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Fear/Phobia Neutralizer Exercise Program

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Thank you for being a member of Chinese Energetics. As a Gift, I am giving you a set of free exercises to help you reduce any fear or phobia. This is for NEW members and members who have taken my Home Study Course and Tele-Classes.
Hi, Im Paul Wong and you are about to learn some powerful exercises to reduce any fear or phobia. Three years ago, I reached a point in my life where I was driven to live life to the fullest. However, at that time I was still unable to let go of negative emotional attachments. This created much distress in my life due to living life based on personal fears, insecurities, and fears, especially fear of loss. Then a personal tragedy occurred. It was probably the most difficult experience of my life but it was also the most enlightening. That experience helped me let go of resentment, anger, judgments, and a number of life's attachments. That experience gave me a taste of an unconditional space, a space of no ego only known to a few Zen masters, who achieved the highest levels of NEUTRALITY. It is a space where life long issues of suffering, both physical and non-physical, can be eliminated almost instantly. The question I asked myself, how I do I teach this space of NEUTRALITY to everyone? I believe this is a space that everyone can access - where its not just reserved for Zen Masters or those who spent their entire lives meditating in caves. Because I have been studying and practicing different holistic modalities for over 15 years, I started recognizing the hidden power of these very powerful tools and how to apply them so I can be in that space of NEUTRALITY almost all the time. I synthesize key learnings from the best holistic teachings around the world to create a personal self-mastery program that would help those become as neutral as possible throughout each and every day. I believe these practices and ways of being can be easily passed to the public without years of practice, resulting in a ZEN-like space that one can master in a relative short time. These techniques I have learned over the years has made me a much more successful speaker, communicator, businessperson, and live life without worries or negative emotions. I learned how to easily eliminate negative thinking that would create negative emotions and set me off balance. Im going to share with you how I did it. Im going to teach you how to do this for yourself. Im going to teach you how to take a fear and reduce the effects of it so you can feel more relaxed. Im going to show you how to live life experiences Watch Free Videos on Natural Self Healing at Copyright 2010 by All Rights Reserved

and be in control of any fear, anger, anxiety, or negative emotions that keep you from living life to the fullest. For starters, Im going to share with you two powerful exercises I learned and enhanced from NLP and meditative practices that can help you with any fear and phobia.

What can The Fear & Phobia Neutralizer help you out with?
You will be learning how to reduce any fear or phobia. The Fear & Phobia Neutralizer is for any situation that you feel uncomfortable with doing, saying, or being and technically be defined as any insecurity that causes you discomforts. Here are some areas The Fear & Phobia Neutralizer can help you out with: Common everyday fears and insecurities Discomfort with expressing your true feelings Discomfort with speaking up at work Discomfort with standing up for yourself Not able to dance freely without alcohol Worry about being judged Worry about financial loss Worry about being late Worry about being made fun of Other common phobias Fear of Public Speaking Social Phobia Fear of Flying Fear of Driving Fear of Heights Fear of Spiders Agoraphobia Almost any Fear or Phobia Fear of loss (relationship, friends, health, job, etc) Fear of Aging

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These are Powerful yet Simple exercises that anyone can do. Some fears and phobias will go away instantly, the first very time, using these exercises. Some fears and phobias will not go away so fast because you may not be experienced with holistic practices. It may require some tweaks and further instructions from an experienced holistic practitioner.

How do you use these exercises on a daily basis?

Say you have a fear of being social where every time you think of interacting with strangers you get anxious. You replay the thoughts of interacting with people in your mind over and over again throughout each day. Again, each time the thought of interacting with strangers comes up; it creates physical tension and nervousness in your body. The way you would use these exercises is every time the negative thought comes up, you would apply the The Fear & Phobia Neutralizer Exercises to dissolve the anxious feeling. A very effective way of neutralizing fear is to think about worst-case scenarios. Most people freak out about most trivial matters. If you can be neutral to the worst-case scenarios, the trivial matters wont have much affect on you and when the situations come up, you will feel calm and be able to deal with them effectively. Here is an example how to use the Neutralizer Exercise. Say in a social situation, walking up to a complete stranger and introducing yourself feels very scary along with a range of negative emotions. The exercise would be to think about the worst-case scenario of why it would be scary. You might think people are going to laugh at you and judge you. Apply the NEUTRALIZER exercise to the worst-case scenario. Also, ask yourself what else could be another worstcase scenario. Example, someone might beat you up. Apply the NEUTRALIZER exercise again. Keep doing this until all worst case scenarios are neutralized. Next time when you are out socializing, you wont feel meeting people to be so scary and you will be much more calm about doing so. Depending on how deep seeded the fear and phobia is within your being, it could require several months to fully neutralize it. For example, one of my friends was picked on a lot as a child. He must have been bullied a hundred of times in his life. Because of this, he had major anxiety around people and couldnt socialize. His fear being around people is very deep seeded from childhood and required several months of dedication from his end applying the Fear & Phobia Neutralizer and several other modalities I learned at the time. Now, he is very calm and creates a lot of rapport with people. People love being around him. Watch Free Videos on Natural Self Healing at Copyright 2010 by All Rights Reserved

What Im saying is - dont expect miracles with these powerful exercises Im sharing with you. At the same time, with constant practice you can reduce your fears and phobias significantly. If you are looking to get faster results, I just released an Audio Home Study Course that will teach you the energetics component, where you can eliminate negative emotions within minutes or seconds.

I will be giving you 3 Exercises to go through.

In exercise 1, you will learn how to apply the Fear & Phobia Neutralizer to your fear and phobia. I will teach you how to measure the way you feel before, during, and after applying the exercises. You do not need to go through the Home Study Course, just the NLP Fear & Phobia Cure Video. In exercise 2, you will be applying the Energetics Component. It is required to go through the Home Study Course before applying the energetic corrections. In exercise 3, you will learn how to measure your progress.

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Exercise #1: Fear & Phobia Neutralizer

In this exercise, you will apply the NLP Fear/Phobia Cure to Reduce any fear and phobia. Make sure you have completed the NLP Phobia Cure Video before beginning this exercise. This is a simple exercise that anyone, with practice, can significantly reduce tension, nervousness, and discomfort related to any fear, insecurity, or phobia. It is important to understand that your fear or phobia may not disappear if you use this exercise just once. Most likely, you may need to apply this exercise several times a day. Depending on the complexities of an issue, it may improve immediately or you may need further assistance from an experienced instructor to resolve deeper causes of your fear. Also, understand that even though everyone may have a common issue, it may take a slightly different approach to NEUTRALIZE the fear and phobia. 1. Go through the NLP Phobia Cure Video. Make sure you understand the Reverse Movie and Fire Technique. Find Video on 2. Write down a worst-case scenario of something that creates fear in you. It could be a fear of heights. It could be the fear of public speaking. It could be the fear of driving. Examples: For fear of driving, write, Im driving to work, a car hits my car, and I become paralyzed. For fear of spiders, write Im hiking on a trail, a spider comes out of no where, and bites me on the wrist, I start to feel sick.

3. How do you feel about the scenario emotionally? Do you feel angry, anxious, scared, upset, depressed, sad, tense, or worried? Write down the best emotional labels to describe how you feel about the worst-case scenario.

4. Where do you feel the physical sensation in your body? Example: If you feel sad, where do you feel the physical sensation? Do you feel in your heart? What does that sensation in your heart feel like? Is tight, strained, heavy, etc. Describe the physical sensation related to the emotional label.

5. What is the intensity of the feeling from a scale of 0 to 10? WHERE 0 there is no feeling and 10 there is extreme intensity of the negative emotion.

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6. Apply the Reverse Movie Technique from the NLP Fear/Phobia Cure Video. 7. How do you feel about the scenario emotionally after the exercise? Write down the emotion that describe scenario now. Did the emotional label from Step 3 change? If you think about the scenario and no longer have an emotional charge, you are done. If you still have an emotional charge, the Fire Exercise below will continue help reduce the emotional charge.

8. Has the physical sensation in Step 4 change? Is it less? Did it move to a different part of your body? Many times, feelings can move to different parts of the body. For instance, tension in the heart could change to tingling in the hands.

9. What is the intensity of this new feeling from a scale of 0 to 10? (0 there is no intensity and 10 there is extreme intensity)

10. Apply the Fire Technique. Note: Take the Film Strip from Reverse Movie and put it into the Fire. 11. How do you feel now? Again, write down the new feeling if it has changed.

12. Where do you feel it in your body?

13. What is the intensity of the feeling from a scale of 0 to 10? (0 there is no intensity and 10 there is extreme intensity)

14. Think about the Worst Case Scenario once again. Now, how does it make you feel when you think about it? What is the intensity of it? Do you feel more neutral about it? If you no longer feel an emotional charge, it means that it worked. If think about the scenario again and you feel more calm about it - it also means it worked. If you only felt a little improvement, repeat this entire exercise again.

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DID IT NOT WORKWHY? Some reasons to help you understand.

It is important to understand that doing these exercises once may not take your fears (discomforts, insecurities, etc) away in the first try. 1. It requires more tweaks and further instruction to your own personal circumstances. Working with someone with more experience will definitely help. 2. Some insecurities have multiple causes. If you are experienced with other holistic work or have worked with an experienced instructor you can use this Fear and Phobia Neutralizer to eliminate almost anything. 3. Sometimes the issue is resolved but your perception has not caught up yet. You can use energetics to improve your perception to see and feel the shifts. 4. A common cause is people are too much in their heads instead of feeling the change. Certain professions such as engineering, finances, accounting, IT conditions people to be too much in their heads mentally. They may require additional training to improve their ability to feel and sense. 5. Some people have a difficulty getting in touch with true feelings. They have trained from young age by family, education, and social influences to tough it out and suppress their true feelings. Suppression for years will require additional training to undo the suppression. 6. Also, by learning the energetics components of neutrality, you will be able to further identify the deeper root causes of your issues. This starts in Exercise #2.

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Exercise #2: Adding the Energetics Component

We will build upon exercise 1. In exercise 1, you have learned how to neutralize a fear or phobia using the NLP Fear/Phobia Cure. Even though this is a powerful set of exercises, I found that the Energetics component reduces the negative emotions at the fraction of the time and can get rid of deep seeded issues much faster. This exercise is for my students who have taken the Chinese Energetics Home Study Course or have finished Tele-Class: Part 1. Make sure you have complete Exercise 1 above, so you understand how to fill in the table below. 1. Describe another Fear/Phobia. 2. Fill out the table below. See Steps 3-7.
Step 1 2 3 4 5 Technique Applied How do I feel Checkpoint 1 Reverse Movie/Fire Technique How do I feel Checkpoint 2 5 Categories Energetic Correction How do I feel Checkpoint 3 Feeling Physical Location Intensity

3. Step 1 (Row 1) of TABLE: Go to the first row of the TABLE. Fill in the Feeling, Physical Location, and Intensity of how you feel about the SCENERIO. See exercise 1 if you dont understand this step. 4. Step 2 (Row 2) of TABLE: Apply Reverse Movie and Fire Technique. See exercise 1 if you dont understand this step. 5. Step 3 (Row 3) of TABLE: Again, fill in the Feeling, Physical Location, and Intensity of how you feel. See exercise 1 if you dont understand this step. 6. Step 4 (Row 4) of TABLE: Apply the 5 Categories Energetic Correction. You can find this technique as one of the first exercises taught in the Home Study Course. Watch Free Videos on Natural Self Healing at Copyright 2010 by All Rights Reserved

7. Step 5 (Row 5) of TABLE: Again, fill in the Feeling, Physical Location, and Intensity of how you feel. See exercise 1 if you dont understand this step. 8. Think about the Worst Case Scenario once again. Now, how does it make you feel when you think about it? What is the intensity of it? Do you feel more neutral about it? If you have no feeling, or you dont know how you feel about it - it means that it worked. If you feel more relaxed about it - it also means it worked. 9. Compare the difference between Exercise 1 & 2. What do you notice that is different when applying the Energetic Component?

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Exercise #3: Measuring Your Success (Action Plan)

1. Practice, Practice, Practice. To eliminate Fears and Phobias, create multiple worst-case scenarios of the fear & phobia. Apply the NLP Fear/Phobia Cure and The 5 Categories Energetic Correction. If you have taken the Home Study Course, also apply Specific Corrections and Cause and Effect Corrections. 2. For Fears/Phobias, put yourself into that real life experience. Of course, be safe about it. Do something that would usually create a negative emotion but doesnt put you in danger. If you are fearful of heights, you might not want to skydive or bungee jump since those are high-risk activities. If you are scared of socializing or public speaking, get out here and do it. See how you feel. Write down your experience. Do you feel a shift or change? Again, if there is little improvement, the exercises have worked. Again, it could take days, weeks, and even months of daily practice to fully neutralize a fear or phobia depending how deep seeded it is.

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Whats Next?

Home Study Course

If you are looking to neutralize your fears/phobias even faster and delete those really deep seeded issues , take the Chinese Energetics Home Study Course. Learn the Basics and apply to these exercises. Click Below to Learn More:

We also offer Weekly Tele-Classes. Take the Chinese Energetics Part I: The Fundamentals This introduction class is to learn the basics of Chinese Yuen Energetics, one of the most cutting-edge energetic methods for self-healing, regeneration, and accelerated performance improvement. This method of energetic comes from the Shaolin monastery of China. For thousands of years, the Shaolin monks practices martial arts to improve their personal well-being and their connection with their mind, body, and spirit. Click Below to Learn More:

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