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Christopher David Belson 1. c. 2. False 3. True 4. a. 5. b. 6. b. 7. a. 8. b. 9. e. 10. a. 11. d. 12. b, c, and d. 13. e. 14. c. 15. a. and d. 16. e.

17. e. 18. c. 19. False 20. b. 21. e. 22. backup 23. False 24. d. 25. a, b, c, and d. Case Project 5-1: For the partition's file system, I would choose NTFS (although FAT may work too) since it allows all permissions to be set. The security settings that I would put would be only the read permission for the users who will access the files. This would be set in the NTFS permissions in the properties of the file or could be done on the folder containing the file while having it be applied to subfolders as well. Case Project 5-2: To simplify permission assignment, the groups that I would create would be a staff group, manager's group, and I would use an administrator group for the IT administrator (3 groups). The folder structure that I would use would be one parent folder with the folders

that are accessed being the subfolders. For the permissions, I would give ownership and full control the the IT administrator (administrator group). For the manager group, I would assign the managers full control to the private files and to other appropriate files (ie. forms and notices) while applying appropriate permissions to other files and folders. For the staff members, they will be assigned read access to the folder(s) containing the common forms and notices and appropriate permissions to other files and folders. The permissions would correspond to each directory in the parent folder (ie. and administrator folder, forms and notices folder, etc.)

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