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The industrial Revolution in Victoria England

The Time Machine

"the greatest happiness of the greatest number" There is a two definition for this word -pursue the happiness for individual -pursue the happiness for social

The Workhouse is a shelter for extremely poor. The purpose of the workhouse was to discourage the poor from claiming poor relief. It was intended to "dis-pauperise" districts: that is, to make conditions so harsh and uncompromising in the institutions that people would prefer to try to manage outside, rather than enter them.

Southwell Workhouse

Adam Smith invisible hand

The work of Adam Smith heavily influenced economic thought throughout the Victorian Era "father of modern economics He believed that competition, the market's invisible hand, would lead to proper pricing.

Adam continue
However, capitalists, in particular, often supported Smith's policies and twisted his words to justify mistreatment of workers. Capitalists suggested that child labor laws, maximum working hours, and factory health codes constituted a violation of their rights and Adam's golden rule.

Adam continue
Because of selfishness of capitalists, Adam was not an apologist for the capitalist. He firmly favored anti-monopoly laws, and his support of competition remained dependent on the fact that it encouraged economic growth, something Adam thought it would benefit all members of society.

Division of labor
This idea relates primarily to the specialization of the labor force, essentially the breaking down of large jobs into many tiny components. Each worker becomes an expert in one isolated area of production, thus increasing his efficiency. Helped Victorian factories to grow throughout the nineteenth century.

Division of labor
However, Adam pointed out crucial problem in his theory. Forcing individuals to perform repetitious tasks would lead to an ignorant. For this reason he insist that governments have an obligation to provide education to workers.

Laissez -faire
It simply means no government intervention. It is part of Adams theorem. Adam thought that trade restrictions, minimum wage laws, and product regulation were all viewed as detrimental to a nation's economic health.

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