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The Haraway Reader Donna Haraway Rovruspce [New York ax LONDON it 2b 2 Wet 8 Sue ec at oil mam Pali in Gh ain by eal Newer ane London onal ak Cop ©2004 rac Books olga rin fh Tor 8 ses anh ited St of Anti mse pape Alvi sre No prt ibook nye pine aldo ie in ary anor any die cea er tr meen now ewer ete paca gat eon rag sy heen a Oe brary Cog Caan Palin Date ra. Door aoe “he Hama ee Dos aso, Ind igi en edn BENS 96H84 (a papery 41-628 appa) L:Bemishthery 2 Femi c.g «Sno Sol opt te git ct azo 0528) de HQ ooo HAI HE oo4 ‘Teall my companion species CONTENTS. ‘Introduction: A Kinship of Feminist Figurations ' 1 A Manifest for Cyborgs Science, Technology, and Socilist Feminism inthe 1980s 7 2 Bece Home, Ain't (Arn) La Woman and Tnappropriatld ‘Others The Human in a Pos- Humanist Landscape ” 4 The Promises of Monsters A Regenerative Politics for Inapproprated Others 6 4 Otherworlly Conversations; Teran Topics Local Terms 125 5 Teddy Bear Patriarchy: Taxidermy inthe Garden of Ben, [New York City, 1908-1936 151 {6 Morphing the Order: Flexible Strategies, Feminist Science Studies, and Primate Revisions 9 7 Modest. Witnes@Second Millennium 2s {8 Rac; Universal Donors in Vampire Caltue. 1s All in the Family Biological Kinship Categoriesin ‘he Twentith-Century United States 21 {9 Cyhorgs to Companion Species: Reconiguring Kinship in Technoseience 295,

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