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Installing ActivePerl

Hardware: 200 MB hard disk space for typical install Operating System: OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard" or later

ActivePerl is distributed on Mac OS X as a disk image (.dmg le). The disk image contains this installer package (.pkg bundle). Follow the remaining Installer prompts. The installer will ask for administrative authentication if the current user does not have administrative priviledges. After installation is complete, you may eject the ActivePerl disk image and move ActivePerl-version.dmg to the Trash.

OS X includes a non-interactive command line interface to Apple's Installer. To install the ActivePerl Apple installer from the command line: $ sudo installer \ -pkg /Users/<username>/ActivePerl-5.16.pkg \ -target / More information on the command line interface to Installer can be found in its man page.

The Apple Installer package installs ActivePerl in /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.16. To run the perl interpreter and PPM package manager (without having to enter the full path), add /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.16/bin to your PATH environment variable. For example: $ export PATH=/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.16/bin:$PATH To permanently add the directory to your PATH, add it to the .profile or .bashrc le in the user's home directory. For example: PATH=/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.16/bin:$PATH export PATH Alternatively, symbolic links to the binaries can be created in any bin directory currently in the PATH. For example: $ PATH=/Users/<username>/bin:$PATH $ export PATH $ ln -s /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.16/bin/perl \ /Users/<username>/bin/perl $ ln -s /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.16/bin/ppm \ /Users/<username>/bin/ppm

Uninstalling ActivePerl
To uninstall ActivePerl, run the uninstall script: $ sudo /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.16/bin/ap-uninstall Removing ActivePerl will not remove perl modules manually installed using PPM. If you want to remove them run: $ rm -rf /Users/<username>/Library/ActivePerl-5.16 If neccessary, remove any symbolic links created during conguration. For example: $ rm /Users/<username>/bin/perl

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