of repetitions one is doing at a time during a set, which is a period of time in which one performs a particular exercise, these are often repeated three or four times every exercise My rules for basic muscle building Workout 3-4 days a week with rest 1 day rest in between workout days Do basic movements like Bench press, Squats, and Deadlifts, Each on separate days Eat a lot of GOOD calories before and after working out. Also eat about 5-7 meals per day Get plenty of sleep. That is when your muscle heals and is allowed to grow. Drink at least a gallon of water a day. Lots of water is what helps your muscle get thick. Run 2-3 miles 2-3 times per week (I would do it on non-workout days)

Observation 1

3:15pm 3/22/13 I was on the bench press working out, in between sets a watched a teenage kid about 15 do some dumbbell curls. This kid was really skinny with long black hair that covered his face; he looked kind of gothic, like he had never been to the gym before. He was wearing a black shirt and tight skinny jeans;

these usually are not the artifacts of clothing one would normally find in the weight room. After I watched him for a while I went back down to do another set and what do you know the kid walked up behind me and was spotting me. I felt a bit awkward because the kid was so skinny; there was no way he could lift the weight up if I needed help. But I did gain a little respect for him. He understood the formal (unspoken) language of the situation and knew that spotting me was the correct thing to do. Even though he probably knew he couldnt actually spot me. After I finished my set I said thanks anyways, he nodded his head and walked away. It made me think that while I had been watching him this whole time was he watching me too? Obviously he knew I might need a spotter, and he arrived at the right time? Or maybe he just happened to walk by at the right time? Either way Im glad I got to have this experience with such an interesting actor in a discourse community that seemed to clash with the one he may had been from, Im sure Ill remember it for a long time. . Observation 2

4:25pm 3/23/13 I was at the gym today working out my back and shoulders when one of my favorite actors came in. I dont know his name but he looks to be about 70 years old. He always wears a black tank top, black pants, black shoes, and a weight lifting belt. He has white, slicked back hair with a matching mustache and he is one of the most entertaining people to watch at the gym. Every time he does something he has to make some kind of noise. Whether it be lifting weights, stretching, or just talking he is always distracting someone. Today he was doing some dumbbell chest flies and on every rep he would scream out the number of reps he was on. It was very funny and it took everything me and my brother had not to burst out laughing. Just his facial expressions alone would make anybody trying to work out lose focus. This old man was using informal language in his discourse community. Its not normal to scream and make strange noises at the YMCA, but clearly he didnt care too much. He reminded me of someone who when they were young probably did bodybuilding or some kind of powerlifting. Screaming and yelling in those figured world would be considered normal as formal language. This old man may have just not realized that he is in a different figured world, which is fine with me, ha-ha. This situation reminds me of the episode of the office where Michael is in the warehouse area and he believes what hes doing is normal but really its distracting and possibly harmful to those around him. Now while I dont believe this old man is harmful, he can be quite distracting.

Observation 3

3:55pm 3/30/13 Today at the Y I really didnt see anything of interest. Me and my brother were there together working out on the bench. We took turns spotting each other. Some artifacts we used were the weights and the bar, our emotions to help motivate us, and a mental image in our head of what we looked like while we were moving the weight up and down. That may be the most important of all our artifacts because without perfect form the point of the exercise is futile, you either wont get the results you want or you will get hurt. The situation ran quite smoothly through and we didnt have any problems with getting hurt or our muscles getting sore. It reminded me of the "Reading, Specialist Language Development, and Video Games" article. My brother and I had an understood, informal and unspoken literary language between each other. We have never been taught how to work out or gone to school for a formal

education on how to bench press, we just learned from watching people, trial and error, and past experiences. This is why I think our work out session went so smoothly. Interview 1 How often do you come to the Mocksville Y? -I come every day, well, sometimes on Sunday Why did you start going to the Y? -I just enjoy getting my blood flowing and being with the young people hah What types of activities do you mostly participate in and why? -Im usually over here lifting weights or over on the machines How would you rate you physical health on a scale of 1-10? -Umm, Id say Im not in too bad of shape for an old man haha, um, Id say 7 What makes a person fit? - Well I cant say for everyone, nobody has the same body, um I just dont want to end up in a wheel chair or something crazy ha. What dont you like about the Y? -um I guess its a little expensive, but other that its great! What do you most enjoy about the Y? -oh there is a lot, I love to work out and its good theres a place where I can do it at my age. Would you recommend the Mocksville Y to someone looking to get in shape? - oh yea, yea, yea I would My first interview was with a man in his sixties, his name is jerry and I almost always see him at the y. he is really short with a long beard and he likes to talk. Hes a friendly guy and I figured he would be a good person to interview because I see him so often.

Interview 2 How often do you come to the Mocksville Y? - 4-5x weekly Why did you start going to the Y?

- To get in better shape and take yoga classes What types of activities do you mostly participate in and why? - Yoga to relax and walking to build strong core and weights for strong bones, plus I feel more energetic after I exercise How would you rate you physical health on a scale of 1-10? -7 What makes a person fit? - Healthy eating, physical activity, emotional and spiritual well-being as well What dont you like about the Y? - The drive. What do you most enjoy about the Y? -How I feel after I exercise. The Y offers great range of choices and I like the atmosphere at the y Would you recommend the Mocksville Y to someone looking to get in shape? - Definitely My second interview was with my mom. I interviewed her because she is the one I always go with to the y. We always go when I come home for the weekend and I know she takes my brother during the week. She knows a lot of people at the y and I figured she would be good person to talk to about it. Also I conducted the interview via texting because I forgot to interview her when I was home, so thats why the answers may be shorter and straight to the point.

Narrative Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. My fictional actor named Ronnie is made fun for being weak and gets beat up by a bully. He goes to the gym and decides to build some muscle There is Rocky-like montage of Ronnie working out Ronnie goes back to face the bully and beats him down

Why choose the Y? To me it is obvious. My YMCA is pretty much the opposite of the gym at UNCC. Literally the only time I can go to work out at UNCC is 7 in the morning. Any other time it is packed. Its ridiculous how much money I pay to go here and the weight room in half the size of the one at my Y. Another reason its better is because at the Y I dont see packs of fat, stupid, dont know what theyre doing Frat kids standing around the weights talking. I cant explain how frustrating it is to watch some 150 lb. kid barley squat 135 and get off thinking hes buff.I hate the gym in charlotte and if anyone reading this had the chance to compare it to my YMCA I bet they would too.

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