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EDU 3104 week 12

Prepare by:
Cindy Ho Hafiy Kasthuri


Management of disciplinary problems in the classroom -Teachers role and action -Hindrance in managing discipline problems.

Teacher should:
1) Do not get panic easily 2) Avoid challenge and argue with the students 3) Review teaching approach 4) Dont solve the problem out of your limit

5) Refer to the experienced teacher

eg: counsellor 6) Know and follow school culture

Hindrance in managing discipline problems:

1) Relationship with parents

eg: no cooperative from parents

2) Peer influence eg: form their own geng in class 3) Classroom environment

eg 1: not conducive classroom

eg 2: teachers attitude towards students 4) Students development problems eg: teacher should know students background/ problems 5) Unexpected mistake eg: unexpected of emotional and discipline problems by students who disturb during teaching and learning process.


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