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Joel Iler writes to help people save electricity.

Kids KWH plan helps Environment.

Fatal accident leaves hundreds without a home.

Kid makes plan to help CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Just by doing simple things like turning off lights or not using an air con at night helps save people money, and save the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere. Read more at the bottom of pg. 1 and all of page 2.

When a small house fire burns out of control and catches some trees on fire, it soon grows into a raging wildfire. With hundreds without food, water, and a home, the California State Government is working as hard is it can to help. Read more on pg. 3

New Orleans Saints vs. The Colts Superbowl XLIV


Beating the Colts at a whopping 31-17, the underdog New Orleans Saints beat an all time favorite of The Colts at the 44 Superbowl. Read more on page 4

In the big city of Kuala Lumpur, a 14-year-old boy made a small change that eventually made a big difference. How did he do this, well, this is the answer he gave us. You dont have to do something really big to try and save the environment, it can be something just as simple as turning off a light, setting a time when you can have entertainment, or not using a fan or air/con at night. Just by doing something small like that, you reduce your familys KWH, money spent on it, and also, the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. The people in the world today can easily do something simple like what Joel did, and with it being so simple, I am surprised that not al people in 1200 the world today have done 1000 something like that. To the right, you will see a graph of 800 Joels KWH usage, which he has so willingly let us borrow 600 and show to you, the people, today. On the second page, Kilo Watt Hours you will be able to see his plan 400 that we can follow, his guess as to when he will reach an 200 amazingly low amount of 300 KWH, and also, the equation as 0 to how he made this guess. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

How did Joel accomplish this goal of using less electricity and saving CO2 emissions as well as saving money, well, here is his plan on how to do just that. In my family, some of the appliances that we use everyday are our 4 computers, the T.V., the 7 aircon units, the lights, the fans, and the oven. Some ways we can save are by turning off the tv when we leave the house, along with the lights in our room. We can also only turn on one of the ac units for the living and dining room, not all three. By putting our computers to sleep, they use up less electricity. When we are done playing our Wii or X-Box, we can turn it off and not leave it running. For our outlets, we can use one of those multi-outlet connectors so the power from one outlet powers many devices. If there is a fan and an a/c in the same room, we could have only one on at a time. My plan is to not use my ac at all in the afternoon and only at night for 1 hour set at 25*C. I will also set myself a time that I can use my computer for fun after I finish all of my homework. I will also not have the T.V. or music on while I do my homework. I can also make sure that all outlets that are not being used are turned off, as well as unnecessary lights. Also, how did Joel guess as to when he would reach 300 KWH, well, he used equations and slopes to find it. First, I would find two points on my graph to where my fitted line looks like it is close to a number that ends with 0 or 5. For example, (2,1000) and (6,800). I would then do Y2-Y1/X2-X1. For my data, that would be 800-1000/6-2. That gives me -200/4, which simplifies to -50. That is the slope of my line. I then get the formula y=mx+b. I re-write that to say 1000=-50(2)+b. Then 1000=-100+b. Then 1100=b. This makes the equation of my line y=-50x+1100. To find how long it would take to get to 300 KWH, make 300 your y and solve the equation. 300=-50x+1100. That gives you -800=-50x. Then 16=x. This means that it will take me about 16 months to reach 300 KWH. Many thanks to Joel for sharing this information with us, and for even more information, on the bottom of this page is a table of his exact information. Again, thanks to Joel for this very green information with us, and hopefully, more people in the world today will be like him and make small changes that have a BIG difference. Months after September Kilo Watt Hours 0 1100 1 1000 2 1020 3 917 4 915 5 1034 6 857 7 815

Donec sit amet arcu.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Cras posuere, velit nec rutrum auctor, velit augue feugiat orci, nec ornare urna quam ac massa. Nullam porta, mauris tempor sollicitudin varius, diam ipsum imperdiet massa, eu sagittis pede diam sit amet nisi. Fusce vitae ligula ac nunc elementum dignissim. Nullam rhoncus mi eu arcu. Donec ac nisi. Fusce sed mi non dolor consectetuer luctus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer sit amet lectus. Curabitur cursus nisi eu enim. Vivamus in metus dictum purus fringilla eleifend. Aenean ultricies erat ac neque. Pellentesque luctus.

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